Poll: Free Jon Balls

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-15-2011, 04:07 AM
GP, just so you know, it is ME not Doove who is responsible for pestilence, plagues, famine, locusts, war, death, storms, DARKNESS, and lots of other terrible nasty stuff! Originally Posted by DDarkness
Quit stealin' my thunder.
Deepthinker's Avatar
Jonballs dug his own grave and talked down to women many times. BUT many of the ladies talked him up on the personal level. So what my question is why the double sided identity in the same world and why turn off ladies on the board to seeing you if you are actually cool in person??? Makes no sense to me . . . . Originally Posted by Chloe
It's called Sociopathy or Antisocial Personality Disorder -- which incidentally goes by the same acronym (ASPD) as our prior board.
I'm curious, if one of the mods could answer:

When someone returns from banishment, are they given a clean slate or a short leash?
brutusbluto's Avatar
I'm curious, if one of the mods could answer:

When someone returns from banishment, are they given a clean slate or a short leash? Originally Posted by mwebber
Its a clean slate, they served their time.
DDarkness's Avatar
Quit stealin' my thunder. Originally Posted by Doove
Doove, I could NEVER do that but given that I, yes me, am the epitome of EVIL, well ... you get the idea. I AM the 4th Horseman
Justapervert's Avatar
I am the walrus.. .coo coo ka choo
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-15-2011, 01:58 PM
Doove, I could NEVER do that but given that I, yes me, am the epitome of EVIL, well ... you get the idea. I AM the 4th Horseman
DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
I have a hard time picturing that with the avatar you are sporting
Hmmm, maybe a Doove vs GP thread, I bet it would get thousands of views! Originally Posted by jymie
I remember a wise man telling me "It's the traffic stupid" He was right, now if we can just make it a pay-per-view event. Yeah thats the ticket........
Getting back on topic, I am fascinated by the "stardom" of BB/JB/Whatever. I hope no one is offended by this amateurish analysis.

The closest analogy I can think of is someone who is, by all accounts, a very nice and lovable guy. However, his personality becomes unpredictable when he is behind the wheel. He can be a model driver one day and a wild one on another. As a result, he picks up a lot of traffic tickets, which eventually lead to multiple temporary or even permanent suspensions of his driver's license. Even after a "permanent" suspension, the cops would tacitly allow him to get a new license with a false ID, with the hope that he will stay out of trouble. Unfortunately, he seems unable to maintain a clean record for very long each time.

Public opinion seems to be divided on whether he is an anti-authority folk hero or an undisciplined road menace.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-15-2011, 07:42 PM
My analogy would be that he's like a drunk in a bar. Some people view him as a harmless guy who is funny and entertaining....and other people view him as little more than a drunk guy who is bumping into everyone, spilling beer on people, and falling over the chairs and tables.

To each his own, i suppose.
Dr. Jack - I'm sure that is a fine overview of our favorite delinquent. Fortunately, he's not on the road endangering others. But I bet I know how you voted!
jokacz's Avatar
Hopefully we will be able to fast track his entry into the Spider Hole where he will be able to vent to his heart's content. I see him as a Rub and Tug kind of guy who was uncomfortable with others' attempts to turn this whole upstate section into a Diamonds and Tuxedos kind of place. His politics aren't just right wing they are reactionary. He's Archie Bunker with a hardon.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-16-2011, 05:58 AM
I see him as a Rub and Tug kind of guy who was uncomfortable with others' attempts to turn this whole upstate section into a Diamonds and Tuxedos kind of place. Originally Posted by jokacz
I think you're giving him way too much credit.
Now that the decision has been made and it has been stated that he has a clean slate, it seems like it is time to move on and let him do his thing without all the past baggage.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-16-2011, 09:38 AM
Now that the decision has been made and it has been stated that he has a clean slate, it seems like it is time to move on and let him do his thing without all the past baggage. Originally Posted by NormalBob
Yes, i'm sure he's fully rehabilitated himself during his little time-out.