Dorthy_Monroe's last points issued: an objective assessment.

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-11-2016, 11:34 AM
good point.......but I also like to see......"who really fucking cares" typed out, it makes me smile
The discussions in modtardville must stay in modtardville. Originally Posted by dearhunter
No matter what the organization what happens in the escalation process stays private.

If you thinck there is some kind of tribunal in modtardville to over-rule points issued by a modtard, you are mistaken. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I have seen mob rule among y'all rule the day more than once.

Retards bitching about points is as old as SHMBs.

modtards giving points for retarded reasons is as old as SHMBs Originally Posted by dearhunter
All irrelevant. Because...

The variant here is that you are allowed to openly discuss the above without fear of retribution. Because, retribution (unlike points) can be the demise of a modtard on this SHMB. Originally Posted by dearhunter
...this is more than relevant.

At 25pts the system bans you for 90 days Originally Posted by dearhunter
And the system can be overridden.
That would depend on your definition of "naught". I don't hold high expectations, and am rarely disappointed. Originally Posted by dearhunter
But you would have swallowed your pride "for love of country," dearhunter?
dearhunter's Avatar
No andy. I would never have made a retarded demand in the first place.....that I would then be forced to back up with a retarded enforcement of a retarded demand.......then, have to sit back and watch the discussion of my retarded actions in impotence.

armature, I am a mob of one.........ijs

No one has to sit back, with fortitude and moral integrity.
The ban hammer is not going hard enough as far as I'm concerned....don't care why Dorthy is banned or who banned her. I was truly tired of seeing her TROLL every freaking thread. I mean damn. Take a break, suck a dick, grab some grub. Make your point and be done. No need to live on Eccie ....that goes for all drama starters around these parts. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Admittedly I'm only halfway through reading this thread, but this is the best post by far and accurately sums up my feelings. I remember someone once writing about Dorothy (I believe in the Vi! Threads), "at least you're pretty on the outside." She has been a heartless, cutthroat B to everyone here, commenting on everything with strong and abrasive opinions. And the worst thing is she's not even from here (Dallas area). I am glad she's gone, and not sure why the OP cares about two points when she's obviously earned the ones before - and more - to get her banned. I'm not even sure how many points it takes, but I'm sure the ones the OP is questioning aren't even 10% of the total needed.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Generally speaking, most of being a modtard is janitorial work.
We sweep and clean up and fix shit and for the most of us try to leave the membership to play and have fun. The hardest part is making intelligent decisions, often discussing it with other staff members before acting so that we can be correct in our actions. I personally do not have the "guidelines" memorized and at times have to take a look to see if a member needs to be redirected before they push the boundaries of the guidelines to the point of needing correction.

We have a system of giving "official" warnings and infractions. Once a warning is "officially" given, the person that is being "officially" warned gets a PM letting them know what it is they are being warned about. This is discretionary on the modtards part as they can just slam them with an infraction and thus garner for them the appropriate points. A member can also be warned within a threAD in public and that is also considered an "official" warning but does not send a PM to the person being warned so that member must be sure to read the threAD since their last post just to make sure they have not been warned.

All of this is generally done in private and not made public by the modtard. You see, posting what you are doing brings it out for public discussion rather than keeping it private and as a result some modtards get butt hurt and fail to follow through in an even handed manner because they fear making their mistake worse than they already did.

It is good to know that you have at least one modtard that vigorously protects the DallASS forums from interlopers and their nefarious devices. Me personally, I am going to watch my back.
dearhunter's Avatar
Modtards doing what they do simply because they can is a dangerous slope that can lead to modtards like me doing what I want simply because I can.

You cheer in the dark for that which you thinck you understand. This line some you seem willing to accept due to your dislike for a hooktard would quickly turn into the bitching and whining you ascribe to YM, if I demonstrated the ridiculousness of this line.

I could go into Kitty's threAD and make a mockery of the line NYr drew in there. He could lock the thread and I could still do it. There is nothing he could do about it. Because, it is an arbitrary made up line that he cannot enforce against me. So, in affect he has made YOU a second class participant in this forum......and you applaud him for it.
pyramider's Avatar
Are the applause golf claps or full on clapping?
We have a system of giving "official" warnings and infractions. Once a warning is "officially" given, the person that is being "officially" warned gets a PM letting them know what it is they are being warned about. This is discretionary on the modtards part as they can just slam them with an infraction and thus garner for them the appropriate points... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
That's interesting. The only points I have ever been issued on this board I received no warning. I got points for saying, quote, "Are you out of your mind?". Thanks, Torito.

So, I guess it goes without saying I don't have any sympathy for Dor(o)thy. Hahaaaha
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-11-2016, 08:24 PM
wooohooo...................... .....who really fucking cares
BBW Katrina's Avatar
dearhunter's Avatar
That's interesting. The only points I have ever been issued on this board I received no warning. I got points for saying, quote, "Are you out of your mind?". Thanks, Torito.

So, I guess it goes without saying I don't have any sympathy for Dor(o)thy. Hahaaaha Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
I looked at your infraction..........totally understandable.
AlexisMoore's Avatar
Apparently Dallas doesnt tolerate Dorothy like Houston. She gets away with ALOT in Houston. But the guys there like her mouth and abuse. The guys in Houston are use to seeing and dealing with her shit.
Dallas is very different. They dont tolerate, look away, or feed into ANYONES BS especially if you have nothing to do with the city. So she ran her mouth, didnt listen, and Dallas Mods reacted.
Bottom line...if she doesnt want to get burned, stay posting in Houston and leave Dallas alone.
I have nothing against her. Shes always been nice to me. Even spoke to her off boards before. Shes awesome to me. But most dont like her and she has to deal with the person she created for the boards.
I work in both cities on a very regular basis. Houston compared to Dallas is very different. Love both cities!! Missing Dallas though.
dearhunter's Avatar
So, basically you are saying that Dallas accepts the boot.......and if I want to post in Dallas, I have to accept the boot as well.

What if I want to post in Dallas and I reject the boot?