Board personas and the hobby...

pyramider's Avatar
You gotta be kidding.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
The best humor comes from comedians who tell jokes on themselves; ....

... that is entertainment.

Attempting to marginalize, dismiss, and otherwise discredit others is spawned by an inferiority complex that concludes the speaker or writer lacks sufficient competitive qualities to maintain their status on an even playing field.

Some of the dialogue and character assaults in some of the threads on this board would offend most in the worst locker room or frat house around.

It's the "clique" mentality. Can be representative of an "off-board persona," but is usually reserved for activities in anonymity, which would be the "on-board persona." Originally Posted by LexusLover
"Inferiority complex". Heh.
LexusLover's Avatar
"Inferiority complex". Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
How is it awesomesauce Fo'Realz? ECCIE is a marketing tool for the ladies, and, for me, it is what replaces the water cooler in Corporate USA. Even with my other business I don't have the day to day interactions with a whole business sector that I used to have. I come here to relax, talk politics, have a good time and market. Free marketing I might add. The answer is that Fancy's comments aren't Awesomesauce; they bother you because she's right. ECCIE Awesomesauce is YOUR awesomesauce Fo'Realz. This shit is your life, and Fancy is a decent person - That kills you. Have ya noticed? No one's jumping on your bandwagon to try and hurt or belittle her.

So again, help us all understand what's behind your sarcasm, "facepalm" or one of your other bullshit, cop-out responses that are MEANT to belittle but do little more than betray your true, mean spirited character. Please feel free to fall back on your usual: hooker, john, fat, your feigned disinterest, your wife, stupid - no dumb - you usually use dumb not stupid, your pretend lack of emotion or perhaps something new. That would be interesting; it would at least give me something to play with. We could even lay odds on whether you can. Juzz keepin' it fo'realz fo' ya Homez; you know like how you do - AND ALL.

Everybody hold your breath....................Here it comes...................I'll bet he's going to fall back on his all time favorite ............................"M y wife can rip a ho"..........................L OL! Do it Baby; Rock it! Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

LMFAO, well said! I too LOVE Fancy!
Yes, but you are a puto LOL. You know I mean that in the sweetest way .

Well exactly how many different ways can everybody dies be taken? That's just one of many examples. He's an asshole because he likes to be mean to people. Like I've said before, if he wants to test his boundaries, let him say some of the shit he says here at work or to some guy or worse to his woman in a bar. We'll see how "well" it's taken because it's not words on a screen.

Fo'Realz, to say no one would know your intentions is well simply stupid. Just like everyone knows your intention when you are compelled to tell everyone you are just keeping it real. Paaaah-LEEZ, no you're not. That's how you got my pet name for you. You are doing it to be mean, and that's why I'm mean to you. But do carry on............intentions...... ..............feigned indifference.................. .fat.................whore.... ...............whatever; it all matters to you - it matters so, so much. Yawn all you want, everybody knows this shit is real life for you; you just prefer to suspend reality and pretend like we don't all know. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Damn girl, you are on a roll!
The primary motivating factor is childhood abuse, humiliation and neglect. Plain and simple, the assholes and trolls who post the filth polluting their empty minds and hearts is an act of revenge.

It's a perpetuating cycle, and similar to a drug addiction. When these problem troll posters spew forth, they feel "normal" in a sense. They were never nurtured or cared for properly and they never learned how to feel empathy as a result. The shock they create gives them attention, and believe it or not negative attention in their mind is better than no attention at all. Read Gavin De Becker's book, "The Gift of Fear". He explains this phenomenon with great clarity and insight. The internet
is a great tool for the trolls and bullies. It provides an audience and a never ending supply of attention that they were denied in childhood. If we ignore them, they seek an audience elsewhere.

