Ban-A-Palooza 2018! (Who’s Out? Who’s Still In? Who's On Their Way Out?)

Regulus69's Avatar
Pxmcc reported the ouster at 2:59 a.m. His account registered activity at 7:23 a.m. this morning, so how can he be banned and still log into ECCIE?

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Even though you are banned, you can still attempt to log in.
This attempt shows as account activity.
On one of the earlier Ban-a-Palooza threads mentioned one way to be sure a fucktard was BANNED was that their name wouldn't appear on the members list.
Whether that still holds true or not I couldn't be certain.
Plus, i thinck DJ was referring to the "partial BANS" in the private forums. I've never heard of this in the open arena.
Maybe admin can weigh in on this?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Even though you are banned, you can still attempt to log in.
This attempt shows as account activity.
On one of the earlier Ban-a-Palooza threads mentioned one way to be sure a fucktard was BANNED was that their name wouldn't appear on the members list.
Whether that still holds true or not I couldn't be certain.
Plus, i thinck DJ was referring to the "partial BANS" in the private forums. I've never heard of this in the open arena.
Maybe admin can weigh in on this?
Originally Posted by Regulus69
Hmm, log-in attempts showing as activity... based on my experiences, I'm not sure that's entirely correct. Never heard of "partial" bans. Again, "BANNED"should be all or nothing, otherwise the user title is misleading. So, to make sure I'm getting this, under some circumstances even if "banned" a member could still take advantage of board benefits, do searches, access private forums, send and receive PMs, and may just be post-restricted? Huh, doesn't seem very punitive. Again, is this something reserved for the male of the ECCIE species, or is such mercy extended to providers, as well??

As for the member rolls, well, I just attempted to look up B2B and the infamously nefarious fellow I mentioned earlier, and no, they don't show in a search. Thanks for that tidbit, Regulus.

Yes, I would be quite interested to hear from the mods on this, please.
You can log in alright.. the screen will say you have been banned till XXXX
You can't go any further than that
That's the account activity you're seeing...mofos logging in and out hoping the ban lifts itself miraculously
Fancyinheels's Avatar
You can log in alright.. the screen will say you have been banned till XXXX
You can't go any further than that
That's the account activity you're seeing...mofos logging in and out hoping the ban lifts itself miraculously Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
Perhaps, Prince, but judging from other posts, there seems to be more to the story. I'd be intrigued if the local mods or admin would chime in.

Perhaps I should start a separate thread? Although this new branch is relevant to the main tree topic.
Regulus69's Avatar
You can log in alright.. the screen will say you have been banned till XXXX
You can't go any further than that
That's the account activity you're seeing... Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
Maybe it's just a matter of semantics?
But no you can't really log IN. You do see a screen that tells you you you're not allowed any further. I really don't remember what it says... But you can still lurk as can any non member. Still see ads and forums, but you can't post or send PMs.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Maybe it's just a matter of semantics?
But no you can't really log IN. You do see a screen that tells you you you're not allowed any further. I really don't remember what it says... But you can still lurk as can any non member. Still see ads and forums, but you can't post or send PMs.
Originally Posted by Regulus69
Dear_John's post on the previous page implies that there are varying degrees of banishment, and some members retain certain privileges as allowed by mods including use of the PM system.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-16-2018, 09:06 PM
^^ Dear John is not a mod, fyi. maybe a mod can weigh in.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
^^ Dear John is not a mod, fyi. maybe a mod can weigh in. Originally Posted by pxmcc

YES!!!!! Please!!!!
If true, this sheds new light on some odd incidents I've heard and wondered about, things that don't really have an explanation otherwise.

My opinion matters not even a wee sliver in the greater scheme of ECCIE, but I would like to be correctly informed so that I don't pass on erroneous ban myths.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar


Now hold the FUCKING door, here! I've been a member since 2009, and this is the FIRST I've heard of this. Does this apply to male members only? Every provider I've even known who was banned for even the most minuscule of violations lasting but a few days couldn't log in, couldn't PM, couldn't post, nothing, zip, zero, nada!

