I heard they arrived in "Black Helicopters" Bitchin' is a lot easier than fixin'... I'm just sayin' Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
And apparently, jokes are better than the truth. Just sayin'
ck1942's Avatar
Does not matter what anyone has posted here or elsewhere regarding how LE managed to enter the venue. They did, and that's that. But they did not as far as I can determine enter via the invite list.

All of the invitations went through me. I verify all those who vouched. And the vouched were from well established members, both male or female.

Unless an established member (heck, better make that more than one established member!) was flipped (be they male or female) ALL invitees, including UTRs (female or male) accompanied in by established members, were vouched and validated properly. No one has presented to me any data to controvert that.

Event organizers should have definitely learned some lessons from the December 2009 event; those lessons so far have been reinforced at events and venues in January, February, March and April in Austin, San Antonio, Houston and elsewhere.

The increased security wont diminish any fun for those planning to attend the San Antonio's "Summer Lights" (two events -- a lunch and an HH -- per month in May, June, July, August). They were successful in 2009 and we expect similar enthusiasm in 2010.

As has been noted by many in the posts above, those who feel attending an event is too risky merely need to avoid events.

Those who would like to attend should expect (heck, even insist!) screening and vouching appropriate to the events and the venues.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
And apparently, jokes are better than the truth. Just sayin'
Originally Posted by Merlin
.... and apparently you haven't put forth either one... I'm just sayin'

BTW... still waiting to hear how you would provide better screening at Socials... forgive me if I don't hold my breath...
.... and apparently you haven't put forth either one... I'm just sayin'

BTW... still waiting to hear how you would provide better screening at Socials... forgive me if I don't hold my breath... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Neither have you. You can hold your breath if you want to. All you got is silly jokes anyway.
Hambone, good to hear your writings. I was of another life on the old site.
Thanks for alot of clearing up. It was a shame that the good one got deported. Her fault no one else's. My question is, why did people wait in the cold for the food? I did not see that on the news? As for security, please people, anyone who has an outstanding anything should not go out there door. They could have been stopped on the way to the party and still been arrested. Another question, have we heard from anyone arrested? They would know, if a warrant was used, what the ruse was to get in? Alot of answers would be completely answered and in writing, so everyone who wanted it in writing could see it.
I often question new writings here now, as I did then somewhat. When I first started I wrote about the Milkmaid(some will remember her) and was banned immediately for a fake review. Later, without apology, I was let in after a few old timers drank the milk. My point is, question everything is ok. To not give answers is wrong. A good lawyer will know the answer before he asks someone a question. (O.J. Simpson). A bad lawyer, well we all know atleast one.
Perhaps for future gatherings, part of the invitee questionaire should be: Are YOU sure you have No outstanding concerns with anytype of le? If yes, go away.
thanks Ham for the update.
carkido45's Avatar
One thing for sure TMFT is number one on CB and CK's social invite list.
I know TMFT is funny but the booty kissing of CB is a new one.
There's your joke. Lol
Mojojo's Avatar
This is almost like playing a game of clue . . . . Im just sayin
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Neither have you. You can hold your breath if you want to. All you got is silly jokes anyway. Originally Posted by Merlin
What have you got young fella... besides a propensity for squealing like a stuck hog and a Pavlovian impulse for dog piling?

What specifically do you think was done incorrectly?

Do you have any facts to back up your position?

What would you specifically do differently ?

I would really like to hear an answer besides;

1. I didn't get invited so I am enjoying ranting.

2. He done it, I know he done it and thats all the facts I need.

3. What everyone else said.

One thing for sure TMFT is number one on CB and CK's social invite list.
I know TMFT is funny but the booty kissing of CB is a new one.
There's your joke. Lol Originally Posted by carkido45
I'm on a lot of folks invite lists. They either like my sense of humor or the fact that I'm so dang old and ugly that they look better standing next to me. I'm usually the ugliest guy there... unless you go.. but you never get invited.. so there ya go...

I just get tired of the dog piling . It's a Texas thang.
ratboy jam's Avatar
I was there...I ALSO was there BEFORE the party started to help set-up. I was "approached" by what I THINK was some UC's..and DID NOT bite. If you're ever in a club, and someone comes up to you in the bathroom and offers ANYTHING, ASSUME it is a "set-up".

I was at the social a few years ago that was put on at a BIZ that was "closed" to the outside public. There were MANY "rumors" of LE being there too...and that "social" was much LESS "secure" than the December one. This time, the UC's were DETERMINED to make "something happen". All that MONEY spent on the raid had to net SOMETHING. AND,, that "something" seems to have been ONE person deported....(if that REALLY happened).

Busting on guys who HAD been arranging the soxials is a little too much. There are some on "another board" who seem to be "upset" that they were'nt "accepted" so they are on that board and here complaining. I have been to a couple of poker tourneys and they ARE ABOVE board but IF LE decides to "raid" the place, who the F**K is gonna stop them??

Alot has been written about the "inclusion" of LE into the party but whether they were actually in the social BEFORE the raid is a MUTE point. LE just used it as a ROUST and for PUBLICITY..hence the news team outside.

Come on...ther MIGHT be a few ladies that would be willing to "help" out "somebody" if that "somebody" had the "goods" on them?? We are FRIGGIN LYING to ourselves to think that SOME of the providers on here haven't had to "trade" things to get off of
prostitution/drug/outstanding warrant/etc charges.

I know cb a little better than most on here and KNOW that he has had to put in a little more than the few bucks the guys had to pay for entry. I also know the FRIGGIN headache of putting the thing on. The "Monday morningers" haven't seemed to totally be truthful and thought out their "opinions"...other than WHINE about being left out. I really haven't noticed anybody that was a "regular" complaining..only those who are/were "looking in from the outside"...

