This is my official RETIREMENT thread... (This is old, She is not retired- NYr)

TheEccie214's Avatar
And the brave White Knight comes riding in the save the day. This WK needs no reward at all ladies, he will WK any girl for free, he used to even WK Kitty: Originally Posted by SteveOTX
You have an interesting definition of WK. Relationships change, like that poor pimp that's taking the fall for that stupid Valerie girl.
TheEccie214's Avatar

Wow, somebody's got their panties in a wad! Stooping to the typo/grammar police is pretty desperate, even for you.

Is Steve getting under your skin? You two should get along since you have a lot in common. He/she is WK for !IV!

So I guess it is okay when you and Dorky go off topic and hijack threads while insulting other posters?

Calling Kitty a GILF is not "celebrating her retirement" by any stretch of the imagination. I don't know Kitty at all, but I can't stand to see a provider get beat up by a bunch of internet bullies - even if it may be justified. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Why do the two of you hate Kitty so much to continually highjack her retirement thread? Terrible and classless.

Stick to posting what you know about which appears to be nothing.
You have an interesting definition of WK. Relationships change, like that poor pimp that's taking the fall for that stupid Valerie girl. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
As usual you have no idea what you are talking about.

Why do the two of you hate Kitty so much to continually highjack her retirement thread? Terrible and classless.

Stick to posting what you know about which appears to be nothing. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
I completely understand why you are obsessed with Kitty and are always posting about her, and always bumping old threads involving her. We all know that the world needs more of Kitty Lamour, and this obviously includes you based on your borderline stalking of her.

Kitty is a very busy person, I am sure she will acknowledge you when she can fit it into her schedule. In the meantime you are going to have to get in line with the others and wait.
TheEccie214's Avatar
I'm agreeing with you Val, the world needs more Kitty! And she's busy yes, with her life away from he hobby - can't you read? She's retired!
TheEccie214's Avatar
Picturing having dinner with Vi, Kitty, Tara, and that crazy tranny that got banned last week - that'd be interesting. A group that's been wrong by the terrible world of icky.
Picturing having dinner with Vi, Kitty, Tara, and that crazy tranny that got banned last week - that'd be interesting. A group that's been wrong by the terrible world of icky. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
I'd pass on that meal......the tranny all 6' plus feet of him had some real anger issues.....besides Kitty's got plenty of venetian masks to polish, and a 98 benz to theres that.......
KittyLamour's Avatar
Why do you all keep bumping an irrelevant thread from a year ago? Tony are you that dumb you can't read and see the obvious that I did not retire? The way you keep stating a fact that is clearly untrue makes me think you have an agenda to mislead people that I retired when I clearly did not. Do you have an agenda to shut me down?

Anyone that wants to can view my showcase, website or latest video and tell I am not a GILF. Unless the world's definition of a GILF has gotten a lot younger. I believe those who state I am a GILF are part of the same agenda.

Tony you have no idea what I do in my spare time or what I drive, which happens to be a brand new sports luxury vehicle, so if you want to keep throwing untruths out there, I suggest you come by and get your facts straight before you run your mouth. I'll be happy to take you for a ride around the block. Until then, since you have no idea what you're talking about, I'd suggest you keep me and my life out of your conversation.

I used to own an antique Benz which I sold to a collector in the Netherlands but I have never owned a 98 model. Nor do I own a Benz at all at this time.
Why do you all keep bumping an irrelevant thread from a year ago? Tony are you that dumb you can't read and see the obvious that I did not retire? The way you keep stating a fact that is clearly untrue makes me think you have an agenda to mislead people that I retired when I clearly did not. Do you have an agenda to shut me down?

Anyone that wants to can view my showcase, website or latest video and tell I am not a GILF. Unless the world's definition of a GILF has gotten a lot younger. I believe those who state I am a GILF are part of the same agenda.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
learn to read meemaw I didn't bump your retirement thread......and couldn't care less if your working pulling a disability check or walking the track........

and if your back, good luck put on that clown makeup and dark wig and make some cash.......only a drama queen would start a thread like this......but I didn't bump it........but there are some REALLY good ones i'd be happy too...your call
KittyLamour's Avatar
Ok, lmao, mee-maw, clown makeup and dark wigs... too funny. Your attempts to make me look bad are FAILS. You don't know what you're talking about? Clearly. You're a pussy who won't take the opportunity to back up a word you say? Clearly. Agenda? Obviously.
Ok, lmao, mee-maw, clown makeup and dark wigs... too funny. Your attempts to make me look bad are FAILS. You don't know what you're talking about? Clearly. You're a pussy who won't take the opportunity to back up a word you say? Clearly. Agenda? Obviously. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
has anybody seen mercianna?? this the thread you really want to pick??? theres so much just love the drama, but you cant understand, I don't make any money here.........
but im good to start bumping some great kitty/mercianna threads....I have all night, and tomorrow.....I own my company.............I didn't bump your retirement thread......but watch the ones I will now.......
KittyLamour's Avatar
Go ahead then if you're so bad ass with your agenda. My case in point. Yawn. I can understand why you're bitter though seeing as I am out of your league and all.

You don't make any money here? Neither do I, I'm established. I don't need this site to make a living. My phone rings regardless.

You own your own company. Great. So do I.

Is that all you got? Boring.
Go ahead then if you're so bad ass with your agenda. My case in point. Yawn. I can understand why you're bitter though seeing as I am out of your league and all. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Meemaw you couldn't pay might consider pointing your rage elsewhere, I didn't bump your fucking pathetic retirement/feel sorry for my old ass thread....but you have plenty of embarrassing ass threads, you know when you were Mercianna, so i'd go back to polishing your venetian masks, and pretending to be I don't start bumping youre past threads,
you think you need to win every time you're called just end up looking desparate and lonely....but thanks for playing
nice edit by the way
KittyLamour's Avatar
Whatever you say pendejo.
Whatever you say pendejo. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
does having the last word make you feel better about your sorry little world?....ok then, sleep tight meemaw, don't let that clown makeup stain your sheets
KittyLamour's Avatar
No. Obviously, it does you about yours. Now take your irrelevancy elsewhere, you're not needed when it comes to me and my life. Ciao.