A great deal of you will be very happy

If they don't have the old reviews they have nothing. Have some compassion. Her sister died. She has her own health problems. There were creditors, partners and that pesky nephew to deal with. The servers need upgrading. Surely you won't begrudge the reposting of reviews.
Diabolo's Avatar
The only drama here is the drama caused by the aspd lynch mob of guttersnipes.

The information stolen by ERAPS is outdated and therefore useless. Those who approve of the action are welcome to go to ERAPS as their low quality posts certainly would fit in well with that low quality site. Originally Posted by Raphael
Now I get it... you and sofia are perfect for each other... you both are delousanal and believe you're better than anybody else around here, when in reality, you both are just a couple of attention-seeking asses and as so, are full of shit.

Oh and btw, if you talk about low quality posts... I guess it's time for you to follow your beloved mistress to ERAPS... nobody around here fits that profile as perfectly as she does.
Oh and send money for backup software.
carkido45's Avatar
I'm still banned.
I took a look at ecrap and tried my old handle and found out I was banned from ASPD and it carried over to ecraps. It said "banned for no reason specified" also "banned lifted never"
Duece can kiss my arse .
The mods here on eccie kick ass. Too funny.
Just pick any moderators handle over there and use the password password. You can get in.
Or an adimn who's password is nmida.
The only drama here is the drama caused by the aspd lynch mob of guttersnipes.

The information stolen by ERAPS is outdated and therefore useless. Those who approve of the action are welcome to go to ERAPS as their low quality posts certainly would fit in well with that low quality site. Originally Posted by Raphael
I couldn't disagree more. There have been numerous cases of hobbyists going in on providers that were known quantities on the P. If that database had been available, they would have had a chance of researching their way out of a bad time.

FYI: I was able to get my old handle back on ERAPS by requesting a forgotten password using the e-mail I had registered on the P. Pretty easy and it looks like the P's database is intact over there, though they've got a messed up policy on granting BCD access. It sounds like they're only offering 2 months for reviews posted this first week, after that its by payment only. And it doesn't look like they're honoring those of us who had BCD on ASPD and paid for it in the waning days, or who had dozens of reviews. If I'm wrong about any of that, go ahead and correct me.

Raphael's Avatar
It's called sarcasm.
Wayward's Avatar
The only drama here is the drama caused by the aspd lynch mob of guttersnipes. Originally Posted by Raphael
I'm part of the P lynch mob of guttersnipes?

Please post again! pretty please, this is wonderful stuff. I'm going to use the line that got me banned from the P all those years ago. "are you retarded?"
Raphael's Avatar
I'm part of the P lynch mob of guttersnipes?
Originally Posted by Wayward
Is it a wonder you'd recognize yourself in the expression: "lynch mob of guttersnipes."

Sorry I didn't get it, Jake
carkido45's Avatar
I couldn't disagree more. There have been numerous cases of hobbyists going in on providers that were known quantities on the P. If that database had been available, they would have had a chance of researching their way out of a bad time.

FYI: I was able to get my old handle back on ERAPS by requesting a forgotten password using the e-mail I had registered on the P. Pretty easy and it looks like the P's database is intact over there, though they've got a messed up policy on granting BCD access. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
We won't stop you GET TO STEPPIN and DON'T LOOK Back.
Wayward's Avatar
Is it a wonder you'd recognize yourself in the expression: "lynch mob of guttersnipes."

Sorry I didn't get it, Jake Originally Posted by Raphael
So you are completely brain dead, a ready and willing organ donor? Because if you are not mentally defective, suffering from a hard blow to the head or just recto-cranially impacted, why would you use such an effete terminally gay invective on a SHMB?

I am a murdering rat bastard, thank you very mucho. Please post more.
Wait a minute... Is sofia gone? Why are we still posting on this thread?
Raphael's Avatar
Maybe wayward can find relief from his frustrations from a lower end street-walker.
You can at least afford crack heads, can you, Wayward?

Wait a minute... Is sofia gone? Why are we still posting on this thread? Originally Posted by enderwiggin
She'll be welcome back here, any day, by all those who have better things to do than to pick on minorities of one. So Mikki Fine and Venus Nova.