It's admirable to see Tricks who've seen CB speaking up for her AFTER she was banned, although it would have been a much smarter move to speak up for herself BEFORE she got banned... Originally Posted by DickEmDownMEMO she was sick, would get online at times when she wakes up...
It doesn't matter what you called me, she slept pretty much most of the day. period.
When you asked her that question, she was resting. She was taking *********. Google it, and it would make you sleepy, and she is taking that four times a day.
But she learnt the lesson to take her meds. She's getting better fyi...
Outing was never the factor. You know she called herself the annual bitch.
Staff edit, Spice-It is not permitted to discuss or speculate about a member's medical condition including specific medications they may be taking unless they have mentioned it themselves.
Eccie Forum Guidelines
#16 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member.