What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

Rudyard K's Avatar
But he doesn't have to. Originally Posted by Ansley
Shhh. We don't want to be snobby.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-07-2010, 01:41 PM
Shhh. We don't want to be snobby. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
That ain't snobby....thats FU money! Snobby is discussing First vs Business. LOL
Speaking of screeners, I have to go to SFO Saturday, anybody fly trans continental this week? What am I in for?
discreetgent's Avatar
Speaking of screeners, I have to go to SFO Saturday, anybody fly trans continental this week? What am I in for? Originally Posted by SR Only
Domestic flight security is pretty much unchanged. US to other countries also has changed little. Its international flights into the US where the major changes have taken place.
DG, Thanks. After posting that question, I just read an article in today's NY Times explaining that. I get "Male Assist" anyway due to non-original parts in my hips. I tell them I am going to "beep." usually they are pretty cool about it. We do the dance, wand me, talk about weather, etc. I'm on my way.

Coming from outside of the US seems like you can get a prostrate exam and colonoscopy all in one shot (PS: to the tuxedos/guys here, do get a PSA and colonoscopy especially if you are getting older. It's kind of like a tax audit [not that I know what that's like]).

Ten years ago we returned from Hong Kong via Narita. We had to rescreen. In Japan, they aren't as shy about pat downs. No male assist calls. So this petite woman (did I tell you I like petite, too) pats me down. Really pats me down. I can barely hold a straight face. I certainly cannot look at my wife or I'd be on the floor. So we both clear the screening area and I ask her: "Can I go through again?"
discreetgent's Avatar
Ten years ago we returned from Hong Kong via Narita. We had to rescreen. In Japan, they aren't as shy about pat downs. No male assist calls. So this petite woman (did I tell you I like petite, too) pats me down. Really pats me down. I can barely hold a straight face. I certainly cannot look at my wife or I'd be on the floor. So we both clear the screening area and I ask her: "Can I go through again?" Originally Posted by SR Only
No need to ask why you post in these forums

Thanks for your kind words.
I haven't really been reading the board until this evening, hence the delayed response.
I hope my post didn't come across as fishing for compliments because that wasn't my intention. What I was trying to say is that I am educated as I want to be and well groomed as I want to be (aesthetically). I'm happy where I am

I know that you didn't start this thread with anything less than your tongue in cheek...I guess I just got annoyed that by page 6 it wasn't being seen that way. Camille, both feet, jump in...you get the picture.

Camille xx

You are such a beautiful intelligent soul, one of the most beautiful and intelligent posters here. And this post just reinforces that. Your grace and humility is an admirable quality. Shame more aren't like you.

I was being a naughty girl when I started this thread, making a little joke and not realizing the type of response it would get. I never meant to start a competition or cat fight amongst the girls. Although, some of the guys are getting a kick out of it. (Shame on you... you know who you are).

The real reason the HDH forum was started was not to exclude anyone, but to give the girls with higher rates a place to get away from all the hassle from the "no piece of ass is worth..." crowd. With a forum that was dedicated to the higher priced girls, the people that felt the rates were not warranted would just stay away and not complain. Sure some would stick their heads in from time to time to knock the girl for charging so much and the men for being fools by paying so much, but it was to a much lesser degree.

But, the forum welcomed EVERYONE and we talk about things of interest OUT SIDE of the hobby. Less post about blow jobs and more post about emotional responses to news stories and opinions on current events. We shared poetry, philosophy, and comradery. It was a haven for discussing the arts, the economy, the sciences, literature, etc...

And we let bits and pieces of our personalities show. Because the men we were interested in meeting were just as interested if not more on seeing bits of WHO we are as they were in seeing bits and pieces of our bodies or if we had good BCD skills. And a review couldn't give as much insight into our personalities, but yeah they could reveal something about our BCD skill which were of less importance. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva

