What is your definition of Energy Independence

Ya'll are being trolled for attention. Originally Posted by winn dixie
i thought so too

i tend to think this is how wtf jacks off

its a gay "feel the power of these men" thing

he's got to be drawn to tiny and Lusty in a sapiosexualistic way

and he feeds off that
lustylad's Avatar
Ya'll are being trolled for attention. Originally Posted by winn dixie
WTF is the Paris Hilton of eccie.

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  • 03-15-2022, 04:56 PM
No, dumb ass. Government subsidies are NOT the same as - or even necessarily a step towards - nationalization. Consumer subsidies are a boon for most industries - look at how they juice the sales of EV and solar panel makers. Nationalization is when the govt puts you out of business. It's the death knell.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Whoa...slow the fuck down Rambo. You was to public debate like that and someone would jerk you up by your shirt collar and slap the arrogance out of you.

All you did was basically say the exact same thing I said by rearranging the words and declare my verbiage horseshit.

I said a step towards nationalization...which is exactly wtf making our oil companies sell gasoline for 20 cents would be.

Huffington and Puff all you'd like but enough of your lies.
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  • 03-15-2022, 04:59 PM
Here's what Harold Hamm has to say about that. You know who he is, but for anyone who doesn't, he pioneered development of the Bakken Formation in North Dakota, and is one of America's most successful oilmen.

Biden’s War on Oil Hits Consumers
The American energy industry is ready to help if Washington stops trying to put us out of business.

Gasoline prices are higher than we have ever seen. The government reported a year-over-year inflation rate of 7.9% for February, the highest since 1982. Americans need relief, and one thing stands in the way: President Biden’s unwillingness to reverse course on his administration’s commitment to put the American oil-and-gas industry out of business at the consumer’s expense.

In the year since the administration froze new drilling leases on 26% of federal land and more than a third of the nation’s resources in productivity, the U.S. has been falling further from energy independence, putting national security at risk. There is no good reason for America to become more reliant on energy imports. It constrains our policy choices, forces us to cede our national security to foreign players and enriches those who would do us harm. This administration is working with the Saudis, Venezuela and even Iran to come to the rescue. Why?

The U.S. needs domestically produced oil and natural gas. In 2019 the U.S. became energy-independent, a net exporter. Gas and electricity prices were low, and the U.S. was the largest producer of energy on the planet. Thanks to abundant and affordable clean-burning natural gas, brought to us by horizontal drilling, the reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions was the most successful in the industrialized world.

Modern life is predicated on cheap, abundant and reliable energy. This administration has manufactured scarcity and mandated insecurity around the globe. Energy prices are rising everywhere, and releasing a couple of days’ supply from our strategic reserves is a temporary patch. The largest strategic reserve in the world is under our feet.

The solution lies in three simple actions: First, make it official U.S. policy to restore energy-independence by using all sources of available energy. Announce the intent to bring on more supply of oil and gas in the U.S. This provides certainty for producers to bring new capital and supplies to the market, meeting current world demand.

Second, open federal lands for energy development. The 9,000 permits the White House keeps touting is misleading at best. Thousands of those sites can’t be developed as they are held up in litigation. Others require new permits and leases to make a full unit. Thousands more await approval. Conservatively, our data tells us the number of available permits ready for production today stands closer to 1,500, and many of those are already drilling. No leases have been issued for federal land since 2020.

Third, support energy infrastructure, including pipelines to transport natural gas, oil and CO2 safely. Projects such as the Mountain Valley Pipeline would increase energy availability and enhance our ability to export to our allies.

Last week we heard for the first time that Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is ready to work with “everyone and anyone who is willing to take a lead into the future by diversifying your energy portfolios to add clean fuels and technologies.” The American oil-and-gas industry has done just that. My message to the administration is this: The people of American oil and gas stand ready to work with you on U.S. energy development.

https://www.wsj.com/articles/bidens-...ts_pos2&page=1 Originally Posted by Tiny
I'm sure HH is not biased....I see your link and raise you a link.


Last December I covered the nuances of U.S. energy independence. A common belief that I encounter is that President Trump made us energy independent, but we lost that energy independence under President Biden.

That’s not strictly true, but it requires a bit of understanding about what energy independence actually is. I covered these issues in Is The U.S. Energy Independent?

If you are confused about the definition of energy independence, also see What Is Energy Independence?

As I explained, a correct accounting would be to add up all of our energy production (oil, natural gas, coal, renewables) and then subtract our net energy consumption. The U.S. is a net exporter of coal and natural gas, so it really comes down to the petroleum balance.

U.S. net imports have been declining since 2005 as a result of hydraulic fracturing. That year, U.S. net imports of petroleum and petroleum products (e.g., gasoline, diesel, jet fuel) averaged 12.5 million barrels per day (BPD). By the time President Obama left office, the number had declined to 4.8 million BPD (Source). During Obama’s last full month in office, the number was 4.2 million BPD.

When President Trump took over, the downward trend continued. During President Trump’s last year in office, the net import number turned negative. It is therefore true that we gained energy independence (per this definition of net imports) under President Trump. Net exports in 2020 averaged 635,000 BPD for the year.
winn dixie's Avatar
WTF is the Paris Hilton of eccie.

Originally Posted by lustylad
Its cute when he gets all worked up like paris
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  • 03-15-2022, 05:20 PM
You're not a fucking oil CEO!

