SPEED senile Joe gets AL Bore's endorement...WTF does Ol'Joe say to him?? Please decipher for us!!

adav8s28's Avatar
a wrote - " a fever over 100 is "diagnostic" of Wuhan virus.
Originally Posted by oeb11
Little O, Dr Jan the medical correspondent for ABC said on TV, you should go get tested for corona virus if your temperature reaches 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Those were the first words out of her mouth, when she was asked when should one go get tested for CV19. It's all on video.

You are only an epidemiologist on eccie.net, not in the real world!

Jacuzzme's Avatar
During a news briefing last week, Trump speculated whether treating patients with an ultraviolet light or injecting them with disinfectant was a viable treatment to rid people of the deadly virus.
“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute," he said. "Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”
That’s called a question, the only stupid one is one that isn’t asked. The UV light part is actually a thing, whether it’s good for covid is yet to be determined. I’ll give you that it’s a bit crazy, but it also came from Donald Trump, a man who’s never been afraid of peeking over the Cliffs of Insanity. Then again, history is spattered with crazies whose contributions are felt to this day. Pythagoras was afraid of beans.
adav8s28's Avatar
That’s called a question, the only stupid one is one that isn’t asked. The UV light part is actually a thing, whether it’s good for covid is yet to be determined. I’ll give you that it’s a bit crazy, but it also came from Donald Trump, a man who’s never been afraid of peeking over the Cliffs of Insanity. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It was more than a question when you suggest to look into it. The Doctors did not need to look into it, they already knew that giving the patient a disinfectant would kill the patient.
Little O, Dr Jan the medical correspondent for ABC said on TV, you should go get tested for corona virus if your temperature reaches 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Those were the first words out of her mouth, when she was asked when should one go get tested for CV19. It's all on video.

You are only an epidemiologist on eccie.net, not in the real world!

Originally Posted by adav8s28
It was more than a question when you suggest to look into it. The Doctors did not need to look into it, they already knew that giving the patient a disinfectant would kill the patient. Originally Posted by adav8s28
So you continue to double down on your lies and misrepresentations.

Yes, Dr Jan said to discuss getting tested if you have a fever of 100.4 along with other symptoms.

You, however, twisted that to say that a fever of 100.4 was indicative of Wuhan Virus over the flu.

And now here again.

Trump asks a question on stage of the doctors to look into whether the UV light or some disinfecting mechanism could be used.

You turned that into. Trump said to doctors to just give some disinfectant to clear the virus.

In both cases when confronted you pretend to walk back your original statement and never admit your outright twisting of what was said.

You have historically done the same thing(remember your lies misrepresentation of Perry's GPA).

It's why your posts and projections get very little credibility.
  • oeb11
  • 05-03-2020, 06:53 PM
Little O, Dr Jan the medical correspondent for ABC said on TV, you should go get tested for corona virus if your temperature reaches 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Those were the first words out of her mouth, when she was asked when should one go get tested for CV19. It's all on video.

You are only an epidemiologist on eccie.net, not in the real world!

Originally Posted by adav8s28

Little a - u were quoted correctly - deflection and denial is just a sign of your illustrated meltdown above!!!

you wrote "diagnostic" of wuhan virus!
Little a - u were quoted correctly - deflection and denial is just a sign of your illustrated meltdown above!!!

you wrote "diagnostic" of wuhan virus! Originally Posted by oeb11
Makes me wonder if Dr. Jan would have a case against him for libelous misrepresentation of her words in order to spread the DemPanic.

His tall tales are starting to rival those of Creepy Joe's.
  • oeb11
  • 05-03-2020, 07:11 PM
Little a writes just as the narrative from the WaCompost, NYT, and j66 in his rants - The "FACTS" are anathema and irrelevant to their DPST LSM approved narrative.

They cannot imagine a world without the chinese news network to guide their way for them - just as Orwell predicted in his novel .
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That is why I call tariffs a "hidden" tax. Most people do not follow costs of products closely enough to realize that they are being screwed by the imposed tariffs. But some do track them and I showed the estimates as to how much the tariffs are costing us.

After Trump imposed a tax on washing machines manufactured in China, i Found it necessary to purchase one. My previous was a Samsung and I was very happy with its performance for many years and wanted the same brand. Unfortunately the Samsung, which had been competitively priced, was now quite a bit more expensive than other brands not manufactured in China. Coincidence? I hardly think so. .. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

That is the very definition of capitalism - profiteering. Samsung washers are made in Poland if I recall, even though Samsung is a South Korean company. All in all, none of it having to do with China. So if it costs more it has nothing to do with China and more to do with added features to keep the price up. BTW: Pretty typical of the tech industry in general, keeping base price up by adding features. Very typical of Samsung. You ever check out the price of their refrigerators??

