Definition Of A.....

You're creeping me out...ijs
If you need examples then you're an idiot....

By all means keep doing what you're doing. Eventually she will deal with you all herself Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
My Darling Bunny speaks the truth. As always. I love you Hunny Bunny.

All right, everybody be cool, this is a robbery! Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!

{{{cue Pulp Fiction music here}}}
Ur_1_only's Avatar
...I'm inclined to think Ur One and Only is a decent guy and not creepy... Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Thanks LilMynx appreciate the thought...
I would consider myself about as normal a guy as they come...
Certainly, not creepy... I do share my opinion on the different subjects discussed here on Eccie. It is never my intention to offend anyone personally.

Actually, from the pictures I've seen of Dorthy. I think she is a very attractive lady and has natural beauty in her facial features not found everyday!

Ok "beam me up Scotty"... I'm outta here!
You're creeping me out...ijs Originally Posted by LilMynx69

Agenda's gotta love em.
You know what? You're right. I'm wrong.

It's not you. It's me.

You're not creepy at all. I'm the one with the delusions. I apologize. Not sure what I was thinking.
No......any other questions? Originally Posted by Russ38

Duly noted. I'll remove mine right away. ;-)
Wakeup's Avatar
My wife is a well known, and very expensive, hooker...and while I do compliment her, normally once a year on our anniversary, I don't feel the need to defend her when she gets into these types of situations...she's more than capable of defending herself...

So while that makes me her doesn't make me her white knight...

Lesson over...
Sjc21108's Avatar
Examples please? Let me test with yall. Do you also threaten to not see certain providers because they refuse to see AA men? Does that turn you off as well because they have particular preferences excluding a certain demographic?

I dare any one of you to answer the question honestly. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I'll bite. I don't threaten to not see NBA providers. I just don't. If they can't pick and choose between the assholes of all races they aren't professional enough for me. There are plenty of ladies who can.
I don't threaten to boycott NBA providers either.
I dare any one of you to answer the question honestly. I got caught up in my response and didn't initially catch you were a woman but regardless same principal applies equally. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Because you assumed I was some creepy guy who chose to have his ATF, Madonna, as his avatar?

Fair enough!
Doesn't matter if you're alone or not you made a claim that I was hoping you would back up. I will take a guess at what you mean by creepy. You mean you don't like to see admirers posting her pics as avi's and mentioning she's their ATF you'd prefer her admirers act like yours and you mention Wakeup? lol.

You've got to be kidding me. This is a classic example of people seeing things through rose colored lenses or what they choose to see. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Dude, when multiple people who are generally kind on the board are telling you that your behavior is creepy and you have to ask for examples then you are beyond help. You can go back to boiling that rabbit.
Dude, when multiple people who are generally kind on the board are telling you that your behavior is creepy and you have to ask for examples then you are beyond help. You can go back to boiling that rabbit. Originally Posted by BFCjosh
SuperBFCJosh. I officially love you. You are so many times the voice of reason. This is a perfect example.

But scale back on the Fatal Attraction freaks out ECCIE Addict when we talk about bunny boiling. Ijs
SuperBFCJosh. I officially love you. You are so many times the voice of reason. This is a perfect example.

But scale back on the Fatal Attraction freaks out ECCIE Addict when we talk about bunny boiling. Ijs Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Thanks. What a difference a few weeks make, huh?
Thanks. What a difference a few weeks make, huh? Originally Posted by BFCjosh
Now I'm going to start a fan club for you. That's not creepy is it? Lol...
Sjc21108's Avatar
Dorthy, Sorry for turning your thread to creepy. What was this about again?