Who is suiram77 express your opinion

suiram77's Avatar
The OP is such a fucking retard that he can't even keep his lies straight. Your grandma didn't pass away. That's called a restraining order against you. She was probably sick of your sorry broke ass mooching off her. Go get a fucking job and stop mooching off her. Maybe she'll let you back in her basement if you can prove to her that your delusional ghetto ass no longer lives in a fantasy world on a whore board all day and night. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Lmfao you said all that with your mask on sir. Are you hiring Mr Lucas lol. First off it was none of his business how old my grandma was when she passed, so I didn’t have to tell him shit. She was a 100, no wait 25 or maybe she was 13, who the fuck cares on a hooker site. You ppl have not learn yet that suiram77 don’t have to tell you trolls shit sunshine. I will continue to tell you whatever I want to tell you shortcake. I hope you have really been enjoying the site Mr Luass, we are here for you if you need to know how to write a review. Thanks for your wonderful post buddy.

Smh, lol, crying tears for him or is it a her, can’t tell his pants is up.

Ewwww shit lol
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Lmfao you said all that with your mask on sir. Are you hiring Mr Lucas lol. First off it was none of his business how old my grandma was when she passed, so I didn’t have to tell him shit. She was a 100, no wait 25 or maybe she was 13, who the fuck cares on a hooker site. You ppl have not learn yet that suiram77 don’t have to tell you trolls shit sunshine. I will continue to tell you whatever I want to tell you shortcake. I hope you have really been enjoying the site Mr Luass, we are here for you if you need to know how to write a review. Thanks for your wonderful post buddy.

Smh, lol, crying tears for him or is it a her, can’t tell his pants is up.

Ewwww shit lol Originally Posted by suiram77
Nice try Bozo. Too late though you retarded broke ass bullshitter.
suiram77's Avatar
Nice try Bozo. Too late though you retarded broke ass bullshitter. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I notice you did your first review Mr Luass, and you did a get job, but you need to give date and location before you can get 6 weeks of premium acces. When you do, you will receive 6 weeks of premium acces thanks again for your contribution to eccie

COCE Mr. suiram77
pyramider's Avatar
Who has cancer, you? And why are you sharing her medical information here publicly PAWB? Are you really that stupid boy!!!!

Can’t pay her something she didn’t figure out ball sack. Grace came up with her own theory, but it was not the correct one. Let me rmt them sleeping mods on you putting her medical information here, because I didn’t know that and she didn’t tell me, condom. Originally Posted by suiram77
RTM away, the modtards cannot help you on this one. Just tell Grace you are a poor boy and she will work out a payment plan for you, with interest of course.

Eric I’m rich as fuck and most definitely richer than all your loser ass friends. You sound like a lil girl talking about This is the last straw for me lmao, well here go some more straws buddy and yw, you been crying tonight Boy? If so what a shame. Grace didn’t get shit correct Eric, But I will personally give you her money to give to her.

feel free to come pick up her money for her on Monday, when I will be back in dallas. I will be at address below on Monday October the 23rd from noon to 2pm, and I will make sure I have it ready for you in a white envelope that says for grace.

5964 W Parker Rd Plano tx Phenix salon suites next to Tom Thumb off DNT

Please PM me if you can’t make it so I don’t wait on you thanks Eric.

Btw you said your lil friends are rich lmao, and you never heard them uttered they are rich as fuck, well it’s because they are not boo boo. Have you ever heard of a guy name Floyd mayweather, have you, have you, have you, well he screams he is rich as fuck every fucking day and guess what condom, he motha fucking is. Your friends may have a few $100 grand and that’s nothing to scream I’m rich as fuck about lmao.

Omg you all have to see Mr. suiram77 in his all black suit, I’m sharp as a tact babeby. I did not know I was going to a bunch of post funerals tonight, so I’m so glad I dressed accordingly.

