#DiedSuddenly reporting

Well, my girlfriend attributes the recent deaths of 14 friends and acquaintances to the vaccine. It's like she believes everyone she knows who dies died from the vaccine. Which is crazy. Originally Posted by Tiny
sleep with one eye open at all times
  • Tiny
  • 03-04-2023, 08:37 AM
sleep with one eye open at all times Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Haha! Yes, good advice. She also wants me to change my will.
Well, my girlfriend attributes the recent deaths of 14 friends and acquaintances to the vaccine. It's like she believes everyone she knows who dies died from the vaccine. Which is crazy. Originally Posted by Tiny
If their deaths are abrupt with no concrete medical explanation her suspicions may not be as crazy as you think. Pfizer is in a Lawsuit brought on by Brook Jackson who worked for a research company "Ventavia Research Group". She alleges that Pfizer manipulated Data through the use of fraud in association with Covid-19 Vaccine Trials. Pfizer petitioned the court to dismiss the case. Their reason was they should get a pass because they did not defraud the Government but rather they merely delivered the fraud the Government ordered. Let that sink in.
  • Tiny
  • 03-04-2023, 09:04 AM
If their deaths are abrupt with no concrete medical explanation her suspicions may not be as crazy as you think. Pfizer is in a Lawsuit brought on by Brook Jackson who worked for a research company "Ventavia Research Group". She alleges that Pfizer manipulated Data through the use of fraud in association with Covid-19 Vaccine Trials. Pfizer petitioned the court to dismiss the case. Their reason was they should get a pass because they did not defraud the Government but rather they merely delivered the fraud the Government ordered. Let that sink in. Originally Posted by Levianon17
From what I'm reading, she blew the whistle on Ventavia, which was conducting Pfizer trials, not on Pfizer. She worked there for two weeks prior to getting fired, probably for blowing the whistle.
  • Tiny
  • 03-04-2023, 09:05 AM
If their deaths are abrupt with no concrete medical explanation her suspicions may not be as crazy as you think. Pfizer is in a Lawsuit brought on by Brook Jackson who worked for a research company "Ventavia Research Group". She alleges that Pfizer manipulated Data through the use of fraud in association with Covid-19 Vaccine Trials. Pfizer petitioned the court to dismiss the case. Their reason was they should get a pass because they did not defraud the Government but rather they merely delivered the fraud the Government ordered. Let that sink in. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Thanks Levianon. From what I'm reading, she blew the whistle on Ventavia, which was conducting Pfizer trials, not on Pfizer. She worked there for two weeks prior to getting fired, probably for blowing the whistle.
From what I'm reading, she blew the whistle on Ventavia, which was conducting Pfizer trials, not on Pfizer. She worked there for two weeks prior to getting fired, probably for blowing the whistle. Originally Posted by Tiny
It involves Pfizer as well. Pfizer has been sued in the past for marketing unsafe Pharmaceuticals. This time the Government is part of their campaign so they think they deserve a pass. The information is getting out there. If you continue to put your hand in the fire don't bitch when you get burned.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, my girlfriend attributes the recent deaths of 14 friends and acquaintances to the vaccine. It's like she believes everyone she knows who dies died from the vaccine. Which is crazy. Originally Posted by Tiny
That is exactly what I've been saying. Any "suspicious" death is being attributed to the Covid vaccines by the anti-vaxxers.
That is exactly what I've been saying. Any "suspicious" death is being attributed to the Covid vaccines by the anti-vaxxers. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Suspicious deaths, which means the cause is unknown. So what's new in a persons life that may have triggered their demise? I would want to know especially if it was someone I knew. I wouldn't rule out anything not even a vaccine, but you are because you took it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Suspicious deaths, which means the cause is unknown. So what's new in a persons life that may have triggered their demise? I would want to know especially if it was someone I knew. I wouldn't rule out anything not even a vaccine, but you are because you took it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I do not rule out the possibilty of the Covid vaccines being the trigger for a suspicious death. However, until people in the field of medicine can directly link the cause of death to the vaccine I am on the side of the fence that the vaccines, other than the 9 deaths associated with the J&J vaccine early on, have not caused deaths. 665 million doses of the Covid vaccines have been administered in the U.S. as of last week. A handful of deaths have been linked to the vaccines by anti-vaxxers, with no medical proof to support the claims.
I do not rule out the possibilty of the Covid vaccines being the trigger for a suspicious death. However, until people in the field of medicine can directly link the cause of death to the vaccine I am on the side of the fence that the vaccines, other than the 9 deaths associated with the J&J vaccine early on, have not caused deaths. 665 million doses of the Covid vaccines have been administered in the U.S. as of last week. A handful of deaths have been linked to the vaccines by anti-vaxxers, with no medical proof to support the claims. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The Medical Field has associated adverse side affects and death. You're just not going to hear that from Health Officials within the Government.
texassapper's Avatar
This is an interesting video in relation to the Vaccine and the possible adversities associated with it. This video features not only patients that feel their condition is a direct result of being vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine but Doctors who feel the correlation is real and needs further study.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That is exactly what I've been saying. Any "suspicious" death is being attributed to the Covid vaccines by the anti-vaxxers. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Trouble shooting always starts with these three steps:
  1. What is broken and when did it start?
  2. What is not broken, i.e. still working?
  3. What changed last?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Originally Posted by texassapper
"Leading heart disease experts say the death statistics are concerning but not surprising. For years, cardiac deaths have been the leading cause of death in Australia. The pandemic has only increased the risk factors.


Researchers examine the link between COVID-19 and heart disease.
‘This is our biggest killer’: Shock deaths put spotlight on heart disease
“It’s kind of the last straw,” said Professor Tom Marwick, director of the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute.

“The camel’s back was straining under the burden of risk factors, and then we have an infectious disease on top with a bunch of inflammation, hey presto we get an increase of cardiovascular events.

The number of excess deaths in Australia surged to 15,400 in the first part of 2022.

While the majority of these deaths were from COVID-19, the nation is also seeing significantly elevated rates of deaths from diabetes, strokes and ischemic heart disease.

Cardiologists believe the increased deaths from ischemic heart disease are likely linked to the damaging effects of COVID, but also delayed diagnoses, prevention and treatment through the pandemic.”


Once again you are reaching unwarranted conclusions.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The Medical Field has associated adverse side affects and death. You're just not going to hear that from Health Officials within the Government. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Once again no articles cited. Yes, there are side effects to the Covid vaccines. I had none but my wife had minor side effects that lasted a few hours. Nothing severe. So far several anti-vaxxers on this cite have posted articles with deaths claimed to be from the Covid vaccines but the sources are less than reliable. And no matter what sources I use to support my contention that the Covid vaccines are safe, they are rejected. Johns Hopkins. Kaiser Permanente. Mayo Clinic. WHO. JAMA. New England Journal of Medicine. American Medical Association. The list goes on and on.