I was NOT arrested because I was there for the party AND brought about 40 bucks worth of toys. I do commend LE for allowing the toys/donations to be left for the kids.

While the various threads/posts regarding this social are for the most part, funny and entertaining, the REALLY severe griping seems to be an easy thing for those who have not attended socials.
Socials/parties/tourneys will go on long after many of us quit the hobby...and the presence of LE will also stand the test of time.
I thank cb and ck for the time/money/effort that they put in for the last socials. They were a blast and THAT cannot be taken away by the griping being done.

A few years ago..me and Tgator "arranged" a weekday "social" at the Church. It cost me and him over 150 a piece because people didn't "pay up"..and that was at a FRIGGIN SC...with NO guarantees to the establishment. It IS EXPENSIVE AND time onsuming to arrange these type of things. To say that "other" socials are held without problems is hard to believe...or at least it is hard to believe that as many ladies show up at them as showed up at the last 4 or 5. The "problems" other than LE are more common than one may think. Cheap bastards not paying enough of their share happens ALL THE TIME!!

Hey "other" MODS, be sure and add me to the "ass-kisser" title like TMFT!!! It would be a great addition to the many "lists" I currently am on!!

Carkido45...WTF?? the socials have been pretty successful for the last few years and the bitterness you have shown seems to be more of a personal thing than helpful. I ALWAYS am able to figure out what play the Texans SHOULD have run the NEXT day. For those who say they run socials with more security..I say BS!! Even back to the "safer" days with BNI's socials..there WAS a guy who WAS LE...and he was a "vouched" guy...no "raids" happened but they could have...and NOT ONE FRIGGIN hobbyist could have done ANYTHING to have stopped it...BUT if YOU plan a social..and I was invited...I'd be happy to attend it too!! AND I won't be CHARGED/CONVICTED of anything..just like the Dec social. LE can ARREST/DETAIN ANYBODY they want..ANYWHERE and ANY VENUE..and YOU or ANYBODY else can't do ONE DAMN THING TO STOP IT...put YOUR "money" where your mouth is and arrange a social..and see how much YOU "make" off of it?? See how much some of our fellow hobbyists STIFF you on the prices and then YOU have to pick up the slack. I've SEEN The crap at the afetrnoon socials where a hobbyist pays his "fee" but eats twice the amount of food that his money would cover..I don't eat much more than a few chips and sals and pay for one of THEIR MANY plates. And STILL cb and ck had to pull out their OWN money to pay the tab. MAYBE you and the other whine babies SHOULD have been allowed to attend the various socials...ya'll SURELY would have paid any undercharges..so I guess that I should retract anything positive I've said about ck/cb and just say FU guys...next time allow EVERYBODY to attend..that way the MM QB's could have helped out with the tab!!
What have you got young fella... besides a propensity for squealing like a stuck hog and a Pavlovian impulse for dog piling?

What specifically do you think was done incorrectly?

Do you have any facts to back up your position?

What would you specifically do differently ?

I would really like to hear an answer besides;

1. I didn't get invited so I am enjoying ranting.

2. He done it, I know he done it and thats all the facts I need.

3. What everyone else said. Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
I guess these guys need you to white knight for them.

There are some conflicting stories here between the major players. That's what I am interested in. Not your rambling.
carkido45's Avatar
What have you got young fella... besides a propensity for squealing like a stuck hog and a Pavlovian impulse for dog piling?

What specifically do you think was done incorrectly?

Do you have any facts to back up your position?

What would you specifically do differently ?

I would really like to hear an answer besides;

1. I didn't get invited so I am enjoying ranting.

2. He done it, I know he done it and thats all the facts I need.

3. What everyone else said.

I'm on a lot of folks invite lists. They either like my sense of humor or the fact that I'm so dang old and ugly that they look better standing next to me. I'm usually the ugliest guy there... unless you go.. but you never get invited.. so there ya go...

I just get tired of the dog piling . It's a Texas thang. Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Hey butt kisser did I hit a button. Lol.
usetacould's Avatar
What RB said, on the money
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I guess these guys need you to white knight for them.

There are some conflicting stories here between the major players. That's what I am interested in. Not your rambling. Originally Posted by Merlin
They don't need my help, they've both been around a long time. Folks know them.

I just don't like to see folks ganged up on thats all. It's a Texas thang.

Soooo... you admit you have no interest in contibuting anything constructive....

Hey butt kisser did I hit a button. Lol. Originally Posted by carkido45
No, I just noticed nobody talks to you and decided to throw a dog a bone. But ya might wanna rethink that whole Debbie Downer thing you got goin' on. I'm just sayin'.
carkido45's Avatar
They don't need my help, they've both been around a long time. Folks know them.

I just don't like to see folks ganged up on thats all. It's a Texas thang.

Soooo... you admit you have no interest in contibuting anything constructive....

No, I just noticed nobody talks to you and decided to throw a dog a bone. But ya might wanna rethink that whole Debbie Downer thing you got goin' on. I'm just sayin'. Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Having LE is NOT a security breach. Anyone is allowed to have a party - hell, you can host a party for drug users and sellers - just don't try to buy or sell drugs at the party! Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Maybe this is a dumb question but, why would drug users and drug sellers convene at the same place at the same time if their intention was to do anything other than buy or sell drugs?

I'm surprised by your response to my post cb. I guess somehow you took it as an attack on you. That was definitely not my intention. And your point is very well taken that nothing any of us do in this hobby is 100% safe.

I thought this thread was a discussion about pondering what went wrong. I only asked if maybe the change of venue had anything to do with it.

Peace in the Middle East!!!

Make love not war!!!