Tucker Carlson or the CDC: Who Do You Trust More for Advice About Masks?

how trustworthy are Rachel Madow and Brian Stelter? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
They are very trustworthy, to the Network that is. They'll read any script that is handed to them without question.
"Should this book be pulled from the market or censored? I don't think so. However it's contingent on people who know that particular recipes are fucked to bring that to others attention."

Agree in principle, with qualifications, some hopefully obvious, some unfortunately more gray.

Freedom of the press is double edged. Should information vital to national security (nuclear information, weapons specs, skunk works data) be censored...I think most agree yes. Should the names of minor victims of sex crimes be shielded...I think most agree yes.

Is yelling "fire" in a crowded theater covered by freedom of speech...I think most agree no.

Was Orson Welles's airing of War of the World's covered by freedom of speech? Gray area, certainly not wise and had unfortunate consequences even with supposed disclaimers. Illustrates that "journalists" are not ordinary citizens by virtue of the depth of their audience.

Perhaps their "standard of care" in medical jargon should be higher.
matchingmole's Avatar
Tucker is losing....lol
  • Tiny
  • 05-10-2021, 04:57 PM
Agree in principle, with qualifications, some hopefully obvious, some unfortunately more gray. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I agree with everything you wrote.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hedonist, If you're still out there, this may explain how Carlson and his writers got it wrong:

Carlson also compared the number of deaths reported to VAERS that followed Covid-19 vaccinations with those that came after flu shots, which are far lower.

But the CDC previously said that deaths following Covid-19 vaccinations must be reported, while those that come after other immunizations do not.

There is a “requirement that health care providers report all deaths that occur after Covid-19 vaccination (required by the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)), regardless of whether the health care provider believes the vaccine was the cause,” the CDC said, referring to the authorizations allowing the shots to be administered.

“This reporting requirement does not apply to other vaccines.”

The requirement is mentioned in FDA statements on the EUAs for the Pfizier-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.


When we were debating this a few days ago I went into the VAERS database and pulled an Excel file showing number of reports per year, and the jump up in 2021 was striking. I suspect this is part of the reason why.

While in my new, temporary roll as Master Baiter, I speculated that Carlson was being misleading in order to sell advertising, it's perhaps more likely his staff just didn't know that the standards for reporting to VAERS for COVID were much, much more strict than for other vaccines. Originally Posted by Tiny

This is a complex issue. Comparing deaths is complicated. What I am saying and will continue to say, is that Tucker Carlson never told people not to get vaccinated because they will die if they take the vaccine. That's what I heard you saying. That is what I was responding to. Perhaps I too misinterpreted what you said but I don't think so.

He told people, "don't trust me or the government, do your own research and do what is best for you". Might he have made a mistake much like Fauci did when he first told us not to wear a mask? Maybe since everybody makes mistakes like the people at MSNBC have admitted to.

When we started this debate, I got the impression you were saying that Carlson was telling people not to get vaccinated and that by doing so, he could be causing deaths. All my comments were meant to disavow that notion. And your "Big misrepresentation" that more people were turned off to the vaccine by Tucker over VP Harris was laughable considering the audience difference between Fox and all other left wing media that heard Harris say with no hesitation what so ever, that she would not be getting the vaccine as long as Trump was President. No telling how many lives that may have cost..

To speculate that Carlson purposely, knowingly puts out false information that could kill people for advertising dollars is a despicable thing to say about anybody if you can't prove it.

Have you seen who advertises on Tuckers show? My Pillow, Relief Factor and Balance of Nature. Does that sound like Tuckers goal is to sell advertising? He loses advertising year after year. Tucker is on the air because Fox News subsidizes the news program with money they make from the rest of the conglomerate. I don't think Tucker or Hannity or any of them could stay on the air from advertising dollars.



Greenblatt’s appeal to advertisers aims to cut off one source of funding for it, but Carlson is just a front man for the larger enterprise churning along behind him. The Murdochs call the shots at Fox, and convincing them to change course matters most.

As my colleague Tara Lachapelle has also pointed out, Fox generates only about 30% of its earnings from advertising. Its bottom line is insulated from vagaries in the ad market and among viewers by multiyear affiliate deals locked in with pay-TV providers.

Carlson couldn't care less whether anybody advertises on his show because his boss agrees with what he is saying. This is why I believe your remark holds no weight. Right or wrong, I believe what he says, is exactly what he thinks and most of it is exactly what I think.

I don't agree with a single word in the article above other than what I quoted which speaks to your remark.

I don't have a White Supremacist bone in my body. I have never, unlike some of the people on MSNBC, ever said one race is superior to any other race. I believe all humans are "generally" all the same. It is only who raises them and the culture that they are raised in that determines what kind of a human they will be, not the color of their skin which makes absolutely no difference to me.

