NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

klutz's Avatar
  • klutz
  • 09-18-2012, 12:57 PM
Who's ranked #2 in the NFL?

A couple other rankings to be noted.....

15 - Seahawks
17 - Cowboys
O'Mike's Avatar
Mario consistently over rushed too wide for the time he played last year - consistently taking himself out of plays. He does not have a spin or swim move that takes him past the interior line nor is he able to bull thru his tackle a la Reggie White or Bruce Smith.

More "bad" news: Pornstaro (or was it 1RP?) was finally right - Reggie Bush looks like a better #1 choice. It took 4 years though. Originally Posted by gnadfly
We definitely know it was not the homers choice of VY, What a train wreck. Out of football and broke.................
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar

Total Offence: 10th(374yrds/g) | Points/game: 8th(28.5) | Time of Pos/game: 1st(39:00) |TO: 2nd(+5)

Total defence: 1st(196.0yds/g)


TheDon's Avatar

Dude, that chick is BROOKE MOTHERFUCKING ADAMS, do any of y'all know her?! She's from Houston, I've known of her since 2006, she's one fine specimen.
Oh Yeah, Stats and Snatch!!!! Nothing I like better than Snatch and Stats!!! I am not sure which picture gave me a bigger chubby, the one of JJ Watt or the nice snatch pic. Great job Willy.

Damn, how is that little twat Jake Locker(or is that Hassllcunt?) going to throw over or around the JJ. Great picture!!!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-19-2012, 03:03 PM
Hell yeah!!! Stats & Snatch is the best thing to happen to this thread.....good job Cat-Man!!!! We will look forward to this every week!!!!

#1 in total defense??
TheDon's Avatar
Kinda late, but here are my thoughts/predictions tomorrow.

I don't think the Den O-line can take our D-line, if we can just get 19+ points from our offense, I think we should take this one and go to 3-0.

Should be interesting, Houston opened as a 2 point underdog but is now a 1 point favorite, that's Fucking crazy to see a 3 point swing in the spread without an injury taking place, so the public is on the Texans as well.

We shall see I guess. I'm putting some $ on NO tomorrow, those Faggots better not let me down like they did in week 1 lol. Was also surprised that Bobby and his gang are 3 point favs against Cin, but I actually agree with the line now. I think Cleveland wins, also think Dallas should cover the 10 points against Tampa, the first game in Dallas should have them fired up, especially after they got their ass kicked last week.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-23-2012, 01:40 PM
Here we go...can we finally beat Peyton????
Here we go...can we finally beat Peyton???? Originally Posted by Satin

TheDon's Avatar

Could not Fuck with us today...

Could not Fuck with us today... Originally Posted by TheDon

It was much closer late in the 4th quarter than I would have preferred but all I can say is 3-0!

A win is a win is a win and that is all that matters!

Our defense looked gassed in the 4th quarter but a win against any playoff contender is good, especially on their home turf and most especially when the win is against a team that has P. Manning as their QB.

Way to go Texans!
It was much closer late in the 4th quarter than I would have preferred but all I can say is 3-0!

A win is a win is a win and that is all that matters!

Our defense looked gassed in the 4th quarter but a win against any playoff contender is good, especially on their home turf and most especially when the win is against a team that has P. Manning as their QB.

Way to go Texans! Originally Posted by bigtex
And that is the way they played it late in the 4th..... Awesome Game!
TheDon's Avatar
Denver just got lucky on that fluke TD with Dreeson. I thought we played well late considering our boy, Dopey, lost part of his MotherFucking ear lol

And Fuck those candy-asses in Denver for trying to take a cheap shot at him, they're lucky Manning didn't get Cushing'd late, bet they wouldn't like that too much.

This was nice from Jacoby Jones tonight

TheDon's Avatar
Revis might have tore his ACL....Dyum
After a few hours to reflect upon yesterday's tremendous victory over the Bronco's, these are my observations.

First and foremost, Schaub had another stellar performance and demonstrated once again why he and Dre are the two most important offensive players on the team. I know my Schaub reference will put some panties in a wad (as it normally does) but it is quite apparent to me that our chances of winning are much greater when Schaub and Dre are healthy and on the field. As a disclaimer, I am not saying that Schaub and Dre are better players than Foster but we have a better backup behind Foster than we have behind either Dre or Schaub.

Secondly, another stellar performance from JJ. The guy just keeps getting better. The sky is the limit for JJ.

The secondary played their worst game of the year but I credit the best qb of this era for creating the problems for our secondary. In spite of that, I believe the Texan's starting secondary has finally become one of the top 10 secondary's in the NFL.

Third, if there was a turning point in yesterday's game it was the 97 yard drive. That drive reminded me of the opening drive in last years Pittsburgh game. The Texans are so balanced offensively, that they are very difficult to stop when they are clicking on all cylinders.

Provided we are able to keep our key players off of a prolonged visit to the injured list, we have everything it takes to make it to the Super Bowl!

I'm pumped!!!!!