Mic dropped againnnnnnn, Now ba bye!!!!!! Originally Posted by suiram77
You planning to be stocking the shelves at the Tom Thumb in Plano. Just make sure you do a better job keeping the labels straight this time. Remember, you need your job to pay off Grace.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Lol child please Just forget it then sunchip. I was asking what do you think it means not how did I come up with it boo. There is a difference, you slipping gracy, keep that sharp mind together now she told me what her name meant later. I was in Dubai for 2 weeks, so I figure I would put your so call method to the test to see if you know what it meant. Your ass came on here throwing shade child, so no mam don’t even, night. Originally Posted by suiram77
I frankly don't care what her name means. Its freaking sanskrit and I don't have the same love for language that I have for numbers.

My "method" involves the numbers that you posted. When two different methods yield the same results.. and you insist otherwise with some bullshit government conspiracy (sorry-- but you have said that you barely know the guy-- it is dubious at best that he's going to randomly tell YOU some seekrit code), then it isn't hard to pin you as a liar. Its ok, Pink Starburst-- embrace it.

As I've said, I'm totally fine with that. I knew the outcome of this before I started to play. I didn't quite expect the reaction from some of my board buddies.. but hey, as the Beatles say "I get by with a little help from my friends". You aren't the kind that can readily admit being bested by anyone-- much less a female.
i think it's much more like this one!!!
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MjbUnn32_zU Originally Posted by pmdelites
I think you are correct. Yours is more descriptive, because this thread has actually become a truly entertaining and funny form of a train wreck.

S77, statistically, the chances of the numbers in your signature just 'randomly' happening to become perfectly good English words when Grace's algorithm is used are just about as good as being hit by lightning while inside a nuclear bomb shelter. Add to that the fact that the first section exactly matches what you said to Grace in another thread less than a day before you put the numbers up, and you have a statistical probability that rapidly approaches ZERO.

So, from a purely factual basis, the only deduction that can be made is that Grace successfully broke your code and that you are lying by saying she didn't.. Therefore, if you don't at least acknowledge her success and offer to make good on your payment, then you are a lying, welching, backstabbing SOB Troll-Tard.

That being said, if I was Grace, there would be NO WAY I would take your money (if you even have any), because if I were her, I would never want it said that I ever accepted ANYTHING from you.

To sum things up and to give a final answer to the OP's originating question:

S77 is a
lying, welching, backstabbing SOB Troll-Tard.

That's All.

suiram77's Avatar
I frankly don't care what her name means. Its freaking sanskrit and I don't have the same love for language that I have for numbers.

My "method" involves the numbers that you posted. When two different methods yield the same results.. and you insist otherwise with some bullshit government conspiracy (sorry-- but you have said that you barely know the guy-- it is dubious at best that he's going to randomly tell YOU some seekrit code), then it isn't hard to pin you as a liar. Its ok, Pink Starburst-- embrace it.

As I've said, I'm totally fine with that. I knew the outcome of this before I started to play. I didn't quite expect the reaction from some of my board buddies.. but hey, as the Beatles say "I get by with a little help from my friends". You aren't the kind that can readily admit being bested by anyone-- much less a female. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Child please, keep believing that bull shit you talking all you want, but what you can’t do is tell the teacher her answer sheet is wrong. I find it highly interesting that if you can do what you claim you can do with your method, then why you can’t still do it now. I told you that it was an error on my part that I placed the number with spaces, but yet you just still think it only works with spaces. Bull shit, bull shit, bulll shit, use that lil IQ you have to tell me what the numbers is saying now that they are all together the way they was supposed to be, and then and only then you will be a genius. If you can’t then we are done sun chip, move on boo.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The translation is the same with or without the line spacing. The numbers and calculations don't change based on your spacing. The spacing in my answer was only to match the spacing in your original format. As you currently have it... it would be:


Does not change the outcome of the code.. just changes the spacing. Still the same message.

You aren't a teacher. You've taught nothing, but you have been schooled. The only other potential formatting for your numeric code is literally impossible due to a couple of key things which you would have already mentioned to bolster your position if it were the case.

You're a liar. I know you're a liar. You know you're a liar. And everyone who has read this thread knows it as well. Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things.

