
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Gosh. You two are everything I could possibly dream of. I could just have you sit on my face and reach Nirvana. Do you still have any opening is in Houston? If not, when are you coming back? Originally Posted by thoughtful

You better hit Dallas Rain up fast sugar, she's leaving us Wed.............Ride'em Cowboy............
BuriedFace's Avatar
*Wondering if I am done with those clean-up duties yet...just sayin.*
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Buried Did I tell you to come out of the corner yet?? Now get your ass back their tell me and Dallas are a done playing, THEN you may start your clean up duties...........
BuriedFace's Avatar
Yes Mistress...*walks back to the corner and commences to doing...well...hehe what's gotta be done*
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Good Boy..............Ill make Dallas very messy for you, so you can have a long job of cleaning her all up..............Can you handle it??
BuriedFace's Avatar
Yes Mistress, and one of you can "handle" me while the other is grinding on my face...but in the meantime...I guess I will just have to "handle" myself in the corner
Bouncing on my face, me tongue-fucking her, grinding her pussy and ass all over my mouth, face and tongue. I would pull her in deeper, tasting her cum and with her grinding deeper, deeper. I'm a freak and I have no shame!:

Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
That picture is missing just one thing...my face underneath, with my arms tied to the leg chairs. And yeah dude I agree with everything you said...my Mistress could even be a lil aggressive, grab my hair and keep it shoved up her ass and pussy, squeezing my head between her buttcheeks and thighs...and if I somehow managed to get my face out to breathe in some air, I would love to hear her yell down at me, "Bad boy! You are going to regret that!" As she grabs my head once again and forces my face back in deeper this time...and keeps it there until I pass out. Damn I am seriously getting hard as I type this...I think I need to um...handle this issue...DallasRain where are you when I need you? Oh yeah that's right...in Houston...bah there's always a catch:/ Originally Posted by BuriedFace
BuriedFace, I acted on this today, with Sanaa (pronounced ending with short 'a') and Dallas and the lovely Athena (review coming).

Sanaa rode my face (full weight, body, pussy, ass on my mouth), and tongue as I tasted her 'goodness' as Athena and Dallas had their way with me down below. Gawd, this was some serious fucking and debauchery. Shssst

Sanaa tastes really good. Dallas shat on my face for quite a bit with her 4" pussy lips and Ms. Athena took me to just above "sub-space".

The Slut's Avatar
That will be one hot review.
Facesitting is one of my fortes!! Just see my review here from herfacechair! ;-) Awesome fetish! Just awesome! The girl has to have an ass though, mmmmm, ass.
cumalot's Avatar
BuriedFace, I acted on this today, with Sanaa (pronounced ending with short 'a') and Dallas and the lovely Athena (review coming).

Sanaa rode my face (full weight, body, pussy, ass on my mouth), and tongue as I tasted her 'goodness' as Athena and Dallas had their way with me down below. Gawd, this was some serious fucking and debauchery. Shssst

Sanaa tastes really good. Dallas shat on my face for quite a bit with her 4" pussy lips and Ms. Athena took me to just above "sub-space".

Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Damn, I could have had a triple instead of a double....maybe next time...
Facesitting is one of my fortes!! Just see my review here from herfacechair! ;-) Awesome fetish! Just awesome! The girl has to have an ass though, mmmmm, ass. Originally Posted by TamsenCrown
You and I are in the wrong fucking states. Damn!
Damn, I could have had a triple instead of a double....maybe next time... Originally Posted by cumalot
I wasn't quite as adventurous as you...My hat is off to you and your great review .

Butt, I do have a tale to tell...and told, it will be!!!

enigma878's Avatar
Come on down Ms. Tamsen. You need to read Ur messages on Collar Me more often.

Facesitting is one of my fortes!! Just see my review here from herfacechair! ;-) Awesome fetish! Just awesome! The girl has to have an ass though, mmmmm, ass. Originally Posted by TamsenCrown
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I wasn't quite as adventurous as you...My hat is off to you and your great review .

Butt, I do have a tale to tell...and told, it will be!!!

Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)

LOL It was a BLAST!! Next time we will have to have a video going to record all the hotness........MAN oh MAN, Ass, Tits, Pussy,and Cock.....YUM YUM!!!
BuriedFace's Avatar
Dallas shat on my face for quite a bit with her 4" pussy lips Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
That is one hell of a typo there dude...least I hope it's a typo. Awesome review though, just makes me want to meet these sexy ass ladies even more...