Is ANYONE watching "Breaking Bad"?

jbravo_123's Avatar
Finally finished Part 2 of Season 5 last weekend (yeesh, try dodging spoilers for so long!). As much as I like happy endings to shows, I didn't see a way they could conceivably do it with Breaking Bad and I liked how most things were wrapped up.

Bryan Cranston really shows his acting chops with the show - it's a travesty that he and Aaron Paul didn't win their Emmys this time around. Interestingly, when we first started watching the show, we had a bit of a tough time getting over mentally taking Cranston out of his role of Hal from Malcom in the Middle (although you do sometimes see some bits of Hal in the funny fucked up situations Walt gets himself into).

There's also a rumor going around that Cranston could be the next Lex Luthor, which I could see him doing and would be great as a scary intimidating Lex as opposed to the comic goofy ones we've been getting.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
EW,I started a post in the okla sandbox about the fall's shows and we discussed this show aswell. This is for you....

Originally Posted by Blaze
Oh my gosh! I didn't see the video embedded when I read this from my Ipad last night. THANK YOU for this link. Made chills stand out on my arms.

Again, thanks.

The Good Names Are Taken's Avatar
Great ending to a great show. Glad to see it end as well as opposed to staying on air for way too damn long just for the money as a lot of shows do these days.
Shulk13's Avatar
the finale was fine.. just fine.. wasn't really all too surprising aside from the way Walt to them out. Everything went Walt's way one way or another which seemed too befitting. Was content with it but it was missing something.