GOP Senators send a letter to Iran

Today, 12:32 PM

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Just as refreshing now as it was the first time I saw it.
LexusLover's Avatar
More of "the same, outdated, worn our pictures.......time.....after time.......after time........after time!" Originally Posted by bigtex
YOUR MAN JOHN KERRY ... does look a little "outdated" and "worn our (sic)" doesn't he? I suppose that's why he got the botox treatments to smooth out his wrinkles ... You don't have to do that do you "bigtex"~!!!!!

There are better ways to earn a living besides robbing banks, ...

.. but explain that to a bank robber!

You are trying to judge people by your standards. That doesn't work when you are toe to toe and the stakes are as high as they are now with war mongers. Although I agree that giving them an opportunity to "lay down" the weapon is appropriate, they've had that opportunity.

The problem is (and in other situations) they perceive that the U.S. will "blink" .. based on past history, particularly with this wimp in the White House. John Kerry is no better. As a consequence it makes them more dangerous, than if they believe we would pull the trigger.

One only makes good deals when they bargain from a position of strength relative to the opposite side. Israel is backed into a corner and it has been surrounded for years with hostile people against them. We have never been in that position in this country. Even on 911 we were not in that position. The lesson was (and hopefully still is) if they want to hurt us they can reach out and touch us....that wasn't hard. The next will be hard.

They took down a symbol. I'm guessing the next one will be economic. Crippling. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You have contradicted yourself in your own post, no mean feat. You contend that you only make good deals from a position of strength and then go on to outline how Israel is backed into a corner; not a position of strength by any stretch of the imagination. They took down a symbol? Tell that to the 3K plus people's families who no longer have their loved ones. A symbol? I would say it was pretty crippling for those families. The ability to negotiate from a position of strength has passed. We have changed positions so many times over the years with these countries, it's no wonder they don't want to have any lasting peace with us. We don't like their leader, so we depose him for one who will be our puppet. The people tire of that, as they should, and we are surprised. Sometimes we sell them weapons, other times we don't. We are schizophrenic in regard to the way we interact with them.
LexusLover's Avatar
You have contradicted yourself in your own post, no mean feat. You contend that you only make good deals from a position of strength and then go on to outline how Israel is backed into a corner; not a position of strength by any stretch of the imagination. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
That's because you think a corner to your back is a weak position. It's not.

They, and you, ought not to underestimate the Israelis capacity and tenacity. In the past the Israelis were keeping the gloves on to appease Washington. Obaminable has made it easy for them to disregard Washington's "feelings"!

Since 1948 they have not lost a war. We can't say that*.

*In fact it was no surprise (at least to me) to see reports that former NV military personnel paid a visit to Baghdad in the ramp up to the 2003 invasion to advise the Iraqis on how to defeat the U.S.
LexusLover's Avatar
You have contradicted yourself in your own post, no mean feat. You contend that you only make good deals from a position of strength and then go on to outline how Israel is backed into a corner; not a position of strength by any stretch of the imagination. They took down a symbol? Tell that to the 3K plus people's families who no longer have their loved ones. A symbol? Dumb shit I was speaking from the point of view of the terrorists. You are a mental child.Trying some stupid ploy to vilify me to gain some psychological advantage in the discussion? You are a light weight.

I would say it was pretty crippling for those families. Wait until the next hit. Then you'll know crippling.

The ability to negotiate from a position of strength has passed. In this reality it has not. We have the superior strength, but not the resolve. They lack the strength, but enjoy the resolve. They know we will not pull the trigger. We have changed positions so many times over the years with these countries, it's no wonder they don't want to have any lasting peace with us. They don't want "peace" with us or anyone else. Don't you get it?We don't like their leader, so we depose him for one who will be our puppet. The people tire of that, as they should, and we are surprised. Sometimes we sell them weapons, other times we don't. We are schizophrenic in regard to the way we interact with them.No, we are inconsistent. And they simply do not believe us any more, because we are there one day and gone the next.* Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
*The best example, with which many of us are familiar at least at a distance, is the battered wife who calls the police and the police do not take care of business other than some verbal warnings and leave her only to suffer again. After 2-3 times she doesn't even want the police to be there. It only causes her pain. We are no longer to be trusted. And they don't like that we have so much. Their leaders have told them that daily, claiming the reason they have nothing is because of the Satin from the West, while their leaders live lavishly.