I guess my point was that I have met providers at all ends of the spectrum....from $200 an hour to $2k an hour.
What saddens me is when I meet someone who charges $200 an hour who lets her rates define her (and usually not in a good way) or conversely someone who charges $2k an hour and does the same. What a load of old tosh! Same for reviews. $200 donations do not entitle people to expect nothing more than to be treated like second class citizens...and $2k an hour doesn't entitle a woman to expect her arse will be kissed before she will even consider having dinner with you. It's all about middle ground. Find your comfort zone, market appropriately and the rest will follow. Men want to spend time with women that are HAPPY. Some can afford to pay more, some less...but you should never expect to be treated as a lesser/better person because of your rate/what they can afford. The ONLY person you ever have to justify yourself to is YOU. Don't worry what others say/think/post...they are not running your business. You are the only one responsible for your happiness....and once anyone stops being happy in this biz it's time to quit. Thanks for the kind words too..I'm not a snob but I can be fiesty and do need a nudge now and again so never be afraid to be the one if you feel I am stepping on your toes


Camille xxx

Camille, thank you for keeping it real. I respect and admire you for your honesty.

I never once detected snobbery from you I read almost everything people write, mostly as a lurker when I can find the time.


Angelina Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
  • Chloe
  • 01-10-2010, 01:29 AM
All these labels and status' are all one step closer to becoming something or someone else . . . I do better and make more and enjoy more quality clients the more I stick to being who I am fully.

I am well educated, fun and well versed in the class of dirty minds lol. I have govt officials, docters, lawyers, construction and garbage men as clients. I love variety and enjoy the vast difference in education and conversation topics. . . .finding myself at an in between status. Ivy league college education with a laid back waitress additude . . . mommy and daddy didn't pay that tuition I did with 3 jobs at a time before I discovered this.

There are many girls working on hard degrees, who are single moms with no help, who volunteer and work strenuous day or night jobs while doing this and getting wonderfull reviews!! And dare I mention it . . . drug free lol . . . almost every provder in my area is not! Those are the diamond girls to me even if she charges fifty bucks.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2010, 07:08 AM
All these labels and status' are all one step closer to becoming something or someone else . . . I do better and make more and enjoy more quality clients the more I stick to being who I am fully.

I am well educated, fun and well versed in the class of dirty minds lol. I have govt officials, docters, lawyers, construction and garbage men as clients. I love variety and enjoy the vast difference in education and conversation topics. . . .finding myself at an in between status. Ivy league college education with a laid back waitress additude . . . mommy and daddy didn't pay that tuition I did with 3 jobs at a time before I discovered this.

There are many girls working on hard degrees, who are single moms with no help, who volunteer and work strenuous day or night jobs while doing this and getting wonderfull reviews!! And dare I mention it . . . drug free lol . . . almost every provder in my area is not! Those are the diamond girls to me even if she charges fifty bucks. Originally Posted by Chloe
There is hope for we garbage men. Yea! Thank you for a wonderful post. There are ladies that may not have the same spelling or internet skills as you but thank God for women like you who recognize much more important qualities!
There are many girls working on hard degrees, who are single moms with no help, who volunteer and work strenuous day or night jobs while doing this and getting wonderful reviews!! Originally Posted by Chloe
When I returned to college there were single moms, married moms etc. doing one, two or more jobs, taking care of their kids AND getting 4.0 grades. Those are truly talented and blessed people. And they didn't even have to juggle jokers like me. But it would have been fun to meet a hottie when I attended (they were there, just no into me).
[ ... ]

There are no certain parameters in regards to looks, education, or price; a top-notch, in demand companion has confidence in herself above all. She has the innate ability to communicate on many different levels, and she makes the man she is with feel like King Of The World for the time she is with him whether it be one hour or one week.

[ ... ]

My best as always,

Chloe Summers Originally Posted by Chloe Summers
Kinda sums it up for me, except that in my mind an HDH makes the PERSON she is (communicating) with feel like the King of the World.

The majority of the people that populated HDH over there and have thankfully found their way here are that kind of person.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Kinda sums it up for me, except that in my mind an HDH makes the PERSON she is (communicating) with feel like the King of the World.

The majority of the people that populated HDH over there and have thankfully found their way here are that kind of person.

Bella Originally Posted by Bella_HHD
I prefer Emperor but I'm not a nit picker.
I prefer Emperor but I'm not a nit picker. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
As you wish, Emperor


(This is meant in fun )
atlcomedy's Avatar
. Men want to spend time with women that are HAPPY. Originally Posted by Camille
There is a lot of truth in this short, simple statement.