The GOP shows it's stupidity once again.....

The government spends a boat load of money I disagree with. You seem to think that anytime government spends money they do so responsible. Or maybe closer to the point is if they spend money on programs you agree with then the rest of us should agree as well or we are just fucking coldhearted. This government is out of control and the spending must be reigned in or the end is closer than any of us think. Do you honestly believe that if the government runs healthcare in this country it will be done efficiently and the quality will not suffer? What does the government do efficiently? The post office? The VA? Where does the nanny state end and personal responsibility pickup? I want the government to keep the country safe. To secure our borders and streamline legal immigration. To maintain the infrastructure of our roads and power grid. There are others but you get my point. I want the government to stay out of my life and let me be. Originally Posted by Budman
I never once said they always spend money responsibly. Find where I said that. Hint, you won't, because I never did. The government doesn't operate efficiently so we should just give up on it ever operating efficiently? That's an argument that holds no water. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Shouldn't one of the basic rights we have be that we are guaranteed healthcare? So we may better enjoy the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness we are promised?
I B Hankering's Avatar
The government spends a boat load of money I disagree with. You seem to think that anytime government spends money they do so responsible. Or maybe closer to the point is if they spend money on programs you agree with then the rest of us should agree as well or we are just fucking coldhearted. This government is out of control and the spending must be reigned in or the end is closer than any of us think. Do you honestly believe that if the government runs healthcare in this country it will be done efficiently and the quality will not suffer? What does the government do efficiently? The post office? The VA? Where does the nanny state end and personal responsibility pickup? I want the government to keep the country safe. To secure our borders and streamline legal immigration. To maintain the infrastructure of our roads and power grid. There are others but you get my point. I want the government to stay out of my life and let me be. Originally Posted by Budman
+1 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That's a bullshit argument. Should we just give up ever trying to make it work because it doesn't currently work? I thought America was the greatest country on Earth? Are you telling me there's something we can't do?
I B Hankering's Avatar
That's a bullshit argument. Should we just give up ever trying to make it work because it doesn't currently work? I thought America was the greatest country on Earth? Are you telling me there's something we can't do? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
There's no doubt that American service personnel are treated better than Soviet era military personnel, but have you ever dealt with the VA, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion?
lustylad's Avatar
That's a bullshit argument. Should we just give up ever trying to make it work because it doesn't currently work? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
If it is FUBAR, then yes! You libtards think results don't matter as long as your heart is in the right place. That's how you justify fucking up healthcare for 90% of Americans to try and help the other 10%.
If it is FUBAR, then yes! You libtards think results don't matter as long as your heart is in the right place. That's how you justify fucking up healthcare for 90% of Americans to try and help the other 10%. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm gonna need proof on that. I'm afraid those numbers are exaggerated. So if it's fucked up, we should just quit?
There's no doubt that American service personnel are treated better than Soviet era military personnel, but have you ever dealt with the VA, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I've said MULTIPLE times on here that the way our veterans are treated is an abomination. Should we shutter the VA or try and make it better?
Budman's Avatar
I never once said they always spend money responsibly. Find where I said that. Hint, you won't, because I never did. The government doesn't operate efficiently so we should just give up on it ever operating efficiently? That's an argument that holds no water. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Shouldn't one of the basic rights we have be that we are guaranteed healthcare? So we may better enjoy the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness we are promised? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Since they need more practice to become efficient we should turn over 25% of the economy (or whatever it is) to them and see how they do.

Healthcare is not a right. Using your logic maybe we should include a new car every other year. That way it would be easier to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Where the fuck does it end?
Since they need more practice to become efficient we should turn over 25% of the economy (or whatever it is) to them and see how they do.

Healthcare is not a right. Using your logic maybe we should include a new car every other year. That way it would be easier to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Where the fuck does it end? Originally Posted by Budman
To make the leap from healthcare to a car is not using logic. It ends at healthcare. We simply disagree on health-care being a right. I don't think we can call ourselves the greatest country in the world if we can't provide that for our citizens.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I've said MULTIPLE times on here that the way our veterans are treated is an abomination. Should we shutter the VA or try and make it better? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Odumbocare and the VA are now competing for the same dollars; so, exactly how is Odumbocare going to "improve" the already marginal VA, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion?
Odumbocare and the VA are now competing for the same dollars; so, exactly how is Odumbocare going to "improve" the already marginal VA, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ok Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
"OK" (also spelled "okay", "ok", or "O.K.") is a word denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, or acknowledgment. "OK", as an adjective, can also express acknowledgment without approval.[1]

We know who the loser is... right, undercunt?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
PJ O'Rourke said, "If you think healthcare is expensive now, just wait until it's free." President George HW Bush (George I) said that national healthcare would combine the efficiency of the DMV with the compassion of the IRS.

Government does not have a history of running anything in an efficient or productive manner, with the possible exception of NASA in the 60's and 70's. What makes anyone think that health care will be the exception to the rule? I'm generally a libertarian, but I could see a single payer system, but if the government has any involvement, it will be FUBAR before it gets off the ground.
Budman's Avatar
To make the leap from healthcare to a car is not using logic. It ends at healthcare. We simply disagree on health-care being a right. I don't think we can call ourselves the greatest country in the world if we can't provide that for our citizens. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Says who? It ends at healthcare until the libs find another social pit to pour our money down.

Since you are so concerned with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and believing in the rights of all Americans how about the government subsidize the purchase of firearms? Think about it. The owning of a firearm is actually a "right". Owning firearms certainly makes me and many others happy. It is a "right" to ensure our liberty and it may save your life.
Government should be providing health insurance. I'm not sure how much more simply I can put it. I also love it when someone bitches about what their tax dollars are going for, as if they have an itemized list. You don't know what your tax dollars are really paying for. You drive on roads, you have police and fire, children have schools to go to, etc. Are you begrudging someone access to healthcare? Republicans have this idea that everyone who gets assistance is some drag on the system, do-nothing bum. And that's the farthest thing from the truth. There are a lot of hardworking people who simply can't make ends meet. Hardworking people who live paycheck to paycheck. We can argue about why that is, but there will always be different socioeconomic strata in this country. Shouldn't there be systems in place to help those people? Or are you just that fucking coldhearted? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
First there always was a system in place (since 1965 anyways) to take care of the indigents and people who simply do not want to work, it is called Medicaid, which a large portion of them went on, (ACA, as they found out, wasn't free, like they were being told) including "ladies" that could certainly afford their own Healthcare, and IMHO that is stealing from the taxpayers/government. Secondly, we uninsured 5 million people in order to get 10 million or 11 million or whatever number they wish to throw at us today. Well any economist will certainly tell you there is no net gain, that at best we would simply be breaking even with number of people insured, and don't forget we had to uninsure them in order to get more people on ACA. As Thomas Sowell, said, it is a "no win situation".

Also, my accountant told me last week, that because of ACA, IRS (another arm of the of Federal Government, and look how well their doing NOT) is certainly going to be cracking down more (I call it strong arming) on those of us who pay taxes, they have hired up to 16,000 new people to come after us. I'm sure the Liberals will see the glass half full and say, "well look at all the jobs it has created". Its like a vicious circle. Whatever happened to personal responsibility for people who are capable to work. There was a time, when if a man had work 2 or 3 jobs to support his family, he did it, he didn't complain, now everybody wants to be victim.