Look at our history since WWII: Korea, S.E. Asia, Balkans, Middle East, and now Afghanistan. The Ukraine is to follow shortly. The world knows more about your history than you ... .apparently ... and it's from their perspective.
  • DSK
  • 03-24-2015, 01:17 PM

The Idiot who continues to posts the same, outdated, worn our pictures.......time.....after time.......after time........after time!

And LLIdiot calls himself a Democrat! Originally Posted by bigtex
Who pray tell uses the same worn out responses a million times?
  • DSK
  • 03-24-2015, 01:19 PM
That's because you think a corner to your back is a weak position. It's not.

They, and you, ought not to underestimate the Israelis capacity and tenacity. In the past the Israelis were keeping the gloves on to appease Washington. Obaminable has made it easy for them to disregard Washington's "feelings"!

Since 1948 they have not lost a war. We can't say that*.

*In fact it was no surprise (at least to me) to see reports that former NV military personnel paid a visit to Baghdad in the ramp up to the 2003 invasion to advise the Iraqis on how to defeat the U.S. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If they are so great - why do they need us to fight for them?
That's because you think a corner to your back is a weak position. It's not.

They, and you, ought not to underestimate the Israelis capacity and tenacity. In the past the Israelis were keeping the gloves on to appease Washington. Obaminable has made it easy for them to disregard Washington's "feelings"!

Since 1948 they have not lost a war. We can't say that*.

*In fact it was no surprise (at least to me) to see reports that former NV military personnel paid a visit to Baghdad in the ramp up to the 2003 invasion to advise the Iraqis on how to defeat the U.S. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're a piece of work. I've made you have to defend the argument that being backed into a corner is somehow an enviable position. Can't you even see how fucked that is? If they don't care what we think, what are they waiting for?
LexusLover's Avatar
If they are so great - why do they need us to fight for them? Originally Posted by DSK
The Israelis? When was that? Are you Jewish? You said "us"!!!!!

"Man" (using the term loosely, of course), you need to spend some more time increasing your own knowledge base, and less time trying to look smarter by tearing others down or ridiculing them to make you look better.

I started familiarizing myself with the Israeli military training in 65 and 66 and have followed it ever since .... they wrote the book on urban terrorism and extractions from kidnappings at long distances .... "we" are "Johnny-come-latelies" ... They can be messy, but they get the job done. The U.S. pulls the reigns on them and they tolerate it, because they thought were were allies.
LexusLover's Avatar
You're a piece of work. I've made you have to defend the argument that being backed into a corner is somehow an enviable position. Can't you even see how fucked that is? If they don't care what we think, what are they waiting for? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Little Boy, let me explain something to you, very carefully.

You can't make me do shit! Are we now on the same page?

And as for your "translator" stick this in it and see what comes out:

Besa mi cula, nino!

(Out of some level of respect, which is minimal, I made it "masculine"!)
LexusLover's Avatar
If they are so great - why do they need us to fight for them? Originally Posted by DSK
Are you talking about the Israelis? If so, when did we "fight for them"?
  • DSK
  • 03-24-2015, 03:07 PM
Are you talking about the Israelis? If so, when did we "fight for them"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Every war in the Middle East was for oil and Israel.
We are Americans - that's who we should be fighting for.
Again, if the Israeli's are as great as you say, why do they need us?
LexusLover's Avatar
Every war in the Middle East was for oil and Israel.
We are Americans - that's who we should be fighting for.
Again, if the Israeli's are as great as you say, why do they need us? Originally Posted by DSK
Name one war the U.S. initiated in the Middle East that was FOR ISRAEL.

Then name one war the U.S. initiated in the Middle East FOR OIL.

Talk about contradictions.

If we have plenty of oil here, why do we need more?

If we fight Israel's wars, why do they need military equipment?

Were you conscious (alive) during the '67 War? How many U.S. troops were sent to the Middle East to fight the Arabs for the Israelis? Shit ask bigtex ... he probably volunteered!
Should have been 20 weeks at most. Same with North Korea.

Here is the history the Iranians study:

"In 1994, faced with North Korea’s announced intent to withdraw from the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), which requires non-nuclear weapon states to forswear the development and acquisition of nuclear weapons, the United States and North Korea signed the Agreed Framework. Under this agreement, Pyongyang committed to freezing its illicit plutonium weapons program in exchange for aid." Originally Posted by LexusLover
You really have a hard time staying on topic lexie. ADD ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who pray tell uses the same worn out responses a million times?
YOU DO!! Originally Posted by DSK
Don't be so hard on BigAssSux. He has severe intellectual limitations. He's like the spoiled kid on the playground that nobody likes, but your parents insist you be nice to him. He can't help it if he's "different".