
rke324's Avatar
McMurphy (ME): [about shock treatments] They was giving me ten thousand watts a day, you know, and I'm hot to trot! The next woman takes me on's gonna light up like a pinball machine and pay off in silver dollars!

Randall- you crazy guy. Where's the Chief? Originally Posted by MountainGoat
Let's hope this does not happen often either:

Originally Posted by jackfengshui
rooster's Avatar
This is the most confusing thread I have ever read. And maybe the stupidest. And in some ways, the most disappointing.

It is always funny to see some of the same old whiners using every opportunity to take another shot at the Mods. And I absolutely LOVE it when people start discussing whether we get free pussy! That is hysterical. Like we could keep it a secret. It doesn't stop the speculation, though.

XY is a dangerous, lying jerk-off. If you give him any credibility whatsoever, you are a fool. I have not seen this "letter" and don't want to. I have no use for this fuck and refuse to give him one second of my time. As such, I have no knowledge of whether he is making accusations about me. If he is... and if any of you give it the slightest bit of credibility..... BRING IT. Say it to my face. I have nothing to hide nor fear. I suspect my Mod bro's don't either. Again, we couldn't hide it. And it wouldn't take an XY to blow us in.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-15-2013, 10:11 PM
AMEN brother! I could not agree more!
elghund's Avatar
And I absolutely LOVE it when people start discussing whether we get free pussy! . Originally Posted by rooster

You know most people say that in's the loonies who believe it.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-16-2013, 04:03 AM
I have no knowledge of whether he is making accusations about me. If he is... and if any of you give it the slightest bit of credibility..... BRING IT. Originally Posted by rooster
That was hot! And i'm a guy.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
This is the most confusing thread I have ever read. And maybe the stupidest. And in some ways, the most disappointing.

It is always funny to see some of the same old whiners using every opportunity to take another shot at the Mods. And I absolutely LOVE it when people start discussing whether we get free pussy! That is hysterical. Like we could keep it a secret. It doesn't stop the speculation, though.

XY is a dangerous, lying jerk-off. If you give him any credibility whatsoever, you are a fool. I have not seen this "letter" and don't want to. I have no use for this fuck and refuse to give him one second of my time. As such, I have no knowledge of whether he is making accusations about me. If he is... and if any of you give it the slightest bit of credibility..... BRING IT. Say it to my face. I have nothing to hide nor fear. I suspect my Mod bro's don't either. Again, we couldn't hide it. And it wouldn't take an XY to blow us in. Originally Posted by rooster
quite the shot on someone who's banned . you should point yourself for disrespect.
dearhunter's Avatar
Since this is a "Information" thread.....maybe it would help to provide a little information......

rooster, I did not see you mentioned in the XY diatribe.

Mods do get offered "freebies"......I know. Because, I have been offered freebies........hobbyists get offered "freebies".......I know. Because, I was offered freebies when I was dodging points.

The question becomes "was the offer genuine or just a way for a hooktard to get noticed"..........and "is the modtard dumb enough to accept the offer".

Modtards are a reflection of you (the community) have what you have. Because, you accept it........until you don't accept it anymore.

The best mod is rarely seen doing his job. He doesn't feel the need to demonstrate his perceived power. When a retard gets all bent out of shape over something he does, he does not get offended. He can accept whining and bitching with the patience of Job, and handle each situation like it is a new day. he does not need to justify his actions with "If you only knew what I know" and "you don't know this retard like I do". he does not take any of it personal when he is questioned for the umpteenth time. He understands that he does not represent himself in his capacity as a modtard. He represents you, the community. He is not your policeman. He is your janitor.

It is a thankless job. But, a good modtard is willing to do it.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-16-2013, 09:15 AM
rooster, I did not see you mentioned in the XY diatribe. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Then you weren't paying attention. He was mentioned. ijs
dearhunter's Avatar
Then, it must have been in a late edit. Because, I am looking at the original posting and he is not in it.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-16-2013, 09:48 AM
Then, it must have been in a late edit. Because, I am looking at the original posting and he is not in it. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Good job! I would have never figured that out. ijs
dearhunter's Avatar
I stand corrected.......I did find one comment about rooster.....but, no accusations.
crozwell's Avatar
Can someone pm me the link? I really have to see it after wading through the drama of the last few days!
Guest042416's Avatar
gp cums quick big deal
a lot of bs accusations thrown at the mods.

some of his things with the girls he handled well yea he had proof for that.
gp, don't go on top side to side youll hold out lol