New Poll shows the uneducated favor Trump.

LexusLover's Avatar
That was a bit later in the campaign when the AF pilots decided to cut loose and before Gen Norman Schwarzkopfs division decimated most of the Iraqi military. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I believe that is an "over-estimation" ....

.. unfortunately the "authorizations" and "orders" issued for the Bush I administration had the assignment of "encouraging" the Iraqis to leave Kuwait .....

... when the invasion of Kuwait by ground forces began the U.S. had over 500,000 military personnel in place and the ground force invasion went into Southern Iraq to push the Iraqis out.

There was roughly 700,000 total "coalition" personnel for the task.

The estimates of Iraqi military personnel killed vary, but even the highest estimates put the figure at about 15% of the Iraqis in Kuwait and Southern Iraq at the time of the Coalition invasion. At the time of the invasion of Kuwait the Iraqis reportedly had the 5th largest military force in the World.

The modest invasion did not decimate "most of the Iraqi military."
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I believe that is an "over-estimation" ....

.. unfortunately the "authorizations" and "orders" issued for the Bush I administration had the assignment of "encouraging" the Iraqis to leave Kuwait .....

... when the invasion of Kuwait by ground forces began the U.S. had over 500,000 military personnel in place and the ground force invasion went into Southern Iraq to push the Iraqis out.

There was roughly 700,000 total "coalition" personnel for the task.

The estimates of Iraqi military personnel killed vary, but even the highest estimates put the figure at about 15% of the Iraqis in Kuwait and Southern Iraq at the time of the Coalition invasion. At the time of the invasion of Kuwait the Iraqis reportedly had the 5th largest military force in the World.

The modest invasion did not decimate "most of the Iraqi military." Originally Posted by LexusLover
it seemed that way given the way it was reported.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Arguments that wars are one today with any one service alone are stupid. Ultimately the war must be closed on the ground, but the ground war cannot be won without some degree of winning--at least locally in time and space--the air and space wars (and unless there is a major land path for reinforcements and resupply, the sea).
Originally Posted by Old-T
My point exactly.

There ain't been a single war won solely with the use of conventional air power in the history of mankind, Sissy Chap. The theory that air power alone can achieve victory was blown to shit in WWII, Sissy Chap.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
  • DSK
  • 08-18-2016, 07:43 AM
MTP - It doesn't matter to me even if he said it to my face I wouldn't do anything about it. Not because I'm a pussy but rather words have never bothered me and besides I conceal carry pretty heavily and when you conceal carry it comes with great responsibility and required restraint. So unless he posed himself as real physical threat he's free to say whatever it is that he likes. That is my general approach to life.

I have advanced weapons training and so I behave as such and to their chagrin I am member of the NRA. I know they can't understand it. ohh but wait he's a liberal. LOL Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I actually think the air campaigns fall in the middle. They don't win the war, but they soften up the enemy. I for one would not want to live without electricity and phone service, and eat a limited diet for several years, all the while worrying about a bomb blowing me up, or killing my family.

Additionally, you could blockade the enemy. We don't need the expense or the long term consequences of ground troops.

Too many boys come back injured and crippled for life, both emotionally and physically.

For an example, look at Assup. Though he never saw combat while he was in Vietnam, he is a basket case, a wild animal posting bullshit even at his advanced age.
What does it show when you do? Originally Posted by LexusLover
It shows he's intelligent and has his shit together, lol.

That was a bit later in the campaign when the AF pilots decided to cut loose and before Gen Norman Schwarzkopfs division decimated most of the Iraqi military. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Yes, they were absolutely decimated, from the sky....
Reread your own fucking post, Andy the Little Nazi Boy.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Your own video just proved my exact point that the Iraqis were giving up, thus the Republican Guards had to make a suicidal stand so the bulks of Saddam's armies could have escaped instead of surrendering to even the journalists who were covering the ground operations.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Your own video just proved my exact point that the Iraqis were giving up, thus the Republican Guards had to make a suicidal stand so the bulks of Saddam's armies could have escaped instead of surrendering to even the journalists who were covering the ground operations. Originally Posted by andymarksman
The video shows a tank battle, Andy the Little Nazi Boy. And without troops occupying key terrain, Andy the Little Nazi Boy, there would be no one for them to surrender to; plus, Andy the Little Nazi Boy, the Republican Guard retreated to fight another day -- in 2003.
MT Pockets's Avatar
MTP - It doesn't matter to me even if he said it to my face I wouldn't do anything about it. Not because I'm a pussy but rather words have never bothered me and besides I conceal carry pretty heavily and when you conceal carry it comes with great responsibility and required restraint. So unless he posed himself as real physical threat he's free to say whatever it is that he likes. That is my general approach to life.

