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I've heard from many "voting is rigged. It's a waste of time" after reading this, I tend to agree...

By Jennifer Cohn
June 29, 2018
Updated August 20, 2018,
New Introduction October 16, 2019
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You’ve heard from many?

Hunker down, Pepe!

Under the Biden administration, you might actually get out.
Redhot1960's Avatar
“A republic – if you can keep it”
PUBLIUS | 21 november 2020 | JME_FAN
Posted on 11/21/2020, 10:36:47 PM by JME_FAN

Apparently, Senator Ben Sasse has not the moral courage to stand behind President Trump in his fight to defend America’s election integrity and the sacrosanct right of the vote. It seems too that Senator Sasse neither gives a rat’s tail about justice. No surprise, since Sasse has from the beginning opposed America’s 45th president. Being anything but shy in expressing disapproval, Sasse often publically ridicules President Trump – and this is why the senator could not move fast enough to get his pointy snout up Joe Biden’s butt to congratulate the geriatric prevaricator on the electoral fraud the Democrats perpetrated for him (well, actually for Senator Kamala Harris – but that’s another story).

Regrettably, Senator Sasse belongs to that loathsome cadre of establishment hacks, too prevalent in the Republican Party, whose sensibilities become disjointed whenever a real man stands up, refuses to kowtow to the good-ol-boy network of unprincipled poltroons, and actually keeps his word – a quality foreign to Senator Sasse; but one he likely envies, and which perhaps explains his irrational hatred of President Trump.

Here is the crux of the matter: Senator Sasse – “Mr. Constitution” – has no interest in investigating organized election fraud, and protecting the integrity of the ballot, no matter what evidence is presented. To do so would jeopardize his relationship with the political elite who have turned American politics into a sick game of trading favors, under that notorious slogan “reaching across the aisle.” That is an expression honest men call “selling out.” And that, my friends, is exactly what Senator Sasse is doing – selling out the President, and your vote.

I’m sure Ben’s thirty pieces of silver will buy him unlimited invites to D.C.’s “members only” cocktail parties, where the adroit orator will unabashedly regale the enemies of our Republic with his vast knowledge of the U.S. Constitution. But, to risk the disfavor of the “D.C. machine” by actually defending the bedrock upon which that Constitution depends – the ballot box? That would require a spine of something more substantive than overcooked spaghetti. More pointedly, standing up for what truly matters and carries certain political risk would not be expedient for an opportunist like Sasse. So, like his fellow “Republican,” carpetbagger Willard “Mitt” Romney, he condemns President Trump for not yielding to the Evil Empire that is the communist Left. Come on, man! We need unity! Move along – nothing to see here! Willard and Ben … In 1971 there was a movie made about those two – something to do with RATS!

So, dear readers, if Senator Ben Sasse and his invertebrate cohorts are this easily moved to abandon ballot integrity, and every American’s right to a legitimate election, then what other rights are they willing to surrender? What else of our republic are they willing to sacrifice on the altar of political expediency, so to preserve their access to D.C.’s flophouse of faithless fornicators, fair-weather friends and Fake News frauds?

When Biden and Harris come after your guns, do you honestly believe that Senator Sasse and his phalanx of mollusks will defend your Second Amendment rights? When Biden and his Gestapo goon squad of censors determine that all you say or write, if contrary to their fiat decrees, qualifies as hate speech, punishable by imprisonment – or worse, will Senator Sasse and his posse of self-important pretenders stand up for your First Amendment rights? And likewise the same question must be asked for the other eight amendments that compose the Bill of Rights.

Recall Dr. Benjamin Franklin’s response when, upon leaving Independence Hall at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, he was queried by a woman thusly: “Well, Doctor, what have we got – a republic or a monarchy?” To which the good doctor replied “A republic – if you can keep it!” Regrettably, Senator Ben Sasse, and those of his shallow brand, could care less whether we do in fact “keep it.”

winn dixie's Avatar
You’ve heard from many?

Hunker down, Pepe!

Under the Biden administration, you might actually get out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Youre hung up on that word today assup! Many, meaning a lot of folks! A lot of American folks!

fucking dumbass
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Youre hung up on that word today assup! Many, meaning a lot of folks! A lot of American folks!

fucking dumbass Originally Posted by winn dixie
winn dixie's Avatar
Your memes are pathetic yssup. Like you.
Redhot1960's Avatar
NewsMax for the WIN! It's a DANDY! Tucker, Paul Ryan/Fox can suck air! 21
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I've heard from many "voting is rigged. It's a waste of time" after reading this, I tend to agree...

By Jennifer Cohn
June 29, 2018
Updated August 20, 2018,
New Introduction October 16, 2019
Originally Posted by Redhot1960

oh yeah. def waste of time when both sides are doing it.

phew, the stench....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
NewsMax for the WIN! It's a DANDY! Tucker, Paul Ryan/Fox can suck air! 21 Originally Posted by Redhot1960
You picked a real winner there, Slobbrin. May be the stupidest twat on the Twitler team, and that’s saying a lot about a twat. No shame, no sense of right or black. She’ll be disbarred.

She’s gonna get Hugo Chavez in big trouble.



Redhot1960's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another Trump fakir.

And the usual suspects think she’s speaking the truth, despite total lack of evidence.

Those pesky 0zombies and their darn rule of law!

lmao @ drooly Andrews
Redhot1960's Avatar
Another Trump fakir.

And the usual suspects think she’s speaking the truth, despite total lack of evidence.

Those pesky 0zombies and their darn rule of law!

lmao @ drooly Andrews Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I see Pepe is back, SLOBBRIN.

You may be white (unproven) but you have supremacy over nothing on this board.

And what does your avatar mean? Explain that so people don’t have to wonder.

Check your PMS.