
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Why u care?My post had nothing to do with you at all...So just drop it man...You the one that keeps on and on...why is that?Just stop runing your mouth.... Originally Posted by SexyKaylen

In this case, it might be more than one...

offshoredrilling's Avatar
All this from one simple post. Who knew there is actully a right or wrong way to grieve. This past week brings to mind this line...."All lies and jest still, a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" Originally Posted by growler
ah that was just a trigger. mmmm that was squeezed
malwoody's Avatar
Now now, get it right Malwoody, I was dubbed the title BlackWidow Queen.

I wonder if the next guy I bang will keel over? Better yet, will he leave his money to me? Originally Posted by MsElena
Ooops..my bad..but I think Burro must have been right after all.."the next guy I bang"..sweetie, you are supposed to let them bang you, no wonder he called you the "BlackWidow Queen" and rumor has it that you have several unaccounted for clients..please delete any info you have on me as I must hide my puppies now and head down to Houston so BM can splain to me how to deal with poisonous spideys.....

malwoody's Avatar
All this from one simple post. Who knew there is actully a right or wrong way to grieve. This past week brings to mind this line...."All lies and jest still, a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" Originally Posted by growler
I ain't no expert on how to grieve and don't know if there is a "right or wrong way" but a hooker board ain't the "right" place...IMO..
dirty dog's Avatar
[quote=boardman;2431595]So you say you're enjoying it huh...

threats to meet in a dark alley(which you retracted quickly enough when you realized you were dealing with the coalition of the willing.)

When did I retract this, I would love to meet with you idiots in a quite out of the way place. But I am not going to meet you at a gay bar. You think you know someone, but you better be sure. As for my anger issues, yeah, I have anger impulses, it has served me well over the years and sometimes has been a great benefit to me. You guys crack me up because you actually think your funny, but the reality is your a twit that has spent enough time on this site to have 6000 posts.

Malwoody keep cracking wise about things you dont know anything about. Like I have said many times, I am not hiding, you guys talk all your crap but you would never say it to my face and you know where I am, my location and actual address has been posted many times. Your like a little yapping dog that darts out from under the table to knip at the ankles and then runs and hides. You better watch out though because one day your gonna get kicked in the head.
boardman's Avatar
growler's Avatar
While I don't disagree. Which is sadder to think this is one of the few places she can proclaim her love for her lost child, or one's inability to recognize that.....the rest is just petty bull shit! and says more about each poster then what they post...IMO

I ain't no expert on how to grieve and don't know if there is a "right or wrong way" but a hooker board ain't the "right" place...IMO.. Originally Posted by malwoody
boardman's Avatar
[quote=dirty dog;2432094]
So you say you're enjoying it huh...

threats to meet in a dark alley(which you retracted quickly enough when you realized you were dealing with the coalition of the willing.)

When did I retract this, I would love to meet with you idiots in a quite out of the way place. But I am not going to meet you at a gay bar. You think you know someone, but you better be sure. As for my anger issues, yeah, I have anger impulses, it has served me well over the years and sometimes has been a great benefit to me. You guys crack me up because you actually think your funny, but the reality is your a twit that has spent enough time on this site to have 6000 posts.

Malwoody keep cracking wise about things you dont know anything about. Like I have said many times, I am not hiding, you guys talk all your crap but you would never say it to my face and you know where I am, my location and actual address has been posted many times. Your like a little yapping dog that darts out from under the table to knip at the ankles and then runs and hides. You better watch out though because one day your gonna get kicked in the head. Originally Posted by boardman
Nice Avatar change. That's one a silly hooktard here in Houston used a while back. I'm starting to see possibilities though.

You're catching on. Try sticking with that attitude for a while. Anger is so unbecoming...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ah that was just a trigger. mmmm that was squeezed Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
While I don't disagree. Which is sadder to think this is one of the few places she can proclaim her love for her lost child, or one's inability to recognize that.....the rest is just petty bull shit! and says more about each poster then what they post...IMO Originally Posted by growler
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by SexyKaylen
have you figured out how to land yet. just askin
dirty dog's Avatar

Nice Avatar change. That's one a silly hooktard here in Houston used a while back. I'm starting to see possibilities though.

You're catching on. Try sticking with that attitude for a while. Anger is so unbecoming... Originally Posted by dirty dog

I like anger better, but hey this is boring me today, Elena got what she wanted. So I am going to leave this alone and get on with important matters. So I bid this subject a goodbye and I will say to all the idiots in Texas and NY. May your deaths be slow, agonizing and soon. To those on this board who joined the revolution, I hope you enjoy the unmoderated board you created, but please no complaining when some does something you dont like and there is no one to stop it.
boardman's Avatar
Tapping out?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
no, he lost control
well i guess you must be lost.....
have you figured out how to land yet. just askin Originally Posted by offshoredrilling