Another reason you don't actually see the tariffs on Chinese goods - currency devaluation, aka currency manipulation. China is an all-star at that practice. They will take major hits to their currency as a short term trade-off to secure long-term dominance, by pricing competition out.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Little O, Dr Jan the medical correspondent for ABC said on TV, you should go get tested for corona virus if your temperature reaches 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.... Originally Posted by adav8s28
OK, so you have a fever and in the fevered panic of Muh Corona, you get tested and Viola! You got Muh Corona in you. Then what happens? What does the doctor tell you to do?

Most likely, they tell you to go home, get some rest, drink plenty of fluids and take some over the counter drugs. All that assuming you're not near death or don't have a morbidity that is a know problem. That's right. For the 99+% of the population, it is a flue that you will most likely recover from quickly. Egads!

Oh, but there is the fine print of Muh Corona - you gave up your rights to medical privacy (HIPAA) and your rights to a whole lot more than that (privacy, freedom of association and assembly), like an obedient little Comrade. Seig Hiel.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That is the very definition of capitalism - profiteering. Samsung washers are made in Poland if I recall, even though Samsung is a South Korean company. All in all, none of it having to do with China. So if it costs more it has nothing to do with China and more to do with added features to keep the price up. BTW: Pretty typical of the tech industry in general, keeping base price up by adding features. Very typical of Samsung. You ever check out the price of their refrigerators??

Another reason you don't actually see the tariffs on Chinese goods - currency devaluation, aka currency manipulation. China is an all-star at that practice. They will take major hits to their currency as a short term trade-off to secure long-term dominance, by pricing competition out. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Just to clarify your thought process. If Trump had gone through with his proposed 10% tariff on cell phones manufactured in China late last year, who would have paid that tariff? China? Apple? Companies such as Verizon who sell the phones to consumers? Consumers? Or no one?

Trump obviously believes China pays for the tariffs based on his statements.
  • oeb11
  • 05-05-2020, 06:47 AM
SR is ignoring the unequal playing field game China is playing.

They are screwing us with the Wuhan virus, and in the balance of trade.

Boycott china - don't buy their trash.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Just to clarify your thought process.... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Just to clarify your thought process, would please explain in detail, with charts if you have them, how a washing machine, made in Poland, by a South Korean company is affected by a tariff on Chinese washing machines.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SR is ignoring the unequal playing field game China is playing.

They are screwing us with the Wuhan virus, and in the balance of trade.

Boycott china - don't buy their trash. Originally Posted by oeb11
OEB, there are many issues. The one I'm addressing is who pays for the tariffs put on goods imported from China? Trump says China pays for it. I say the importers and in most cases the consumers eventually pay for it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Just to clarify your thought process, would please explain in detail, with charts if you have them, how a washing machine, made in Poland, by a South Korean company is affected by a tariff on Chinese washing machines. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No charts needed.

At the time I purchased my washing machine. Samsung washing machines that I preferred were manufactured primarily in China. You are correct that today the same products are manufactured in several countries, not only China and not only Poland. The washing machine I was looking to purchase was a front loading one.


Samsung is a South Korean multinational brand, producing a range of products including microwaves and dishwashers. Samsung’s Washer Dryer combos and fridges are said to be manufactured in South Korea. There are also some front load washing machines stated to be made in China, with certain fridge models made in Thailand. One Samsung curved TV model is also made in Vietnam.

But you seem to have negelected to answer MY question:

If Trump had gone through with his proposed 10% tariff on cell phones manufactured in China late last year, who would have paid that tariff? China? Apple? Companies such as Verizon who sell the phones to consumers? Consumers? Or no one?
bambino's Avatar
OEB, there are many issues. The one I'm addressing is who pays for the tariffs put on goods imported from China? Trump says China pays for it. I say the importers and in most cases the consumers eventually pay for it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Then why did China come to the table and sign a trade deal? They didn’t do it because they decided to play nice. Why did Mexico finally put 20,000 troops on their southern border a week after Trump said he would slap tariffs on them? Coincidentally, the caravans have stopped. One can say Mexico is paying to help secure our border.