hello everyone!
Hardriver's Avatar
Holy Crap... I take a break from the hobby for a while and all hell breaks loose. Well guys here I am, better late then never! Good to see so many familiar faces.

rekcaSxT's Avatar
Holy Crap... I take a break from the hobby for a while and all hell breaks loose. Well guys here I am, better late then never! Good to see so many familiar faces.

HD Originally Posted by Hardriver
I was wondering where the hell you were!

Good to see you my friend.

atxguy2006's Avatar
atxguy2006 is in the house!!
atxwrx's Avatar
Took me a while, but I got here..... What's up fellas?

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Yes, better late than never! No doubt! LOL I keep checking the new member list every day to see who's made it. Good to see you guys!

AtxTexMex's Avatar
Ive made the move.
Lurker from that old place, but decided to get on board with the change. Looking forward to it.
Sir Duke's Avatar
The Duke has arrived...
Glad to see so many making it over.
It's gonna be a great ride!
Tarlon125's Avatar
Well I must admit i do feel some what saddend at the loss of the former site. All those years, all that time and posts and now to start back over at 1. MMMM
Well all the more reason to get out there and have a thousand new experiences to post. Lifes to short, Let the games begin.
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 01-12-2010, 12:03 PM
Like SP Hunter I travel to Austin from the winterlands. newbie lurker
I'm here with a name change.... Formerly AustinBarrister.

Parsifal's Avatar
present and accounted for
Made it today. With review and all!