It would be a dereliction of duty for oil execs to go full steam ahead and not take the political climate seriously. We have a senile moron in the Oval Office trying to appoint anti-carbon fanatics at the Fed, the Comptroller of the Currency, the EPA, etc. These far-left cunts would have the ability to cut off your bank funding, make new projects unprofitable, smear your reputation and tank your stock price - and you say no big deal?

You're an idiot who has obviously never seen the inside of a board room. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yea Mr. Drama , no big deal. Those fuckers are going to need oil and gas. So they can buff and puff just like you do on here but how they gonna get to protest in DC? Bike?

You and Tiny are like the far left in that you let your emotions get the best of you before actually studying the situation and investing accordingly.

This is like ammo sales....they always go up under Demo Pres but we still are all packing.

Quit believing the drama or clickbait....they just using you for political gain.

If I was to listen to you and Tiny....I'd be investing in Bunkers!
lustylad's Avatar
All you did was basically say the exact same thing I said by rearranging the words and declare my verbiage horseshit.

I said a step towards nationalization...which is exactly wtf making our oil companies sell gasoline for 20 cents would be. Originally Posted by WTF
Not at all, dumbass. If the govt wants to pay me the market price for my gasoline, then turn around and sell it to Sheetz for 20 cents, everyone's cool (except maybe the taxpayer, who picks up the tab for the difference, and who nobody gives a fuck about).

That's a subsidy, not a "step towards nationalization". Not even close.

If the govt forces me to sell my gas at a loss for 20 cents, that's a price control, not a subsidy. It doesn't rob the taxpayer, it robs me.

Your verbiage is horseshit because your brain is mush. You are a simple-minded simpleton who gets lost at the first sign of nuance.
Trump came the closest?

Did we have no drilling prior to Trump?

Were we not steadily rising since 2006?

Was Trump the one who found this oil and ordered energy companies to drill?

Why didn't Trump order our energy sector to continue pumping and drilling after he shutdown our economy?

We would have been energy independence as fuck!

I start these threads hoping some of you may learn how the oil sector is multifaceted.....but it is partly for the chuckle some of these responses entail.

Trump was most responsible.... Originally Posted by WTF
Of course not. Oil comes from the ground or from the Ocean substrate and you must drill into it to obtain it. The reason oil has spiked has nothing with what you're talking about. You're trying to make some sort of case that Energy Independence isn't obtainable because of some sort of economic reasons rather than political ones. The real truth of the matter is Energy regardless of the source Energy is a Global endeavor and no one has a corner on it. The only reason Trump came close to what might be considered "Energy Independence" is because has a better marketing strategy than other presidents but we still weren't Energy Independent. The reason for the spike in gasoline at the pump is because in the long run the dawn of the Electric Vehicle must start. The best way is to make powering a gasoline car a financial burden. The prices will spike they may come down a little then spike again then comes Gas rationing. What's happening right now with oil is happening for a specific reason and it's happening globally.
lustylad's Avatar
Yea Mr. Drama, no big deal. Those fuckers are going to need oil and gas. So they can huff and puff just like you do on here but how they gonna get to protest in DC? Bike?

You and Tiny are like the far left in that you let your emotions get the best of you before actually studying the situation and investing accordingly.

This is like ammo sales....they always go up under Demo Pres but we still are all packing.

Quit believing the drama or clickbait....they just using you for political gain.

If I was to listen to you and Tiny....I'd be investing in Bunkers! Originally Posted by WTF
You were probably investing in Ukrainian farmland prior to Putin's invasion. He's just huffing and puffing, no big deal, right? Why take anyone at their word?

Tiny already bitch-slapped you on this. I've got better things to do tonight.

I'm sure people were poo pooing Karl Marx for many years before 1917. And Hitler for years after he wrote Mein Kampf. Ignore Bernie Sanders at your own peril. Or the fact that the moderate majority of the Democratic Party is now the moderate minority. Originally Posted by Tiny
lustylad's Avatar
Quit believing the drama or clickbait....they (sic) just using you for political gain. Originally Posted by WTF
Nobody is "using" me. But lots of us will be happy to use Senile Biden's own words against him to get him the fuck out of office!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
WTF is the Paris Hilton of eccie.

Originally Posted by lustylad
why do you want to equate Paris with WTF???? he ain't that cool when hes trolling.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Its cute when he gets all worked up like paris Originally Posted by winn dixie

no, he gets worked up more like Gottfried!!!
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  • 03-16-2022, 06:15 AM
i thought so too

i tend to think this is how wtf jacks off

its a gay "feel the power of these men" thing

t Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I head you Jack off hanging upside down on the monkey bars.

Now enough of your homoerotic dreams.

Back to the subject matter.

Energy independence.

Both Trump and Biden have achieved it but are they responsible? Do they deserve the credit?
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  • 03-16-2022, 06:17 AM
why do you want to equate Paris with WTF???? he ain't that cool when hes trolling. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I'd like to fuck the energy independence out of Paris
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  • 03-16-2022, 06:21 AM
Nobody is "using" me. But lots of us will be happy to use Senile Biden's own words against him to get him the fuck out of office!

Originally Posted by lustylad
That is the American way...

But unless he croaks, that is almost three years away.

That is a whole lot of investing time.