Malaysian airlines: the rise of Al Queada?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Are you drunk or just brain damaged?

"6666" .... TAKE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE. You are snarling and snapping again.

I think Flight 370 lacked sufficient fuel to fly to Texas when it disappeared. You are a child

JL brought it up and you let it slide so naturally I assumed you thought there was relevance there ... besides you and JL are exactly alike... both of you are ok with each others stupidity too. Originally Posted by CJ7
Hopefully you are just being an asshole and you realize I was pointing out to ExNyer, who challenged me to prove you could land a 777 in many places, that off the top of my head I remember adequate conditions near the almost deserted West Texas 6666 ranch as a place someone could land a 777.
I wasn't implying the hijacked airliner flew to Texas unobserved. Hopefully, your reading comprehension and intelligence aren't that bad.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Keep trying asshole.

All you have done is identified the type of highway you can land on.

You also have to make sure there are no overpasses - OUCH - for about a mile plus.

And there are no overhead signs or big light poles in the median for about a mile plus stretch.

And, of course, you have to find one in a deserted area where NO ONE will spot the 777 landing or bring deboarded or being refueled and taking off again. While the whole world is looking for the missing plane. Originally Posted by ExNYer
No shit, asshole. I spoke about the need for clearance for the wings in an earlier post. You still haven't refuted what the pilot said about 5000 feet of runway to land, nor have you addressed hard packed dirt.
No shit, asshole. I spoke about the need for clearance for the wings in an earlier post. You still haven't refuted what the pilot said about 5000 feet of runway to land, nor have you addressed hard packed dirt. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I do not have to identify or refute anything.

Both YOU and JD have to identify a landing strip that is at least a mile long (I will be generous and waive the 8000 foot requirement) that is in a deserted area where no one will drive for hours at a time.

And you have to explain how they refuel the plane and take off again with only a 5000 foot runway even thought the 777 generally needs over 10,000 to takeoff.

You must also explain how they got 239 bodies plus luggage off the plane to lighten the load to take off again.

We are all still waiting.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-16-2014, 09:38 PM
You must also explain how they got 239 bodies plus luggage off the plane to lighten the load to take off again

and a refueling truck to a remote location that nobody ever saw OR reported missing ... and an entire host of other complicated scenarios associated with 777's that to date have gone un noticed and unrepoterd

still waiting for a response from your vivid imagination.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I do not have to identify or refute anything.

Both YOU and JD have to identify a landing strip that is at least a mile long (I will be generous and waive the 8000 foot requirement) that is in a deserted area where no one will drive for hours at a time.

And you have to explain how they refuel the plane and take off again with only a 5000 foot runway even thought the 777 generally needs over 10,000 to takeoff.

You must also explain how they got 239 bodies plus luggage off the plane to lighten the load to take off again.

We are all still waiting. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Why do you think it has be an isolated area with no living people around. Ever been to Iraq or Afghanistan? I don't think you have. It does not need to be that isolated for the people to realize that if they talk (if they are inclined to or have the ability to) then they die along with their families. As for the bodies, this was a well thought out plan and you seem to think there is only one or two people involved. Why are you so stupid? How do you get 3200 rounds off a navy ship? One at a time. How do you get 239 bodies off a plane? The same way.

I think you had better engage your brain and read about operations such this. Transporting fuel is not a problem. Getting enough without arousing suspicion is the problem. How to get around that. Buy it or steal if smaller quantities from airports where no one will notice. Answer me this; how did drug dealers fly into the US and LAND their planes to deliver drugs and then take off again without anyone noticing? I'm not talking Cessna single engines. I am talking about twin and other multi-engine planes and Mena, AR. How did we land inside enemy lines during Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan without anyone noticing? Try to use that brain you lug around.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Why do you think it has be an isolated area with no living people around. Ever been to Iraq or Afghanistan? I don't think you have. It does not need to be that isolated for the people to realize that if they talk (if they are inclined to or have the ability to) then they die along with their families. As for the bodies, this was a well thought out plan and you seem to think there is only one or two people involved. Why are you so stupid? How do you get 3200 rounds off a navy ship? One at a time. How do you get 239 bodies off a plane? The same way. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I believe JD answered you two guys questions quite well.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-16-2014, 09:53 PM
Why do you think it has be an isolated area with no living people around. Ever been to Iraq or Afghanistan? I don't think you have. It does not need to be that isolated for the people to realize that if they talk (if they are inclined to or have the ability to) then they die along with their families. As for the bodies, this was a well thought out plan and you seem to think there is only one or two people involved. Why are you so stupid? How do you get 3200 rounds off a navy ship? One at a time. How do you get 239 bodies off a plane? The same way. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

