I also continue to find it fascinating that you proclaimed that you are not seeing any new clients before your latest threAD... Originally Posted by malwoodyPlease correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that you're implying that I really am accepting new clients right now, which I am not. That's why it's posted first thing on my website. I'm pretty sure the gents who have called or emailed could tell you the same thing. I am not even comfortable with giving references to other providers right now, as you're never REALLY sure who you're talking to on the other line...know what I mean?
I think a little paranoia in this business is never a bad thing. Can you ever be TOO careful, really?
Quite honestly, I'm content seeing only my regulars right now, at least through the end of the year. They treat me very well and I spoil them in return. I am grateful for them, and yes, it makes me feel amazing to have such sweet guys stand up for me and say they enjoy my company and I'm a great provider. I've built great friendships with them over time, which I'm sure will continue into the future...
Take care,