For those who need proof of election fraud....

bambino's Avatar

Preliminary reports are finally beginning to drip!!!

Arizona Senate wants to block 2400 documents from public view!

Hmm I wonder why?

The final report is still projected to be at least two weeks away...

The Senate quite obviously has A LOT to hide.

Dominion and the Maricopa Board of Supervisors has still yet to turn over the routers and other electronic equipment despite the subpoena and the 30 days given to comply from AG Brnovich...

But the good news is there are 3 preliminary reports due to be released during this interim period.

The haters are already freaking out. The Senate is pissing all over the rugs.





bambino's Avatar
Fake. Originally Posted by royamcr
Oh, he said it loud and clear. Check with your fact checkers. They’ll say he’s senile!!!!!!!
bambino's Avatar
Wisconsin audit to start in two weeks
3,000 emails and text messages sent by lawmakers... Not election result documents.

Still no proof of any fraud.


Preliminary reports are finally beginning to drip!!!

Arizona Senate wants to block 2400 documents from public view!

Hmm I wonder why?

The final report is still projected to be at least two weeks away...

The Senate quite obviously has A LOT to hide.

Dominion and the Maricopa Board of Supervisors has still yet to turn over the routers and other electronic equipment despite the subpoena and the 30 days given to comply from AG Brnovich...

But the good news is there are 3 preliminary reports due to be released during this interim period.

The haters are already freaking out. The Senate is pissing all over the rugs.





�� Originally Posted by bambino
Oh, he said it loud and clear. Check with your fact checkers. They’ll say he’s senile!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Anything on DJTs youtube is extremely suspect of being fake or taken out of context.

Even Fox News said:

Fox News reported on Biden’s controversial statement and concluded it was likely that he misspoke. Fox concluded Biden was likely referring to his election protection program, which he’s discussed in many past interviews.
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
DOJ IG Horowitz announces the initiation of an investigation into “whether any former or current DOJ official engaged in an improper attempt to have DOJ seek or alter the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election”
Still no proof of fraud.
  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2021, 08:04 AM
Still - minions exhibit TDS and Trump hatred - unknowing Trump is no longer POTUS
Denial,Deflection, Supercilious Obstruction
and Ego compensation for pathologic low self-esteem as captive minions of teh marxist nomenklatura.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
"Fann and her “audit” say they want to examine the routers to determine whether they were connected to the county’s ballot tabulation machines during the general election, which would indicate outside interference in the count.

However, election and cybersecurity experts say the “audit” team doesn’t actually need the routers to determine whether the machines were connected to the internet. Fann’s contractors have already examined the tabulation machines, which would provide all the information they need to determine if the machines were sending or receiving information. A pair of audits commissioned by the county earlier this year concluded that the machines were not connected to the internet, as some conspiracy theorists have alleged without evidence."

Almost 10 months past the election. As of yet not one claim of voter fraud made by Trump or his supporters has been verified as being true. NOT ONE.
Listen, any software guy worth anything can hide the tracks of a machine talking to anything outside of itself. Just because nothing is found on the machines doesn't mean it didn't happen.
texassapper's Avatar
Almost 10 months past the election. As of yet not one claim of voter fraud made by Trump or his supporters has been verified as being true. NOT ONE. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
How many evidence hearings have been held?
70ish... All kicked out because of no evidence...
70ish... All kicked out because of no evidence... Originally Posted by royamcr
No evidence has been presented at all in any court or hearing. Because there is none.

When the lawyers defense in a sanction hearing and soon to be disbarment hearings isn’t “here’s the evidence” but is instead “no reasonable person would have believed the crazy shit I was saying”, that tells us all we need to know about whether there’s any evidence out there.