Kendal Clarkson. What sort of hooker logic is this?

well ... technically .. it's (pick one)

"It's 'you're', dummy" ... the comma showing dummy to be a noun used in direct address ... like "stfu, dodger"

or, use the definite article (the) or the indefinite article (a) ... as in

"you're a dummy" ... or "you're the dummy" . .. the latter used normally as a bridge term ... no, wait ... now that i think of it ... both are commonly used at the bridge table.

...btw ... it's not that i don't notice dorthy's errors ... just that i noticed that, in her showcase, she lists "spelling nazis" among her "dislikes" ... and i don't want to be on her bad side ... because, besides showing personality, wit, intelligence .... she is sooo hot and pretty, i have opted to let any grammatical issues slide. someday ... i may have the opportunity to enjoy her charms.

i just don't feel the same about you ... probably best for both of us. Originally Posted by dodger
Agreed!!! She was already on my radar, but good grief!!!