Respect ...

Wakeup's Avatar
Seems like it's always the same people who get defensive whenever this topic comes up.

Interesting, that. Originally Posted by Doove

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  • Doove
  • 05-04-2014, 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Wakeup's Avatar
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Back on topic: civility is key to a well run forum. This place is broken, thanks to a few guys who thrive on drama like leeches.

If you don't start issuing at least temporary bans to the offenders this place will continue its downward slide.

If I were a provider I would avoid this place like an oozing herpes sore. Originally Posted by SteveDaFalls
What good does banning members do for a provider?

Drama leeches can be put on ignore. Drama free gents should be making it their duty to post more provider friendly threads, instead of throwing in the towel everytime some asshole posts. Once they make that effort they can quit bitching about others running ladies off the board. Every adult knows what happens when you post under an asshole, so stop. Stick around and make the board better, prove the theory.

If an sp can not put someone on ignore, or handle a forum, then how the hell does she expect to handle the real deal. But, yes, if all that is left is assholes then that is what she will have to deal with and make work, or move.

Anyways, ijs do not blame a handful of fellas for ruining it for two handfuls of sps and whiteknights it is not rational imho.

glitter can also be like herpes ijs

and sunshine is contagious
What good does banning members do for a provider?

Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
Get off your F-ing high horse Frankie. Why is it always about you? Take take take......

* Sarcasm alert* -- Joking and being facetiously disrespectful as FF knows I love her.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
It is because I am a hooker Task c'mon don't be so silly lol...

I was just say'n banning members is not a plus to providers the way some gents see it, that is jmho or jmso buhahah a ah ha ha ha LOL


Spanks!! Luv ya too
Wakeup's Avatar
See? I told you I'd fuck Frankie...she's gets it...and she's a hooker...y'all need to take notes...she's got more nuts that most of you...
pyramider's Avatar
... just not where one would expect them...right?

Franckie knows what is going on. Do not let her awesomeness distract you from her intellect. Now about those taint photos ... where should I send them?
I told you I'd fuck Frankie...she's gets it...and she's a hooker...y'all need to take notes...she's got more nuts that most of you... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
So ya seen her brand new strap on did ya???....LOL.....

So...I bought a strap on today eh?! Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
Maybe Frankie will grace us with a pic of herself wearing her new strap on......
Wakeup's Avatar
Nope, haven't seen it. I offered to fly her down, but she wanted me to fly up and she'd do me on my jet...I passed, I hate the North...
Besides being a MAJOR BABE she is a smart lady!
She knows better than to leave the safety of Canada where she has more freedom to hobby worry-free, than we do here in the uptight sting/LE crazy USA.....
Guest042416's Avatar
Besides being a MAJOR BABE she is a smart lady!
She knows better than to leave the safety of Canada where she has more freedom to hobby worry-free, than we do here in the uptight sting/LE crazy USA..... Originally Posted by Celso
shes got a nice rack and good personality, she can say what she wants
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Yeah, respect and civility, that's what we need more of.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-05-2014, 06:09 PM
See? I told you I'd fuck Frankie...she's gets it...and she's a hooker...y'all need to take notes...she's got more nuts that most of you... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Perhaps. But it's pretty easy to have her attitude when everyone here seems to be falling all over themselves to heap praise on her of one form or another.

Let's give her a couple months of the treatment that a Victoria Lane gets, or previously, a Chloe. My guess is her presence around here would all but disappear.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Perhaps. But it's pretty easy to have her attitude when everyone here seems to be falling all over themselves to heap praise on her of one form or another.

Let's give her a couple months of the treatment that a Victoria Lane gets, or previously, a Chloe. My guess is her presence around here would all but disappear. Originally Posted by Doove
It is easy to have my attitude because I am who I am. Me, just me.