Now as far as I'm concerned, I'm done with this nonsense. As I said many times-- I never expected to actually be paid for solving it. I knew before I even finished the first line that you posted it to toss another joke my way. Its ok boo.. you've helped me gain the attention of newcomers who weren't aware of my skills before.
suiram77's Avatar
The translation is the same with or without the line spacing. The numbers and calculations don't change based on your spacing. The spacing in my answer was only to match the spacing in your original format. As you currently have it... it would be:


Does not change the outcome of the code.. just changes the spacing. Still the same message.

You aren't a teacher. You've taught nothing, but you have been schooled. The only other potential formatting for your numeric code is literally impossible due to a couple of key things which you would have already mentioned to bolster your position if it were the case.

You're a liar. I know you're a liar. You know you're a liar. And everyone who has read this thread knows it as well. Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things.

Now as far as I'm concerned, I'm done with this nonsense. As I said many times-- I never expected to actually be paid for solving it. I knew before I even finished the first line that you posted it to toss another joke my way. Its ok boo.. you've helped me gain the attention of newcomers who weren't aware of my skills before. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Are you sure you done? Are you? Well let’s see sun chip, because you can’t claim you done then bring your ass back here to post. Your answer is still the same the numbers is a statement and only 2 words. As far a I’m a liar what, really, who, oh wait suiram77 is a liar ok cool I’m sure he don’t give a fuck about what a hoe thinks he is. Be done now really really done and don’t post here again SPCHCT. Now decode that, ba bye.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
suiram got showed up by a fucking woman. Bwahahaha hahahah hahahaha

Not only showed his ass up.... but even proved it and backed it up by showing how she did it so that everybody can can see it in black and white. There is 0 chance of her being wrong with proof like that.

I'm disappointed in you suiram.... I can't believe you let a girl of all people punk you out. But it is fucking funny.

mrredcat43's Avatar
Are you sure you done? Are you? Well let’s see sun chip, because you can’t claim you done then bring your ass back here to post. Your answer is still the same the numbers is a statement and only 2 words. As far a I’m a liar what, really, who, oh wait suiram77 is a liar ok cool I’m sure he don’t give a fuck about what a hoe thinks he is. Be done now really really done and don’t post here again SPCHCT. Now decode that, ba bye. Originally Posted by suiram77
Why do you have a hard-on for grace? Are you mad she declined seeing you?? I bet that's what happened. Only a childish prick puts an insult in a decoded message
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-20-2017, 01:22 PM
Suiram77; Post up your formula to prove everybody is wrong or pay the lady for figuring out your numbers.
texassapper's Avatar
suiram77's Avatar
Suiram77; Post up your formula to prove everybody is wrong or pay the lady for figuring out your numbers. Originally Posted by BLM69
BLM I did offer to pay her and she said don’t worry about it. I post a few pages back that I will pay her wk Eric214 or any of her wk here. I even posted the address where they can come pick up the money on Monday when I fly back in from Miami, but no one offer to pick her money up for her. I’m not sending the money to Grace, because she didn’t get shit right, and I can careless about her wk jumping on her bandwagon or shall I say her pussy and saying she was correct, like if they ass is holding the answer sheet lmfao get the fuck out here.

I will only give it to one of them to give to her, I’m old school in that way, in which if you believe someone should be compensated for something they won or earn then ok come get the money. Texas lottery is not going to bring your check to you, but you can come pick it up.

Texas lottery only gives you a180 days to claim your winnings, and if you don’t then you just lost millions buddy. I will give anyone who cares enough 30 days to come pick up her money for her. I am only going to be home in Dallas for 2 weeks on Monday, so there should be no excuse.
S77 is still a lying, welching, backstabbing SOB Troll-Tard.

However, I'd like to amend that statement:

S77 is a lying, welching, backstabbing SOB Troll-Tard who is only happy when he is the center of attention of everyone around him.

There's no way it's going to happen, but I'd love to see how long he would last on here if every single member put him on ignore. No posting in threads he starts, no responses to anything he says in anyone else's threads. Total silence with regard to him.

I'm betting that he would be crying like a baby within two days, and that he would commit 'Board Suicide'* within a week.

*('Board Suicide' meaning that he would disappear from here forever...)