But having said that, the Left has decided that their best argument is to call people like me racist figuring I will be silent in the corner but I won't.
  • Tiny
  • 05-10-2021, 05:03 PM
sign me up for the hangman then. not interested in a "miracle cure" for a "death plague" we both agree has LESS THAN 1 percent mortality rate Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No hangman. We can't take the risk of you infecting someone between the time it's determined you haven't been vaccinated and the time of of your execution. A bullet to the head ASAP after you're not able to present your CDC card is the way to go.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Anybody who won't get his shots, we should execute him. No excuses, no trial, no delay, just execution right there on the spot. When you mess around with justice and rights of the accused and all that crap it costs more money and puts more people at risk. Originally Posted by Tiny
hmm.. not very nice.

so, how are the unvaccinated a threat to the vaccinated???
HedonistForever's Avatar
"Some MD's are dumb, though. They're like a human Google search. But I guess someone has to pay for their porsche."

True. Also true of some posters on this board. Some dummies (or wackos or charlatans) in every profession, but in general, physicians are expert in medicine, lawyers are expert in law, licensed electricians are expert in wiring...and yes, rocket scientists are expert in rocket science. They are expert by nature of their specialized education and vetted as competent by various certifying bodies. Tucker is expert in none of the above.

Which is why he brings on air those experts you just talked about

If he talks politics, OK that's opinion not fact and every asshole has an opinion.

Exactly, it's an opinion not meant to be in all cases, fact. Politics is not facts, it is opinion

If he talks science (mask wearing, vaccine, aerodynamics), he is not expert. His right to still OPINE on such matters that require specific educational expertise....but why accept his non-qualified OPINION against those with valid credentials in their field.

Which is why he is constantly saying, "don't believe me, look it up, do your own research and make the best decision for you" and I'll say again, any topic, matter that requires and expert, he presents an expert and as we all know, both sides can find and expert to agree or disagree with what ever they are talking about. Is there one and only one truth about masks? Then why did Fauci initially say not to wear them? Is there only one truth about vaccines? Have people over the history of vaccines, died from them? Yes they have. Should people not be told that fact in order to not discourage them from getting this vaccine? Sure sounds like that is what the Biden administration would like

If you need to have your appendix removed go to your barber shop....yes, barbers were surgeons in days long gone. Somehow, I think we're better off having them cut hair considering their training. Originally Posted by reddog1951

And if one enjoys discussing different political opinions like most of the people on this board ( I assume ) then you seek out people who express political opinions because it interests you. Some of us watch Tucker, some Maddow. I don't question Maddow's motive. I have no doubt what so ever that she spouts that crap because she believes it and I believe Tucker does the same thing.

One example. Tucker does a story on the new Georgia voter law saying it is not Jim Crow 2.0. which is what Biden called it. His opponents call that racist. Call him a White Supremacist. Then the Washington Post gives Joe Biden 4 Pinocchio's for "misrepresenting" ( lying ) about what the Georgia law said. So who was right? Tucker was and everybody that agreed with Biden, which was everybody on MSNBC and CNN were wrong.

Did the Left merely make a mistake on the Russian collusion story? Did the FBI make a "mistake" or did one of their own falsify documents in order to spy on an American citizen that actually worked for the CIA and not Russia. Did Adam Schiff lie about having proof of Russian collusion? Yes he did and it was proven when the classified information be based his remark on was released and proved he lied. Did Adam Schiff pay a price for that lie? He did not.

You lie about facts. Opinions are not necessarily lies, they are opinions. We all gravitate to the opinions we believe. Some of us and I'll include myself in that group, seek more than one opinion and will read and listen to the other side of the argument and then decide what we believe.

Have you heard? The Biden administration said tonight, "The border is closed". Then I see groups of 50 men, women and children, crossing the border, not stopped, not turned away, not told to go back because this border is closed. So who is lying to the American people?
txdot-guy's Avatar
hmm.. not very nice.
so, how are the unvaccinated a threat to the vaccinated??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
First of all the coronavirus vaccines aren't 100 percent effective. They simply make it more difficult to get infected and minimize the symptoms and adverse effects of full blown covid-19.

Secondly the unvaccinated are more likely to be infected and become petri dishes for the coronavirus leading to more mutations which eventually will get around our existing vaccine efficacy.

Thirdly the unvaccinated are mostly a danger to those who choose to remain unvaccinated.

To date more than a billion people have been vaccinated for the coronavirus and severe side effects are minuscule in caparison. Simply put, the more people that get vaccinated, the less likely there will be community transmission.

