president veto

lustylad's Avatar
...until the GOP gets serious about cutting Defense spending, so called Budget hawks will never achieve their goal. Originally Posted by WTF
....Without the balls to rein in the Defense Budget, you will never be able to rein in the federal Deficit. Originally Posted by WTF

Hmmm... let's see... we're currently spending 6 out of every 7 federal dollars on NON-DEFENSE items - yet you think the defense budget is driving the deficit?


Can you read graphs, fagboy? More importantly, can you comprehend them? DoD spending is now down to 3.1% of GDP and 14.3% of total federal outlays. Better look elsewhere for your budget-busting bugaboo.

So is 3.1% the magic number? Who set that number as the one? You?
No need to google it. We already noticed the endorsement posted on your gloryhole website by one of your loyal customers:

"Woomby, the failed writer and freelance faggot from Arkansas, needs no chiding before he gobbles down your cock and eagerly swallows every drop!"
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Care to post a link to it? Since you started an entire thread about a gay bar, it shouldn't be difficult.
Yes, the NDAA originally WAS a bipartisan bill. Both sides in Congress plus the executive branch agreed on the amount of defense spending as well as the reform provisions it contained. And yet Odumbo vetoed it anyway! For reasons that have nothing to do with the bill, something no previous president has ever done. The responsibility for ANY Presidential veto resides squarely in the Oval Office. Why can't you get that through your thick blame-shifting partisan skull?

I also blame the nincompoop for not knowing how to budget. If you want more for defense, then you allocate less for non-defense. That's the real world. Instead, Odumbo says I want more for defense - therefore I am entitled to more for non-defense. That's completely upside down. It's the Alice-in-Wonderland world. No wonder the community organizer hasn't passed a single budget since taking office in 2009.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Perhaps you need to return to Civics 101. The President doesn't pass a budget, dumbass, Congress does. The President submits a budget request, which Congress works off of. Obama has submitted a budget request each year he's been in office.

You also lie when it comes to his allocation for more defense bullshit. Saying you want more for defense and wanting more for non-defense doesn't mean the two things are mutually exclusive. Of course there will be cuts in other areas.

He vetoed it. Get over it. It's his prerogative to do so.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Defense budget is out of control. It is rife with useless weapon systems, unwanted and unneeded hardware, inflated pricing in purchases, waste, corruption and fraud. If they were forced to use common business practices to manage their money, we could have a stronger, more effective defense on one-third to one-half of what we are spending now.
lustylad's Avatar
So is 3.1% the magic number? Who set that number as the one? You? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Try to say something intelligent, sewer rat. Did anyone say something about a "magic number"? Nope. Try to understand the graph, moron.

As a percent of GDP, we are now spending on defense roughly 1/4 of what we did during the Korean War, 1/3 of what we did during Vietnam, and 1/2 of what we spent under the Reagan build-up (which won the Cold War before Odumbo started pissing it away).

The numbers speak for themselves, sewer rat. If you can't say anything intelligent about them, just STFU.
lustylad's Avatar
Perhaps you need to return to Civics 101. The President doesn't pass a budget, dumbass, Congress does. The President submits a budget request, which Congress works off. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Allow me to rephrase:

"No wonder the community organizer in the WH has been so woefully incompetent and unable to get a budget through Congress since taking office in 2009."

Is that better? Until Odumbo arrived, Congress always managed to pass a federal budget.
lustylad's Avatar
Saying you want more for defense and wanting more for non-defense doesn't mean the two things are mutually exclusive. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yes it does, unless you live in a world of unlimited resources. Here's how you put together a budget in the real world - you start with an estimate of your available revenues, then you propose how they should be spent. If you want to spend more on x, you need to budget less for y. Unless you are a community organizer or a libtard sewer rat who thinks like Alice in Wonderland.
lustylad's Avatar
The Defense budget is out of control. It is rife with useless weapon systems, unwanted and unneeded hardware, inflated pricing in purchases, waste, corruption and fraud. If they were forced to use common business practices to manage their money, we could have a stronger, more effective defense on one-third to one-half of what we are spending now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I might agree with you in part if you drop the hyperbole, COG. We can certainly save money in the defense budget (as we can in every federal spending category), but it's nonsense to suggest we could cut it in half from its already shrunken level without gravely jeopardizing our security. What "common business practices" are you talking about?

Here are the DoD numbers under Obama. Do they look "out of control"? They are in nominal dollars which means spending has declined even more dramatically in real (inflation-adjusted) terms.

FY 2010 - $691 billion
FY 2011 - $687 billion
FY 2012 - $645 billion
FY 2013 - $578 billion
FY 2014 - $581 billion
FY 2015 - $560 billion
Yssup Rider's Avatar
DooDoo economics...

What does this have to do with Obama's religious beliefs?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-01-2015, 08:34 AM
I might agree with you in part if you drop the hyperbole, COG. We can certainly save money in the defense budget (as we can in every federal spending category), but it's nonsense to suggest we could cut it in half from its already shrunken level without gravely jeopardizing our security. What "common business practices" are you talking about?

Here are the DoD numbers under Obama. Do they look "out of control"? They are in nominal dollars which means spending has declined even more dramatically in real (inflation-adjusted) terms.

FY 2010 - $691 billion
FY 2011 - $687 billion
FY 2012 - $645 billion
FY 2013 - $578 billion
FY 2014 - $581 billion
FY 2015 - $560 billion
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Your numbers are used to paint a roses picture. How about these numbers?

"Current military” includes Dept. of Defense ($586 billion) and the military portion from other departments as noted in current military box above($196 billion). “Past military” represents veterans’ benefits plus 80% of the interest on the debt.*
The Defense budget is out of control. It is rife with useless weapon systems, unwanted and unneeded hardware, inflated pricing in purchases, waste, corruption and fraud. If they were forced to use common business practices to manage their money, we could have a stronger, more effective defense on one-third to one-half of what we are spending now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yes it does, unless you live in a world of unlimited resources. Here's how you put together a budget in the real world - you start with an estimate of your available revenues, then you propose how they should be spent. If you want to spend more on x, you need to budget less for y. Unless you are a community organizer or a libtard sewer rat who thinks like Alice in Wonderland.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
You make cuts in other areas, idiot.
I might agree with you in part if you drop the hyperbole, COG. We can certainly save money in the defense budget (as we can in every federal spending category), but it's nonsense to suggest we could cut it in half from its already shrunken level without gravely jeopardizing our security. What "common business practices" are you talking about?

Here are the DoD numbers under Obama. Do they look "out of control"? They are in nominal dollars which means spending has declined even more dramatically in real (inflation-adjusted) terms.

FY 2010 - $691 billion
FY 2011 - $687 billion
FY 2012 - $645 billion
FY 2013 - $578 billion
FY 2014 - $581 billion
FY 2015 - $560 billion
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Common business practices means if they were forced to operate like a an actual business. Like most republitards, you see a reduction in spending and start screaming about national security. Why don't you ever concentrate on efficiency?
Allow me to rephrase:

"No wonder the community organizer in the WH has been so woefully incompetent and unable to get a budget through Congress since taking office in 2009."

Is that better? Until Odumbo arrived, Congress always managed to pass a federal budget.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
So you fucked up. Better get gay rey.