Kathy Griffin

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  • 06-02-2017, 06:07 AM
Can you imagine him playing baseball and proclaiming he made a "touchdown" when he crossed "home," so it was worth 6 points?

If he didn't change the subject, ...

... he couldn't declare himself "the winner" of the discussion. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Care to weigh in on the legality of wtf Kathy Griffin did and why we have so many snowflakes crying about it.
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  • 06-02-2017, 06:20 AM
Lol... but you didn't compare it to a "masty (sic) divorce... instead you brought up HITLER!

YOU LOSE! Originally Posted by lustylad
RM posted a picture of Kathy smiling with Trump.

I said it had nothing to do with the present.

Gay Rey basically agreed with me... not that he is smart enough to realize it.

You bring up Reaganomics, then back track after I counter with Dave Stockmton

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  • 06-02-2017, 06:21 AM
NOT FUNNY ONE BIT! imagine if this was done to The 0zombie King...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Great picture Iffy...
Care to weigh in on the legality of wtf Kathy Griffin did and why we have so many snowflakes crying about it. Originally Posted by WTF

Maybe the courts would like to put her "art" to the test...hmmm? I know I for one would find that much more interesting than what the camera-shy Comey will have to say this coming week....

Look at the case of Oregon resident, John Roos, who is currently serving a five years behind bars for threatening Obama thru the use of social media (Twitter and Facebook). He apologized afterwards and claimed he was "not serious" about the threats he made however....a jailbird, he is, nonetheless.

Griffin's "art" (as per Snoop Dogg's video) could possibly be interpreted as a real threat on the president's life, as well (and there are clear statutes that address such things). Think about it....if Hillary were president today...and I posted a photo of myself holding a mock-up of her bloodied, severed head on social media...I guarantee you I am in a world of hurt today. I would be terminated from my job within hours...plus the Feds would be up in my shorts like nobody's business.

Snowflakes or not, WTF, the argument of Free Speech protection vs blatant statements suggesting destruction/ terrorism/ assassination, etc (ie: Madonna's desire to "blow up the White House") or a photo of the POTUS' severed head being held ISIS-like by a comedienne can be a fine line. Perhaps District Court Judge Michael McShane would like to hear this case, as well, should legal actions be taken...apology or not.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think Twitler paid her to do this.

ANYTHING but doing his job. ANY distraction from his impending demise.

It was stupid, but could only have come from the conniving Turd Reich. Kathy Griffin is a fucking comic. Her batting average is WAY higher than anyone's in the Reich.


FAKE outrage. FAKE President. REAL dipshits!
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  • 06-02-2017, 09:33 AM
Are you talking about the man they found with PIPE BOMBS...who threathened to kill FBI agents also.

oh yea, that is comparable!

She will never be arrested, nor should she, her only crime is for being a pussy and making an apology.

Like I said, she should next take a picture of Ted Nugents severed head. Fake of course.

You are being a government control freak.

Look, half the country would celebrate if somebody cut off Trumps head and the other half would celebrate if somebody cut off Clintons. Celebrating is not against the law....as of yet.
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But if the Reich has its way...
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  • 06-02-2017, 10:49 AM
Like I said, if somebody cut off Trumps head, I'd celebrate a bit. I think Trump a danger to this country, he wants a Soviet style of government. So , yea, him gone would be a time for celebration depending on who takes his place....Pence would be like the old Ayatollah Khomeini, installing religious law.

I believe change should come through the ballot box though....so I'm not hoping Trump gets his ugly mug cut off.
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All My dumb ass got to say is if that was YOU or I or ANYONE we know we would be LOCKED UP
And if the head was oboo boo it would be the firing squad "for you"
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Oh and for the constitutional free speech snowflaks , free speech stopped when threat 's begin ( think of yelling fire in a public area)
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  • 06-02-2017, 12:05 PM
All My dumb ass got to say is if that was YOU or I or ANYONE we know we would be LOCKED UP
And if the head was oboo boo it would be the firing squad "for you" Originally Posted by rexdutchman
That is a fucking lie , only a moron would actually believe such.

So you're either a moron or preaching to them.
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  • 06-02-2017, 12:08 PM
Oh and for the constitutional free speech snowflaks , free speech stopped when threat 's begin ( think of yelling fire in a public area) Originally Posted by rexdutchman

It was a god damn picture you fool.

I think even our resident legal scholar LexyLiar will tell you she did nothing illegal.

Oh wait LexyPoo does not apply the law to both sides equally. Or better stated, he stfu when dumbfucks like yourself spout off inaccurate legal babble.

Seriously have you ever been interviewed on Watters World, you are the target subject.
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  • 06-02-2017, 12:12 PM
NOT FUNNY ONE BIT! imagine if this was done to The 0zombie King...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Damn good image
Damn good image Originally Posted by WTF
Be honest you would like to fuck that ugly skank
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Be honest you would like to fuck that ugly skank Originally Posted by gary5912
That's only one part of the equation!

The "real question" is:

Would that ugly skank want to fuck him?

Even now knowing her "standards of tastes" I would guess "NO"!