So in summation. Get the vaccine, if not for yourself then do it for your community.
bambino's Avatar
First of all the coronavirus vaccines aren't 100 percent effective. They simply make it more difficult to get infected and minimize the symptoms and adverse effects of full blown covid-19.

Secondly the unvaccinated are more likely to be infected and become petri dishes for the coronavirus leading to more mutations which eventually will get around our existing vaccine efficacy.

Thirdly the unvaccinated are mostly a danger to those who choose to remain unvaccinated.

To date more than a billion people have been vaccinated for the coronavirus and severe side effects are minuscule in caparison. Simply put, the more people that get vaccinated, the less likely there will be community transmission.

So in summation. Get the vaccine, if not for yourself then do it for your community. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Just wear a mask. Or two. They supposedly work. Why put an experimental concoction in your body?
winn dixie's Avatar
I refuse to put an experimental vaccine in my system!

Next thing is micro chipping! Line up!!!!!!!!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
txdot is afraid of cooties
  • Tiny
  • 05-10-2021, 06:07 PM
This is a complex issue. Comparing deaths is complicated. What I am saying and will continue to say, is that Tucker Carlson never told people not to get vaccinated because they will die if they take the vaccine. That's what I heard you saying. That is what I was responding to. Perhaps I too misinterpreted what you said but I don't think so.

He told people, "don't trust me or the government, do your own research and do what is best for you". Might he have made a mistake much like Fauci did when he first told us not to wear a mask? Maybe since everybody makes mistakes like the people at MSNBC have admitted to.

When we started this debate, I got the impression you were saying that Carlson was telling people not to get vaccinated and that by doing so, he could be causing deaths. All my comments were meant to disavow that notion. And your "Big misrepresentation" that more people were turned off to the vaccine by Tucker over VP Harris was laughable considering the audience difference between Fox and all other left wing media that heard Harris say with no hesitation what so ever, that she would not be getting the vaccine as long as Trump was President. No telling how many lives that may have cost..

To speculate that Carlson purposely, knowingly puts out false information that could kill people for advertising dollars is a despicable thing to say about anybody if you can't prove it.

Have you seen who advertises on Tuckers show? My Pillow, Relief Factor and Balance of Nature. Does that sound like Tuckers goal is to sell advertising? He loses advertising year after year. Tucker is on the air because Fox News subsidizes the news program with money they make from the rest of the conglomerate. I don't think Tucker or Hannity or any of them could stay on the air from advertising dollars.



Carlson couldn't care less whether anybody advertises on his show because his boss agrees with what he is saying. This is why I believe your remark holds no weight. Right or wrong, I believe what he says, is exactly what he thinks and most of it is exactly what I think.

I don't agree with a single word in the article above other than what I quoted which speaks to your remark.

I don't have a White Supremacist bone in my body. I have never, unlike some of the people on MSNBC, ever said one race is superior to any other race. I believe all humans are "generally" all the same. It is only who raises them and the culture that they are raised in that determines what kind of a human they will be, not the color of their skin which makes absolutely no difference to me.

But having said that, the Left has decided that their best argument is to call people like me racist figuring I will be silent in the corner but I won't. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I don't watch him a lot, but have never seen an indication he's a White Supremacist.

If you look at the press on the subject at hand, there are a lot of people who watched Carlson's segment and came away from it with the same impression as I did, including the National Review and several Fox commentators on platforms like Twitter.
  • Tiny
  • 05-10-2021, 06:09 PM
hmm.. not very nice.

so, how are the unvaccinated a threat to the vaccinated??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I'm Master Baiting, in honor of EccieUser, who has recently departed here for greener pastures, in the Land of the Banned.
  • Tiny
  • 05-10-2021, 06:30 PM
And if one enjoys discussing different political opinions like most of the people on this board ( I assume ) then you seek out people who express political opinions because it interests you. Some of us watch Tucker, some Maddow. I don't question Maddow's motive. I have no doubt what so ever that she spouts that crap because she believes it and I believe Tucker does the same thing. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I believe they're both entertainers and just as or more interested in entertaining and appealing to their audiences than seeking the truth. Maddow's considerably worse than Carlson. I posted on this earlier in this thread,


One example. Tucker does a story on the new Georgia voter law saying it is not Jim Crow 2.0. which is what Biden called it. His opponents call that racist. Call him a White Supremacist. Then the Washington Post gives Joe Biden 4 Pinocchio's for "misrepresenting" ( lying ) about what the Georgia law said. So who was right? Tucker was and everybody that agreed with Biden, which was everybody on MSNBC and CNN were wrong. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
There was nothing wrong with the Georgia election law, except that Stacy Abrams and other Democrats could use it to mislead the public, enrage their base, and make it more likely Democrats will show up to vote at the next election.