I object to this in THE STRONGEST terms!
A "ban" should mean a complete and total embargo from anything to do with the board! If not, if someone is on, say, just a thread-starting suspension, there should be more user titles to indicate status other than an all-encompassing "BANNED," which is confusing and even deceptive. If penalized members still retain even a minimal board privilege, they are most certainly NOT banned, just limited. I would be thoroughly startled to get a PM from a "banned" individual. Perhaps there should be a "RESTRICTED" title? Are the varying degrees of bancation discussed somewhere in the guidelines or in a previous announcement and somehow I managed to miss it? I'm sure this is going to surprise more members than just me.
Thank you for the info, DJ. Very enlightening, and disturbing.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
My opening comment was that different forums work in different ways. I was just trying to let you know how other forums work, not just this one or ASPD.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
^^ Dear John is not a mod, fyi. maybe a mod can weigh in. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Go back to jacking off to scat videos newbie.

I've known Fancy since way back in the ASPD days.

I also think your condescending comment toward Fancy is bullshit, she knows better than you do that I'm not a moderator here.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
My opening comment was that different forums work in different ways. I was just trying to let you know how other forums work, not just this one or ASPD. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Ah, I understand. The thought still points us in the same direction requiring staff insight. Please, mods or admin?

Do all ECCIE bans constitute complete "banishment?"

Depending on circumstances, do some banned members retain partial privileges?

Can some banned members still log on?

Can some banned members still send and/or receive PMs?

Can some banned members still access private forums?

If members are totally blocked from the board while booted, what IS the activity on banned accounts?

(Heck, DJ, I don't pay much attention to how anyone addresses me anymore, as words on a screen don't always accurately convey motivation. I didn't take insult from pxmcc. I just want to separate truth from rumor on this matter, as it does have relevance to the way Hobbyists and hussies perceive the ECCIE ban system. Blowing you a kiss for chivalry, however!)
pyramider's Avatar
Different forums work different ways. One way is to give a warning, then taking away PM privileges and thread starting privileges. Another way is to allow visitor access with no rights for any postings or PM. Some will out and out ban your IP and under the same IP you can't access the webpage for even visitor rights, which can be access through whatever wasn't blocked. (in other words if your home computer had it's IP blocked, your cell phone out in the car away from your home computer would work to at least visit the site)

One thing we did is if someone registered with an obvious name that mocked another (Fancyinheels would be something like Fancyinheals) we would automatically perma-ban them and delete all their postings. We didn't have time for childish and immature games.

It just all depends on what the board owners decide to do. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
The aspd staff besides being corrupt were also stupid. I was banned on the p for no reason. I came back with six personas. We laughed at you asshats every time I posted. Every time.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-16-2018, 10:40 PM
Go back to jacking off to scat videos newbie.

I've known Fancy since way back in the ASPD days.

I also think your condescending comment toward Fancy is bullshit, she knows better than you do that I'm not a moderator here. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
i stated a fact, and you went...
well i'll just leave it at that.

if Fancy has a problem with anything i say, she's quite capable of telling me herself. I'm one of Fancy's biggest fans, just for the record, and I've told her so, on more than one occasion.
...I also think your condescending comment toward Fancy is bullshit, she knows better than you do that I'm not a moderator here. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
He was not condescending and you are over reacting.

..I came back with six personas. We laughed at you asshats every time I posted. Every time. Originally Posted by pyramider
^^^that's funny right there
Fancyinheels's Avatar
No worries here. I'd happily kiss the Blarney Stones of both pxmcc and Dear_John, lovely and tasty lads each, I imagine.

Ya know, I've never had a successful MFM. (An attempted "surprise" by a date and his buddy a few years back was a little too late in the eve after a little too much alcohol. Some people just can't hold their Irish whiskey, although that wouldn't be me. )

Oh, who am I kidding? At my age now, two randy sober fellows would probably kill me. I'm GFE, not PSE. I'd best stick to vanilla one at a time.