Twitter permabans the orange clown inciter-in-chief..

Russ38's Avatar
Oh btw’s that green energy shit working out for you libs the past day or two?......

Still thinck burning fossils are a waste?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-16-2021, 02:18 PM
If pxmcc was even vaguely original in his posts I would give him some credit but everything he posts are exactly the talking points of the liberal media outlets he posted about. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
you may very well be correct. but..references?

i'm not the first to point out that Republicans only care about the debt when a Dem is in the White House. many commentators on the left have pointed this out.

my commentary on trump's tax cut and the deficit and supply siders? i didnt need to read anything to know what a disaster this was, but yes Paul Krugman (nyt) has published some great commentaries on the folly of the supply siders.

syria? i dont know if the libs know anything about the kurds and the turks or Mad Dog.

Space Force? i dont recall reading about the problems i cited in any lib publications.

Immigration? I dont recall reading anywhere that illegal immigrants may be the solution to our trade deficits and offshoring of our manufacturing operations.

Judges perfect for 1789? it's not called "The Federalist Soceity" for nothing..

i could go on, but i think you get the point. so i ask, again, citations? i dont claim to be some genius, but i do claim to at least march to my own drummer..
Russ38's Avatar
Oh btw’s that green energy shit working out for you libs the past day or two?......

Still thinck burning fossils are a waste? Originally Posted by Russ38
Still thinking?.....

you may very well be correct. but..references?

i'm not the first to point out that Republicans only care about the debt when a Dem is in the White House. many commentators on the left have pointed this out.

my commentary on trump's tax cut and the deficit and supply siders? i didnt need to read anything to know what a disaster this was, but yes Paul Krugman (nyt) has published some great commentaries on the folly of the supply siders.

syria? i dont know if the libs know anything about the kurds and the turks or Mad Dog.

Space Force? i dont recall reading about the problems i cited in any lib publications.

Immigration? I dont recall reading anywhere that illegal immigrants may be the solution to our trade deficits and offshoring of our manufacturing operations.

Judges perfect for 1789? it's not called "The Federalist Soceity" for nothing..

i could go on, but i think you get the point. so i ask, again, citations? i dont claim to be some genius, but i do claim to at least march to my own drummer.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Excuse me px......

My apologies.....carry on......
VitaMan's Avatar
This thread is doing pretty good, considering politics is not to be included in the Sandbox.
CryptKicker's Avatar
There is nothing that says that political threads cannot be in the local forum sandbox.
CryptKicker's Avatar
So what exact points are you wanting to be proved wrong about?
VitaMan's Avatar
Must have missed the memo.

There used to be big discussions about discussing politics outside of political forums. Maybe it is the same type of discussions our wonderful congress has.
winn dixie's Avatar
This thread is doing pretty good, considering politics is not to be included in the Sandbox. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Must have missed the memo.

There used to be big discussions about discussing politics outside of political forums. Maybe it is the same type of discussions our wonderful congress has. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Many cities sandboxes' have political threads.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-18-2021, 04:33 AM
Still thinking?.....

Excuse me px......

My apologies.....carry on...... Originally Posted by Russ38
when ya gotta go, u gotta go..
  • pxmcc
  • 02-18-2021, 04:39 AM
So what exact points are you wanting to be proved wrong about? Originally Posted by CryptKicker
you said i got my ideas from lib media, specifically on:
-space force
-trump judges perfect for 1789

so i'm asking you to find the lib media sources where i plagiarized my ideas from. and best of luck good sir!
Russ38's Avatar
There used to be big discussions about discussing politics outside of political forums. Maybe it is the same type of discussions our wonderful congress has. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Not really, they’ve always been allowed in the local shitbox.....There just used to be certain modtards who would move them to the political forum when they didn’t feel like moderating......
This thread is doing pretty good, considering politics is not to be included in the Sandbox. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I guess as long as you don"t insult each other. Only do that on the Political Thread. Funny thing is they will still cry to the mods.
boardman's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
Reagan's star wars program broke the back of the Soviets. The cost was high but the threat was considerably diminished.
I'm good with the constitution as written and I'm good with judges who interpret it as written. If we want it changed that great document gives us a process by which to do it. It mentions nothing about judges being able to circumvent the process.
Fuck Syria and the Kurds and the Turks and the Iranians and the Koreans and the Russians and the Ukrainians...unless, of course, they are buying our excess oil and gas from us at insane profits then...hello friend.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-19-2021, 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by boardman

on manufacturing, the net jobs increase under trump was +500,000, which was on par with the same rate of increase under both prior Obama terms. and trade deficits have increased from 2016 to 2019, not decreased, under Trump.

whatever trump did, it was of very limited success and the big monkey on the back of the U.S.-the trade deficit-went up, not down under Trump. maybe if he had a longer attention span, he could have reduced the trade deficit with China to closer to 0. i thought that the tariffs on China were smart, but there was no follow through.

here's the data on trade deficits for the last 10 years. multiply all values by 1 million (yikes!)