like not one single mouth gave up Saddam's sons or Bin Laden ....

how do you explain how dumb you are ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh otherwise you just decided to start one of your childish attacks on me. Sorry I should have known there was no substance there. What part do you find umbrage with Curly? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
How is asking you a question a childish attack? Unless you want to avoid the question. Or couldn't understand it. Now have someone read the question and explain it to you. Since you complained about a source cited that wasn't "authorized", the question is, "Should we only accept news from authorized sources?" Yes or no?

If it's easier for you, LittleEva, tap one dot for yes, and two dots for no. Thanks.

Why do you think it has be an isolated area with no living people around. Ever been to Iraq or Afghanistan? I don't think you have. It does not need to be that isolated for the people to realize that if they talk (if they are inclined to or have the ability to) then they die along with their families. As for the bodies, this was a well thought out plan and you seem to think there is only one or two people involved. Why are you so stupid? How do you get 3200 rounds off a navy ship? One at a time. How do you get 239 bodies off a plane? The same way.

I think you had better engage your brain and read about operations such this. Transporting fuel is not a problem. Getting enough without arousing suspicion is the problem. How to get around that. Buy it or steal if smaller quantities from airports where no one will notice. Answer me this; how did drug dealers fly into the US and LAND their planes to deliver drugs and then take off again without anyone noticing? I'm not talking Cessna single engines. I am talking about twin and other multi-engine planes and Mena, AR. How did we land inside enemy lines during Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan without anyone noticing? Try to use that brain you lug around. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I got a question for you JD. How do you think a plane the size of the triple 7 flying with no ACARS or transponder signal can fly over those places you mentioned without having AF jets scrambled.
JCM800's Avatar
Answer me this; how did drug dealers fly into the US and LAND their planes to deliver drugs and then take off again without anyone noticing? I'm not talking Cessna single engines. I am talking about twin and other multi-engine planes and Mena, AR. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How many of those planes are reported missing with 239 passengers on board?

It's fairly easy to go unnoticed when all you're doing is making a delivery, as opposed to hijacking a Boeing 777.
LexusLover's Avatar
You must also explain how they got 239 bodies plus luggage off the plane to lighten the load to take off again

... still waiting for a response from your vivid imagination. Originally Posted by CJ7
There have been 747's found abandoned in the desert in Northern Mexico.

No bodies. No "baggage"!

Your "play selection" for qualification of a "landing strip" is limited. You get bodies and luggage off the plane by un-assing them and carrying and/or dragging them to the door and tossing them to the ground. Dead people and bags don't struggle.

I'm not speculating that this aircraft landed on land. I think it hit the water.

But your theoretical analysis and challenge based on some limited knowledge of the information defies reality ... having been involved in some short takeoffs in various aircraft, including a large 4 engine jet and 2 engine jets, 2,3, and 4 prop aircraft on various types of challenging environments and conditions, I don't discount the ingenuity and creativeness, if not the out right balls, of those responsible for getting the damn things in the air.... at sea level and at high elevations when mountain tops are well above the flight path and one must traverse passes to "escape."

So, please don't make fun of people you know nothing about.
So, LittleEva, you only accept news from authorized sources? You must have loved Pravda. Simple minded statist moron. No wonder inbred chimps are embarrassed when they are compared to you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You make a statement then it is supposed to be a question. Then the rest is your bull shit attack .
How is asking you a question a childish attack? Unless you want to avoid the question. Or couldn't understand it. Now have someone read the question and explain it to you. Since you complained about a source cited that wasn't "authorized", the question is, "Should we only accept news from authorized sources?" Yes or no?

