Providers, will you see a client who see's TS's?

Naomi4u's Avatar
Is there a "line" in the hobby? (As in one you won't cross) Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
That is a very good question, EA. Can't wait to read the responses.
john353's Avatar
Is there a "line" in the hobby? (As in one you won't cross) Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

I am a heterosexual. I have no desire to cross the "line" into bisexuality or homosexuality. That doesn't mean that I can't allow myself to be tolerant of others who may have chosen a lifestyle different from my own. They live their lives just as we do and it isn't my place to cast stones at other people just because they choose to be different.

They don't try to persuade me to be something I'm not and I don't look at them as anything other than just, people.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Glass house indeed. Good points gentlemen. As for a "line"? There is only one that comes to the forefront of my mind. Minors. Not going to go there ever. As for everything else well I get bored easliy. Heh.

Woman I have nothing but respect for you and you know that (Amended for space for KLK)
P.S I found your comments very disrespectful. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I find your comments ignorant and comical. What makes you think none of your clients already (and frequently!) see TS?? I bet you don't see guys who see streetwalkers, either? lol. For someone so young, you're very self-righteous and oddly enough, morally indignant...but paradoxically naive! I disagree with most things you post, but I admire your gusto and your "moral compass".

I'm still your internet pal, but girl, I will call you out every time you say something ridiculous. I hope you'll do the same for me. When it's all said and done, I do like you, Naomi. I just wish that by the time you reach 25 (like me) your spirit will be more acceptive and your mind more open, and malleable to the thoughts/behaviors of others.
Like I mentioned earlier, and was all but crucified for:

Human sexuality is fluid. If you've ever had a great orgasm to a porn featuring a gender opposite of your're not 100% on either spectrum. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Can anyone post the sexual-preference spectrum? I believe its by Kinsey? I'm going to be offline for the next week or so, but this should definitely be posted. Some mofos on here need to eat some crow!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I find your comments ignorant and comical. What makes you think none of your clients already (and frequently!) see TS?? I bet you don't see guys who see streetwalkers, either? lol. For someone so young, you're very self-righteous and oddly enough, morally indignant...but paradoxically naive! I disagree with most things you post, but I admire your gusto and your "moral compass".

I'm still your internet pal, but girl, I will call you out every time you say something ridiculous. I hope you'll do the same for me. When it's all said and done, I do like you, Naomi. I just wish that by the time you reach 25 (like me) your spirit will be more acceptive and your mind more open, and malleable to the thoughts/behaviors of others. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
So that is what 25 looks like? hm. I hope when you reach 30, you will realize that there will always be that special someone that won't always agree with you/won't see things the way you see things. You seem to be a smart girl but for some reason you just don't get that part. Done with this thread.
So that is what 25 looks like? hm. I hope when you reach 30, you will realize that there will always be that special someone that won't always agree with you/won't see things the way you see things. You seem to be a smart girl but for some reason you just don't get that part. Done with this thread. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I'm a little sorry I quoted you after all the changes you made you to your initial post. You are a very ignorant and self-righteous young woman. Out of all your 4000+ posts you GIVE advice rather than ask for it. You aren't Oprah. Why do you think you know it all, when even she doesn't?

What you fail to see, grasshopper, is that I verbally slay no one for their beliefs. Once someone becomes hypocritical is when I put up that big shiny mirror. And unlike you, I don't devolve into insults or pathtic sexual advances once I realize someone doesn't share my point of view. Your fliritng with Wakeup is one repulsive example, if I may add...considering the fact he's very vocal about not liking black girls.. I would call you Sally Hemmings, but considering you aren't very well read, that reference wouldn't be understood.

I'm glad you're done with this thread. So am I. But once again, unlike you, I actually mean it. Back to Austin, then Houston for easter with my family, and then BOTB!!!!

Have a great weekend, N. I hope you allow a random person to show you an alternate view of sometthing you already "think" you know. You might actually enrich your life!
I think this thread has truly run it's course................closing!