I have advanced weapons training and so I behave as such and to their chagrin I am member of the NRA. I know they can't understand it. ohh but wait he's a liberal. LOL Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I understand. I didn't think you would act out in violence especially on someone that may not be a legal adult. I just wanted to prove the point that he is a keyboard badass.
I have never seen so many dickheads run their mouths like they are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and were navy seals and Green Beret's and pro boxers and taught Stephen Hawking everything he knows all rolled into one.

For some reason Trumplickers think we all think one way or the other. Just because they say and do whatever the rest of them do, they think we do the same. The concept of independent thought is beyond them.
lustylad's Avatar
For some reason Trumplickers think we all think one way or the other. Just because they say and do whatever the rest of them do, they think we do the same. The concept of independent thought is beyond them. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Listen, you hopeless moron. Many of us don't support Trump. You're too stupid and lazy to figure that out, even after I shouted it in your ugly pockface. You're so thick-skinned and simple-minded that you think if someone calls you out (as I did in this thread) for not understanding YOUR OWN DATA, it makes them a Trumpster. It doesn't. It only shows the world you are even dumber than you claim Trump voters are.
MT Pockets's Avatar
I know what you commented. And I challenged you to back it up with a bet that the exit polls on November 8, 2016 will be any different than they were in 2008 and 2012. You chickened out. Obviously you don't believe your own bullshit.

One more fucking time I am gonna tell you why I will not take your stupid ass bet. Are you listening?????
Do I believe the uneducated are favoring Trump yes. Do I think he will win the most voters with no education no, simply because he is going to purposely lose.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
Say what? You won't take the bet because you think Trump will intentionally alienate and lose his own CORE SUPPORTERS – the same loyal Trumpsters who have been with him from the start? The ones you are so eager to trash and ridicule as uneducated for backing him? The ones who applauded when Trump boasted he could “shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue” and not lose their support? ... That's quite a whopper, Pockface! ... Probably the lamest and least believable rationalization for being a coward and ducking a bet ever seen on eccie. It's obvious you lack the courage of your so-called convictions.
I have flat out told you why and you keep running your stupid mouth on a point that has been hashed over several times

Again I will offer you the option of taking my bet either take it or explain why, I did.
Tired of explaining it. why dont you tell who you think all the idiots are that support him are.
You said this about them

The ones who applauded when Trump boasted he could “shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue” and not lose their support?

I never said anything inconsistent and contradictory like you did, moron, so I have no reason to back up my comments with any kind of a bet.
Neither did I You just want to misunderstand what I said so you can attempt to blow smoke up my ass. Also if you " have no reason" to back up your comments then why are you offering a bet>

I posted the data to show how many different demographics he won. Do you think Trump will carry any of the more educated groups?

Don't change the subject. We're talking about who will carry the LEAST educated group, the dumbest of the dumb, the high-school dropouts. YOUR OWN DATA showed Obama carried this demographic twice, by almost a 2-to-1 margin.
Yes, and it also showed he carried all the other groups as well dipshit. why else would I have shown that . You are a simpleton is why you don't understand or just acting stupid

I didn't paint anyone to be dumb trash.

You're a liar, pockface:
Yo mama's a pockface ( childish name calling wtf!
Originally Posted by MT Pockets View Post
Hillary ... will win every demographic beside (sic) white trash Klansman.

The first time I made a comment here I was called a bunch of childish names so who is doing the painting? I do not look down on Trump supporters most of my friends are voting for him. But they don't talk shit like you do.

I didn't “talk shit”. I merely pointed out how YOUR OWN DATA contradicts your assertion that Trump is leading among the least-educated voters. Then I challenged you to bet on whether the outcome would be any different this election, since according to your own data Democrats have invariably carried this demographic. You chickened out. Obviously you don't believe your own bullshit.