If it's easier for you, LittleEva, tap one dot for yes, and two dots for no. Thanks.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Now you can see why we are sure it is time for the home for your aol dumb ass,. Plus I was not complaining except in your dim old LOL ( mind)
LexusLover's Avatar
How many of those planes are reported missing with 239 passengers on board?

It's fairly easy to go unnoticed when all you're doing is making a delivery, as opposed to hijacking a Boeing 777. Originally Posted by JCM800

It's not going "unnoticed" ... it is going unreported.

If the taking of flight 370 was planned .. and it was to be landed ... those "arrangements" are already made ... that it go "unreported" ....

we aren't talking West Texas .... we are talking SE Asia.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-17-2014, 07:31 AM
There have been 747's found abandoned in the desert in Northern Mexico.

No bodies. No "baggage"!

Your "play selection" for qualification of a "landing strip" is limited. You get bodies and luggage off the plane by un-assing them and carrying and/or dragging them to the door and tossing them to the ground. Dead people and bags don't struggle.

I'm not speculating that this aircraft landed on land. I think it hit the water.

But your theoretical analysis and challenge based on some limited knowledge of the information defies reality ... having been involved in some short takeoffs in various aircraft, including a large 4 engine jet and 2 engine jets, 2,3, and 4 prop aircraft on various types of challenging environments and conditions, I don't discount the ingenuity and creativeness, if not the out right balls, of those responsible for getting the damn things in the air.... at sea level and at high elevations when mountain tops are well above the flight path and one must traverse passes to "escape."

So, please don't make fun of people you know nothing about. Originally Posted by LexusLover

its easy to make fun of people that have no concept of physics ... take you for instance.

a Volkswagen can stop in a much shorter distance than a Greyhound Bus can even if both are fully loaded. and traveling the same speed.. same with planes Dilbert.

I posted a picture of a 747 and a 200ER 777 sitting side by side on this thread ... not that you can, but you're more than welcome to try and land one (777) on any type of runway, short, rough, dirt, levee etc that you can imagine ... I'll watch.

theres an old saying around the pilots lounge ... anyone can get in a plane and take off, but landing the sob is a different story ... try it sometime Amelia.
I B Hankering's Avatar
In April 1980, several U.S. aircraft penetrated Iran and landed on the desert mostly undetected, and what few witnesses there were, were detained.

Operation Eagle Claw

"The plan was this:

"On the first night, six Air Force C-130s carrying 132 Delta commandos, Army Rangers, and support personnel and the helicopter fuel would fly from the island of Masirah, off the coast of Oman, more than 1,000 miles to Desert One, being refueled in flight from Air Force KC-135 tankers.

"Eight Navy RH-53Ds would lift off the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz, about 50 miles south of the Iranian coast, and fly more than 600 miles to Desert One.

"After refueling, the helicopters would carry the rescue force to a hideout in hills about 50 miles southeast of Tehran, then fly to a separate hiding spot nearby. The C-130s would return to Masirah, being refueled in flight again."

Regarding "witnesses" during the mission:

"Soon after the first crews landed and began securing Desert One, a tanker truck, apparently smuggling fuel, was blown up nearby by the Delta Force roadblock team using a shoulder-fired rocket as it tried to escape the site. The truck's passenger was killed, but the driver managed to escape in an accompanying pickup truck. As the tanker truck was evaluated to be engaged in clandestine smuggling, the driver was not considered to pose a security threat to the mission... A civilian Iranian bus with a driver and 43 passengers traveling on the same road, which now served as the runway for the aircraft, was forced to halt at approximately the same time and the passengers were detained aboard Republic 3."

Equipment failure led to the mission being cancelled, and that was followed by a catastrophic collision which left many Americans dead. But until the collision, six C-130s and six American Sea Stallion helicopters went veritably undetected in the Iranian desert.

BTW, for the smart-asses that may wish to deprecate Wiki as a source, you can read Bowden's Guests of the Ayatollah: The Iran Hostage Crisis: The First Battle in America's War with Militant Islam on your nickel. It tells the same story.