Creole Lady Originally Posted by i_land_her
i think we need a meet up for all those who have been Creoled.
Big_A_729's Avatar
Ahhhh Monica fox , she was my first Indy girl I saw from aspd
The Creole lady was a special
kerwil62's Avatar
The Creole lady was a special Originally Posted by tbone2u
Yes she was.....
lizardking's Avatar
ASPD was great fun. But, as with any group, it had its fair share of drama and bullshit. The socials were always interesting. If folks had followed the rule - and simple common-sense practice - of not propositioning other folks that they obviously did not know, there might well not have been any legal trouble.

I love the comment above from a guy from Dallas about how great everything is these days (too much trouble to find and quote it). Yeah, things do seem great in Dallas. But here in Houston, where rates are apparently a direct function of weight and age, not so much. For these and other reasons, I'm no longer active in this world. I don't miss it.
  • harry
  • 02-21-2018, 05:02 PM
The Creole lady was a special Originally Posted by tbone2u
Ah, Ryan “The Creole Lady” is indeed very special. My All Time ATF. I wish her only the best wherever she is.