Obamacare Death Panels Arriving

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  • CJ7
  • 08-18-2013, 05:22 PM
there are NO death panels .. I posted the link proving that 2 times on this thread

so LoserLoser still wants to argue about death panels

When the point is stupid, meaningless, or irrelevant, wasting energy on it is stupid. .. slobbers LL

so using his own logic, he' stupid.

we knew that.
Liberal Bullshit. Guess you didn't read the article written by DNC chair Howard Dean M.D. where he admitted that there were Death Panels which came out this year not like an ANCIENT article you posted by the liberal media to hide the truth from the American public. Oh I forgot. You can't read an article that contains words that are longer than 3 letters or that contain facts.

there are NO death panels .. I posted the link proving that 2 times on this thread

so LoserLoser still wants to argue about death panels

When the point is stupid, meaningless, or irrelevant, wasting energy on it is stupid. .. slobbers LL

so using his own logic, he' stupid.

we knew that. Originally Posted by CJ7
flghtr65's Avatar
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1053632829]HERE'S YOUR SIGN!

Now, did you post that or ....

............... was someone else on your computer?

If you posted it ... so did your hero on "his" website .... except he didn't add the bullshit .... "can't get insurance where they work" .. THAT WAS YOUR BULLSHIT. Here is what was posted at the White House website:

Counting the Uninsured: 46 Million or “More than 30 Million”?

Posted by Peter Orszag on September 10, 2009 at 02:52 PM EDT

"Last night, President Obama stated: "We are the only democracy—the only advanced democracy on Earth—the only wealthy nation—that allows such hardship for millions of its people. There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage."

"Today, the Bureau of the Census released the most recent data on the number of uninsured Americans. The report, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2008, reveals that 46 million people were uninsured in 2008, the last year for which there are data. These data are based on the Current Population Survey. With two different numbers, there has been some confusion as to which is accurate. Well, both are -- and the President's version is more focused on the relevant target population for health reform since it excludes unauthorized immigrants.

Bottom line LL, The Affordable Care Act will insure between 20 - 30 million in 2014 that did not have insurance in 2013. The 2008 number is 5 years old. The estimated number of uninsured today is 53.5 million. The CBO estimates that after there 8 years there will still be 30 million uninsured. The Affordable Care will insure 23.5 million people who did not have insurance in 2013. Here is the math. 53.5 - 30 = 23.5. The only type of system that will insure everyone is single payer system like Great Britain or Canada. We know the republicans don't want that.
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=flghtr65;1053695992 Bottom line LL, The Affordable Care Act will insure between 20 - 30 million in 2014 that did not have insurance in 2013.[/QUOTE]

And "uninsured" another group of 30 million. So you still have at least 30 million uninsured.

Here's what you liberal idiots (and I am using that term advisedly) did ....

Insurance premiums can cost $1,000 a month ($12,000 a year), if one can't get it from an employer, and about $400 a month ($4,800 a year) if one can get on a group plan with an employer .....

so ... one can pay $700 a year and not sign up for health insurance coverage.

A poor, pissed off, self-insured, or simply don't give a shit person does what?

Pay $12,000 (or $4,800) or $700.

Not only can you not do math based on reality of the ACA, but you can do simply math.

So you provide an incentive for people not to get health insurance if it saves them money!

And you have the audacity to call me an "idiot" or "stupid"!

That's what liberals do as opposed to conservatives ... pipe dreams about how to manipulate behavior.

They dream up this shit on paper and then end up broke like California.

Can't pay for their bullshit that doesn't work.
LexusLover's Avatar
there are NO death panels .. I posted the link proving that 2 times on this thread, so LoserLover still wants to argue about death panels
Originally Posted by CJ7
You posted no proof about anything ... just opinion ... I don't want to "argue" about "death panels" ... you do.

So if it fits your sensitivities better ... I'll start calling them "Life Panels" ..... ok?

But the ACA calls them "IRO"s ... aka "independent review organizations" ....

... and they make the final determination of whether or not a recipient does or does not get rejected services, treatment, or drugs. You can call it what you may, to suit your propaganda.

If a recipient needs A to stay alive and the IRO says "NO"! What would you call it?

"Budget saving cost effective measures"?

Now before you shit a bunch of crap on the board, you might want to go look at the "standards" for IROs and the factors that are considered when deciding how treatment is "approved" .... you also might look for the "credentials" and "qualifications" for IROs. And particularly the LAW provision that allows a carrier in State A to SELECT an IRO in State B ... in other words ... an IRO in Utah can make life and death decisions for a patient in Texas!

What's the saying on here about reviews? "Quack"?

If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like one ... it's a duck.
LexusLover's Avatar

The CBO estimates that after there 8 years there will still be 30 million uninsured. The Affordable Care will insure 23.5 million people who did not have insurance in 2013. Here is the math. 53.5 - 30 = 23.5. The only type of system that will insure everyone is single payer system like Great Britain or Canada. We know the republicans don't want that. Originally Posted by flghtr65
LexusLover's Avatar

Originally Posted by flghtr65
The CBO estimates that after there 8 years there will still be 30 million uninsured. The Affordable Care will insure 23.5 million people who did not have insurance in 2013. Here is the math. 53.5 - 30 = 23.5. The only type of system that will insure everyone is single payer system like Great Britain or Canada. We know the republicans don't want that."

HERE'S YOUR SIGN! Originally Posted by LexusLover
And here is the rest of the story from the White House ... same posting there as you quoted???...

"Some ambiguity surrounds how to treat individuals who are already eligible for public insurance programs like Medicaid and S-CHIP but do not enroll in those programs, which estimates from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured suggest may amount to millions of individuals. These individuals are uninsured but some interpretations would suggest they should not be counted among those who "cannot get" coverage. Subtracting them from the total would produce a number closer to 30 million."

