what about these requiring 2 hr sessions?

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I did understand and it's possible I may have used your comment to throw a little something else on my mind out there. You're not new to forum etiquette and understand how the game is played at times, so hopefully, ya didn't mind too much.

The HDH's really don't have much in common with the price structuring and time constraints of those who provide more in the middle (me, being more in the middle), but I don't begrudge them their decisions on how or why they do what they do, and I certainly try not to underhandedly attack those ladies in a less than sincere effort to seem as though I am innocently putting something out there for all to ponder.

So, I was just driving a point home. Sorry if you feel used or even attacked yourself....that wasn't the case in this instance. I apologize.
London Rayne's Avatar
I agree! Charles you are a realist and I have told you that before...it is appreciated. I don't find you are an annoying board stalker like some, and you simply call it like you see it without all the nonsense. Nothing wrong with that.

I don't think providers gang up on the gents just for the sake of doing so. If someone states a rule they don't agree with, they comment on it. Just so happens that rate threads cause the most havoc...usually because it always boils down to guys thinking we should be cheaper and we don't agree lol.
ForumPoster's Avatar
I see a few problems with that. Primarily, it puts the "mentor" in a position of extreme legal risk; it can be interpreted as pandering, which is (I think) a felony offense. There's also the risk of a known lady associating her good, established name with someone she doesn't know for certain will maintain similar standards of reliability/attitude. Lastly, teaching someone the ropes and getting her set up takes time, energy, and possibly financial investment -- and there's no legal recourse if she takes your instructions/website you set up for her/photographs you arranged and runs.

And for the lady being instructed, I think it does a disservice to her if she only hears one person's input on how to run her business. There are SO many different business models and attitudes out there (as this thread in particular shows...), and only learning what one other lady thinks is the "right" way to do things will put the new lady at a disadvantage.

As I'm far from shy about voicing my opinions, I've been asked a few times for advice from ladies starting out or who want to attract more multi-hour dates. As long as I can tell she's a legitimate provider, I'm happy to run my mouth about places to advertise, pricing structure, etc. But I try to remember to point her to the ladies' forums here (or other sites) for further input. My opinions are right, obvsly, but there's always a chance there might be other correct opinions too. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest

Very well said.

I get e-mails from ladies who are trying to start working as providers quite often and I prefer not to get involved. One of reasons is legal implications mentioned by Carrie. As I say, I really don't need a felony charge while I am in process of committing misdemeanor

I consider myself fortunate that over 2 years I have met either in person on on line several ladies who I consider peers, friends (in some instances more then just friends) who are very giving and intelligent ladies. It is very common for us to have "brainstorming" chats where we would share ideas on various topics.

However I would never fanthom teaching someone "the robes". I think that entering companionship lifestyle is individual choice and has to be result of educated research. Way too many potential disasters in situation when someone thinks they can be a companion and realize that reality is not in sink with their preconceived notions of what its like to be an escort.


PS You my dear lady have an email by the way
Abe Normal's Avatar
Anyone else tired of reading this thread ?

Most ladies see it one way, and most guys see it another. Hasn't it been that way since Eve told Adam that he'd get the same results if he ate ALL the apple as he would eating only half ?

Abe ( The guy who wins all his arguments with his wife until he gets a frying pan up side the head )
Naomi4u's Avatar
Anyone else tired of reading this thread ?

Most ladies see it one way, and most guys see it another. Hasn't it been that way since Eve told Adam that he'd get the same results if he ate ALL the apple as he would eating only half ?

Abe ( The guy who wins all his arguments with his wife until he gets a frying pan up side the head ) Originally Posted by Abe Normal

Of course I find it entertaining.

This thread only proves that everyone is different........ and that it's 2010 not the 1900s women shouldn't be afraid to THINK for themselves and speak their mind.
and that it's 2010 not the 1900s women shouldn't be afraid to THINK for themselves and speak their mind. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Oh, I think ladies thought for themselves in the 1900s, too. It's just that, except for a few, they didn't do it as publicly as now (partly because it wasn't accepted). However, they may have been more effective back then because they relied on indirect persuasion (and pillow talk) to get their way. The 1800s and 1900s produced some of the strongest public women b/c they were unique among women. In the last few years, it was fairly easy for strong women to be public figures because it has been more accepted. Witness Hillary. No matter what you think of her, she was the first woman to be taken seriously as a candidate for President.

But to say that women in the 1900s didn't think is just outrageous. My mother thought for herself and spoke her mind. She raised a family and held down a full time job...from about 1955 until she died. My dad, a college professor, always said my Mom was much smarter than he was. My SO is much smarter than I am, too. Guess it runs in the family.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Oh, I think ladies thought for themselves in the 1900s, too. It's just that, except for a few, they didn't do it as publicly as now (partly because it wasn't accepted). However, they may have been more effective back then because they relied on indirect persuasion (and pillow talk) to get their way. The 1800s and 1900s produced some of the strongest public women b/c they were unique among women. In the last few years, it was fairly easy for strong women to be public figures because it has been more accepted. Witness Hillary. No matter what you think of her, she was the first woman to be taken seriously as a candidate for President.