You twisting the data is the problem

They don't like Democratic policy's (sic) so they always vote against them. they do not fall for every dumb ass rumor than comes down the line as some do. They don't think Trump is capable of doing a good job they are depending on congress to keep him in line. he does not know how things actually work so he will be so inept he will be harmless. I personally like Hillary's ideas. I also liked McCain and Romney. Kasich would have been a good option also. The reason Trump got the nomination was because of all the rednecks still pissed over Obama. I spent most of my day and weekends around conservatives. I have never seen ones like a few of you guys. Then again your (sic) hiding behind a keyboard. You might even be one of my buddies thats (sic) a closet asshole LOL.

So you're saying most of your friends are “rednecks”? Do you call them that to their faces? Do you tell them most Trump supporters are stupid and all of the smart folks are voting for hildebeest? If not, then you're the dipshit who is hiding behind a keyboard.

I did not say my friends are rednecks. There you go putting words in my mouth again. Seems to be your MO
I also never said that only drop outs supported Trump My chart even showed that. You know the one you keep misreading.

If you paid any attention and weren't such a douchebag, you would know I am not a Trump supporter and have never said I will vote for him. I injected myself into this thread not to defend Trump, but to point out that all the evidence suggests hildebeest will win the uneducated vote (defined as high-school dropouts of all races) by a wide margin. You're just too stubborn to admit the truth.

This comment has to be the dumbest you have made. Trump doing well under those with no education at this point has no bearing on the actual election results. You are trying to compare things that are not related and make a straw man argument. Your bet is pointless since I agree with you why would I take it?

Now my bet is not. Tell you what If you take my bet and I lose I will not only leave the forum I will buy you a ticket to see the Monster Trucks
LexusLover's Avatar
it seemed that way given the way it was reported. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
.. I got an email inquiry in 2003 from a long time friend and associate who was overseas and limited to BBC ... at the time of the 2003 invasion .....

...he was asking WTF was happening to the U.S. "we" were getting our asses kicked by the Iraqis..... based on BBC reports overseas.

The signficant matter IMO that arose from the Kuwaiti episode was the "unveiling" of the "controlled ordinance" (rocket propelled bombs) in a tactical circumstances with enhanced video.

The overall plan was modeled after a defensive assault in Europe to thwart a Soviet/Russian invasion from the Eastern "front," which was originally designed to be conducted with overwhelming tank and mechanized superiority by the Soviets/Russians.

Lobbing ordinance and dropping bombs could be considered a "happenstance" result in which tank commanders, already demoralized by short pay, bad equipment, and little logistical support, could calculate a percentage of losses by accidental hits or partial damage from a nearby explosion, which might be survivable. Being able to observe a projectile flashing in for a direct, devastatingly effective strike with catastrophic obliterating results .... made the consequences seem highly personal.....and then they began to realize they had been deceived by their "bosses" upstream into believing their superiority and invincibility.
LexusLover's Avatar

Yes, they were absolutely decimated, from the sky.... Originally Posted by andymarksman
Hardly worse than the Houston Metro area mid day on Fridays!

Seriously, Andy, Bush "pulled up" on back turn as he rounded the bend to the finish, and the U.S. stood by while Saddam began slaughtering those who "fraternized" with the coalition, which did not, and has not, go unnoticed afterwards when we sought help and intelligence gathering.

I have said this before in various forums, but there is a good reason why former North Vietnamese military officers went to Baghdad to consult with the Iraqis in the ramp up to 1990 and 2003! What beat the U.S. in S.E. Asia?
MT Pockets's Avatar
Listen, you hopeless moron. Many of us don't support Trump. You're too stupid and lazy to figure that out, even after I shouted it in your ugly pockface. You're so thick-skinned and simple-minded that you think if someone calls you out (as I did in this thread) for not understanding YOUR OWN DATA, it makes them a Trumpster. It doesn't. It only shows the world you are even dumber than you claim Trump voters are. Originally Posted by lustylad
I believe you are not a Trump supporter. You have an axe to grind with me for some reason so you pick apart and twist what I say to fit your agenda. Not really sure what it is or care.
As for my "ugly pockface" when did you see it? are you stalking me? I never disagreed with the data. you just twisted it along with what it was posted for. By the way did you verify the data or just go with it because you felt you could use it to your advantage? And if the world is following this post we have bigger problems than a minor disagreement.
LexusLover's Avatar
As for my "ugly pockface" when did you see it? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Is it "ugly" and "pock-marked"?