I am a Indy but like obama

wellendowed1911's Avatar
You might learn to be careful whom your threatening dude, you have no idea who I am either, and I am not impressed by your martial arts skills, talk shit about my wife one more time, and your going to have problems unlike you have ever imagined. When I have my plans finalized I will be SURE to let you know.

"I have personally called out Obama on several issues- I am not some puppet that will follow a candidate on every single issue- if I think Obama is wrong I will state my opinion"

I c you can disagree with him but if anyone else does they are racists, they are tea party members, right wing nut balls, but if you disagree with him it means your not a puppet. If someone else disagrees with him then we should just shut up because you guy won. As far as threatening you, I want to make it very clear to everyone reading this post that I have not threatened you and should something happen to you it is in no way my responsibility. I am going to go watch Kung Fu panda with my boy so I can prepare for our meeting hahahahahahahaha. I will see you very soon you made a very very very big mistake talking about my wife. Kung FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, LOL give me a break........ Originally Posted by dirty dog
I will say whatever I want right to your face- no punk here dude. You started this shit by calling me out. You throw shots at me I am going to fight back like a man. You lost your cool and called me a p*ssy, but i bet you wouldn't call em one to my face. And come to Dallas and bring your wife- I will make sure after I am done with her she will re live the old motto:" wants you go black you will never go back..". And please don't try to act brave on here like you really going to defend your wife- this coming from a man who is on an escort and I assume since you are on this site- you have fucked other ladies who were not your wife, but yet If I comment about your wife- you act like you are so tugh and most defend your wide-lol Get real- bring your wife and I will show her what 13 inches of dick can do- you can watch and take lessons and perhaps use it when you see your escorts. Like I said come try me- talk is cheap-please let me know when you come to Dallas I bet everything on my life if you dare step to me you will get the ass whooping of a lifetime and that's real talk. You better quit why you ahead I would hate to beat yor ass and fuck your wife in the same day. I really want you to get mad because I fucking dare you to meet me in Dallasi fucking triple dare you to face me one one one- and like I said bring a camcorder because I want the world to see you get your ass kicked- you really have no clue who you are fucking with quit why you are head- you started this shit because the bitch in you couldn't debate like a sensible human being and like a bitch you called me a pussy over the net- wow you are real brave, but call me one in person and see if this size 17 shoes doesn't kick your teeth down your throat and see if this 13 inch dick that's 6 inches around in girth doesn't go in your wife's pussy- Now get mad and come see me!!!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
1911 you have to cool out my threads are to broaden your mind not somebodys eye. If you can't beat somebody with your mind then leave it alone. just chill be easy ride the white horse.(people from the 70's will get the last part). Its ok to yell but not beefing ok man Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
I apologize to you Cheaper, but if you look at the threads he started this by calling me a pusy, but I owe you an apology but not him.