But to say that women in the 1900s didn't think is just outrageous. My mother thought for herself and spoke her mind. She raised a family and held down a full time job...from about 1955 until she died. My dad, a college professor, always said my Mom was much smarter than he was. My SO is much smarter than I am, too. Guess it runs in the family. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Charles, I refuse to do it to you today. You're so dramatic. Geez! I meant what I said. Like you said, they weren't so public about it. If you want to talk about history I can break it down to you.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
We can give the ladies who lived and endured back then the respect which is long overdue and much deserved, but I wouldn't want to trade places with my Mom or grandmother, no matter how much I admire the hardships they overcame. It never should have been that way in the first place, but thanks to the physically dominant male sex, it was.

Thank goodness there are those of us that live in the here and now and too bad there are some that don't keep up with the mindset of the times. Women's opinions, thoughts and manner of sharing should not be less significant than men's are, but there are many on this board who have shown they believe otherwise. It could be the fact that we're women, we're providers, or a combination of the two.

I think it's shameful for those who subscribe to the mindset of "keep her down, boys", and I try really hard not to associate with that group of individuals. Unfortunately, they are peppered all over this board. I also think it's shameful for some of the providers who will say or do anything to get your hard earned dollars, rather than shoot straight with you. Some of you deserve better than that and go after better than that, some of you unwittingly fall for it and some of you just deserve what ya get. It's the latter of the group that usually yell the loudest about injustice and do their best to suppress. Funny how that works.
for your information my question was a simple one not meant to be antaginistic and i never expected it to go the way it did...you don not know me because if you did you would know "maunpulation" is not my thing...and I have no control how people will reply and i don't have to market myself...i am asking the mod to this thread
OK, so I gave up reading all the comments at page 6. Long read. Funny read. Informative read.

First of all, the OP's question came off as somewhat antagonistic even though she maintains a sort of "sweetness" in the rest of her replies. Manipulate others much, hon? Takes one to know one, so let's don't argue the point. By the many replies, you can see that your "mission" was accomplished as many others can, and I say, You go girl! Marketing yourself out in a CO-ED forum is great, but you might want to do so in a manner that is somewhat more congenial to ALL the ladies and not just the ones who happen to market themselves the way that you do. When ya don't, it comes across as a bit jealous, back biting or petty to some. I'm just sayin'.

Now, I have had only one or two appointments last less than hour. The gents here know that if they don't push the issue, we will normally let them stay over a bit. Then there are those who totally take advantage of this fact, as well as, the ladies who are enjoying the visit and things just happen to those who are not clock watching. Nothing to sugar coat, these things just happen. However, the gents should also be mindful of the clock, as we are a time oriented business even though it's the most personal business one can operate. It's not totally the ladies responsibility and when we do try to be mindful, we are BRANDED as clock watchers. WTH....you guys can't have it both ways....LOL If ya go over your time, tip the lady accordingly. Most of my clients have and do so. They are the best kind of client to have. While they have fun, they still keep things in perspective and understand they are paying for my time. If you didn't bring along enough to tip, then tell the lady you or she must go, if she asks to continue then it's on her. I'm not sure how this issue can be confusing to anyone, but hey, that's just me.

I tried the half hour appointment. Once. It's not my cup of tea and not worth any amount of money due to the way it made me feel, which was somewhat like a MacDonald's drive-thru. As Naomi stated, we are human beings, we are entitled to our feelings just as anyone not in this business is. I don't get the lack of compassion for the sentiments being shared. If the gents don't enjoy the ladies honest opinions or sentiments, then maybe they should stick to a more male dominated forum rather than following them all over the board antagonizing them or arguing with them about their every thought and opinion. It's a tad obvious and a bit amusing to see someone do this over and over again, at least to me it is.

Now, you can't always tell tone in the written word, especially in an online forum, or at least that's been my experience. However, there are those who take advantage of that and there are also those who think everything the opposite sex says and does is directly aimed at them in a negative manner. State your opinions, clarify your intent if asked and keep the flow moving when possible. Is it really that hard? I can be the worst when attacked, but I do pick my battles. Some are worth more introspect than others and some are just downright disagreements that cannot seem to be satisfied with one or two responses. I've only participated in two threads that made me all out angry and that's really a hard thing to do. I'm here to market myself and for entertainment value. I enjoy it for the most part, but am starting to get a bit weary of a**hats, whether they be male or female. Originally Posted by M A X
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
for your information my question was a simple one not meant to be antaginistic and i never expected it to go the way it did...you don not know me because if you did you would know "maunpulation" is not my thing...and I have no control how people will reply and i don't have to market myself...i am asking the mod to this thread Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
I can understand why you would want that. I admire that you use the forums to "get yourself out there" and maybe even out of boredom. However, I just felt you came across as I've stated. BOL
spelling correct....I am asking moderator to close this thread
burkalini's Avatar
spelling correct....I am asking moderator to close this thread Originally Posted by Irish Vixen

It's about time Irish
well you perception is way off who I am...
I can understand why you would want that. I admire that you use the forums to "get yourself out there" and maybe even out of boredom. However, I just felt you came across as I've stated. BOL Originally Posted by M A X
i guess out my lack of boredom I haven;t checked this this thread for a few day and had no idea it had got to this point....
It's about time Irish Originally Posted by burkalini
This shit's creepy.