It's difficult to understand why someone would post such garbage. These people are not normal in any sense and they simply spew forth the hatred and horror they were subjected to in their formative years. There is no understanding the illogical mind, as it does not think in the same manner as a nurtured mind does. Blatant sexual imagry is rather primative and these minds are
attracted to the primative, as they are attracted to the seduction of women and have not received a healthy nurturing relationship with their mother. Female = mother. Sex = nurturing, acceptance and approval. Hence the high amount of men posting here with more time to spend in front of a
computer talking about sex and not really having much of it in real life. Tons of guys are members here and post nothing, hence they tend to be the actual clients and keep the experiences to themselves. Originally Posted by cinderbella

If some didn't post you would think this place was boring. There are several I wouldn't see due to their board personas, and probably likewise. I will say this, the females who are skinny and sooooo beautiful might be a "smoker", and not have much to say because of paranoia reasons. The one who is a post whore (such as myself), might have a good heart and a good head on her shoulders. You choose the way you spend your dollars! I sleep well at night knowing I haven't done any harm to anyone!

Point being, I have seen many VERY different than I thought they would be from their online personas. Don't judge by that! If you don't like someone then don't see them!
I will say this, the females who are skinny and sooooo beautiful might be a "smoker", and not have much to say because of paranoia reasons. The one who is a post whore (such as myself), might have a good heart and a good head on her shoulders. You choose the way you spend your dollars! I sleep well at night knowing I haven't done any harm to anyone! Originally Posted by bustyamy
Right because being skinny and pretty automatically makes you a paranoid drug user...
dearhunter's Avatar
I thought it meant you were a smoker
surcher's Avatar
Originally Posted by bustyamy
I will say this, the females who are skinny and sooooo beautiful might be a "smoker", and not have much to say because of paranoia reasons. The one who is a post whore (such as myself), might have a good heart and a good head on her shoulders. You choose the way you spend your dollars! I sleep well at night knowing I haven't done any harm to anyone!

Right because being skinny and pretty automatically makes you a paranoid drug user... Originally Posted by Valerie
Val, I see your point.

Amy, whatever point you were trying to make went out the window when I read what sounded like stupidity. Tell me if I missed something.

You say the skinny, beautiful girls might be a smoker [why?] and doesn't say much cause they're paranoid, inferring there are reasons. Are the reasons because they're using substances that cause paranoia? Are they possibly mentally unstable, or both? Why? Based on what?

Meanwhile, you, the post whore, who just past judgement and made accusations about ficticious women, or based on someone you don't know, you might have a good heart and a good head on your shoulders and you sleep well knowing you haven't done harm to anyone. Are you inferring someone else, like the skinny girl, has? Based on this, hobbyists should decide how to spend their hard earned money?

Did I miss anything?
Sarunga's Avatar
You gotta be kidding. Originally Posted by pyramider
I'm sure he was....well, maybe not per se.
I said you never know. Not calling anyone out. To judge purely from what someon e post on a hooker board is stupidity. The girl who misspells words, well she might be a great girl and great person. I can say there are a few jerks (guys), but I don't throw providers under the bus, they are simply trying to provide just as I am.
It depends on the way we disagree. Or what subjects the persona has an opinion that might bother me, or how I get approached in a discussion.
I think, if you start "disliking" a board persona it might influence the way people interact in reality or how they stay from interacting.
I think you can`t "judge" a person from what they do post on a boaard like this in all realms of reality, but I also think - if you dive into deeper subjects - and there is a behaviour of posting personality, it might also trigger as one of the tokens on how to "judge" or place a personality from your own POV.
Wakeup's Avatar
I will say this, the females who are skinny and sooooo beautiful might be a "smoker", and not have much to say because of paranoia reasons. Originally Posted by bustyamy
...but I don't throw providers under the bus, they are simply trying to provide just as I am. Originally Posted by bustyamy
Good thing you cleared that up...
linux's Avatar
  • linux
  • 09-11-2012, 01:42 PM
Wow. So not being an obese cow now means you "smoke."

Being physically fit and caring about your health and appearance means something else must be terribly wrong with you, right?

For what it's worth I think I have more respect for a "smoker" than a slob. And the "smoker" will probably live longer.