So. "closer to 30 million uninsured when "we" started ACA ...

AND "The CBO estimates that after there 8 years there will still be 30 million uninsured."

30 - 30 = BIG FAT ZEROes ..... LIKE YOU AND CBJ
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  • WTF
  • 08-19-2013, 07:45 AM

That's what liberals do as opposed to conservatives ... pipe dreams about how to manipulate behavior.

They dream up this shit on paper and then end up broke like California.

Can't pay for their bullshit that doesn't work. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you talking about the Iraq War supported by ....drum roll please, CONSERATIVES! The biggest of which was you.
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  • WTF
  • 08-19-2013, 07:49 AM
You posted no proof about anything ... just opinion ... I don't want to "argue" about "death panels" ... you do.

So if it fits your sensitivities better ... I'll start calling them "Life Panels" ..... ok?

But the ACA calls them "IRO"s ... aka "independent review organizations" ....

... and they make the final determination of whether or not a recipient does or does not get rejected services, treatment, or drugs. You can call it what you may, to suit your propaganda.

If a recipient needs A to stay alive and the IRO says "NO"! What would you call it?

"Budget saving cost effective measures"?

Now before you shit a bunch of crap on the board, you might want to go look at the "standards" for IROs and the factors that are considered when deciding how treatment is "approved" .... you also might look for the "credentials" and "qualifications" for IROs. And particularly the LAW provision that allows a carrier in State A to SELECT an IRO in State B ... in other words ... an IRO in Utah can make life and death decisions for a patient in Texas!

What's the saying on here about reviews? "Quack"?

If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like one ... it's a duck. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Either every review board/insurance company/state regulator is a Death Panel or none of them are.

So Sara Palin and folks like you spread half truth to scare people...is that correct? You are lying to try and scare people ignorant of the facts?

Should I call you LexusDuck? Because you are walking and talking like one.
LexusLover's Avatar
Should I call you LexusDuck? Because you are walking and talking like one. Originally Posted by WTF
Should I call you "Why The Fuck don't I know shit"?


"NBC" ... NOT FOX. ....

Did I post employers are cutting hours to avoid ACA?

The Liberals screw over the lower income families again ....
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  • WTF
  • 08-19-2013, 07:58 AM
Should I call you "Why The Fuck don't I know shit"?


"NBC" ... NOT FOX. ....

Did I post employers are cutting hours to avoid ACA?

The Liberals screw over the lower income families again .... Originally Posted by LexusLover
That has nothing to do with Death Panels LexusLiar.

Are you trying to change the subject again because you've had your ass handed to you on the Death Panel lie?
LexusLover's Avatar
That has nothing to do with Death Panels LexusLiar.

Are you trying to change the subject again because you've had your ass handed to you on the Death Panel lie? Originally Posted by WTF
If you could (or would) comprehend what you see (I suppose when you are looking you are ready, but that is not a safe assumption) you would notice that there have been several topics mentioned about the ACA besides your narrow minded view of the thread ...

so you are correct, the reduction in the working hours and pay of employees doesn't have anything to do with the IRO's decision to deny coverage on certain items, although the enforcement of the provisions of the ACA may in the near future ....

as for as "my ass" ... I didn't notice anyone "handling" it .... so your self-laudatory comment has no meaning whatsoever .... but if it makes the bimbos you hang with swoon over how wonderful a debater (or is that "masdebater") you are on the board ... then have at it.

They are easily impressed if they hang around with your ass ... I must say.

Speaking of your chest beating ... kicked anyone in the balls lately?

By the way "masdebator" ... is short for "master debator"!!!!!

Or it could be short for ..... "Master Baiter" ...

..... that would be you with your racism and prejudice.

Are you now withdrawing your admission that there are "death panels"?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-19-2013, 09:34 AM
You posted no proof about anything ... just opinion ... I don't want to "argue" about "death panels" ... you do.

So if it fits your sensitivities better ... I'll start calling them "Life Panels" ..... ok?

But the ACA calls them "IRO"s ... aka "independent review organizations" ....

... and they make the final determination of whether or not a recipient does or does not get rejected services, treatment, or drugs. You can call it what you may, to suit your propaganda.

If a recipient needs A to stay alive and the IRO says "NO"! What would you call it?

"Budget saving cost effective measures"?

Now before you shit a bunch of crap on the board, you might want to go look at the "standards" for IROs and the factors that are considered when deciding how treatment is "approved" .... you also might look for the "credentials" and "qualifications" for IROs. And particularly the LAW provision that allows a carrier in State A to SELECT an IRO in State B ... in other words ... an IRO in Utah can make life and death decisions for a patient in Texas!

What's the saying on here about reviews? "Quack"?

If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like one ... it's a duck. Originally Posted by LexusLover
regardless what anyone posts its not proof as long as you're concerned.. even when you deem parts of the ACA not parts of the ACA ,,, as witnessed in this response from you, theres a lot of words, but you said nothing ..
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  • WTF
  • 08-19-2013, 02:29 PM
regardless what anyone posts its not proof as long as you're concerned.. even when you deem parts of the ACA not parts of the ACA ,,, as witnessed in this response from you, theres a lot of words, but you said nothing .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Some things will never change with LexusLiar. He is to obtuse to understand that my point has been that if Obamacare has death panels then there have always been death panels and only idiots like LexusLiar do not understand what a hypocritical bitch Sara Palin is for speaking of half truths.The VA has death panels...they have regulations on what they will and will not pay to veterans ... but you don't hear these idiots screaming about that....