Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
The Republican clown car runs out of gas

The loons are out in the cold.

The House impeached President Trump weeks ago, but far-right Republican lawmakers gathered on a frigid morning outside the Capitol Wednesday to relive their glory days defending Trump against the charges. At a lectern glazed with ice, they shouted out some of their greatest hits.

“Coup attempt! … No basis for this impeachment!” offered Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.).

“Wooo!” cheered 75 or so conservative demonstrators, assembled by FreedomWorks as part of an “activist fly-in.” Each wore a yellow windbreaker bearing an emblem with an Angry Birds-worthy cartoon eagle and the words “Trump Defense Force/Presidential Protectors.”
Jaxson66's Avatar
GOP leaders spar over adding House members to Trump’s impeachment defense team

A turf war over who should defend President Trump in a Senate impeachment trial is raging behind the scenes in Congress, as House Republicans push to join Trump’s legal team — an idea that piques the president’s interest — over the objections of Senate Republicans.

House GOP leaders in recent weeks have advocated for Trump’s most aggressive defenders — Republican Reps. Jim Jordan (Ohio), John Ratcliffe (Tex.) and Douglas A. Collins (Ga.) — to cross the Rotunda and help White House counsel Pat A. Cipollone rebut the two charges that the president abused his power and obstructed Congress.

Trump, partial to bare-knuckles tactics and top-rated TV performances, loves the idea, according to four administration and congressional officials familiar with his thinking who spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk frankly.

The trial of the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office appears to be moving to a Whitewash or a Circus....I’m guessing both.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Foregone conclusion.

I read on the Twitter that Trump got his cellphone back and is once again defacatings on social media.

Doesn’t he know yous are supposed to wipe before flushing?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Rudy Giuliani’s bonkers column asking the Supreme Court to strike down Trump’s impeachment

The result is … something.

The column is an impeachment defense of Trump cloaked in a plea for the Supreme Court to actually declare his impeachment unconstitutional. Let’s walk through it:

While the Constitution does give the House broad discretion in impeachments, there are limits. The most explicit of these is that impeachment can only be for, “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” (Art. II, Sec. 4, U.S. Constitution) However, the articles for impeachment voted on by this entirely partisan Democratic Congress, which are currently being unconstitutionally withheld from the Senate, charge no such offenses. In fact, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress are not crimes of any kind, high or low.
Here is the first time Giuliani will suggest that the Constitution requires statutory crimes to impeach a president, but it won’t be the last.

Rudy is starting his propaganda campaign in lockstep with the fat lying bastards impeachment trial...the clown show begins.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Still No Crimes ,,,,,, Just because nancy and chuckie cant get there way like kids is NOT impeachable,,,,,,,,,,
Jaxson66's Avatar
The Senate has conducted 15 impeachment trials. It heard witnesses in every one. Historical precedent is clear, and it’s not on Trump’s side.

President Trump’s allies in the Senate want to move forward to an impeachment trial without a commitment to calling witnesses. They insinuate that precedent is on their side, but they’re wrong.

The Senate has heard testimony from witnesses at every trial it has completed in its 231-year history. If the current Senate takes seriously its constitutional responsibility to conduct an impeachment trial of Trump and the oath its members will take to “do impartial justice,” then it must not depart from this unambiguous body of precedent. It must hear from witnesses to the president’s misconduct.

Only 19 other individuals besides Trump have been impeached by the House of Representatives. The Senate completed a trial in 15 of those cases, and in every single one of them, it heard testimony from witnesses. Those cases include the only two prior instances in which a president was impeached.

At the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton, the Senate permitted House managers to obtain trial depositions of three witnesses — Monica Lewinsky, Clinton confidant Vernon Jordan and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal — and the full Senate viewed video excerpts of those depositions. At the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson, the Senate heard testimony from 41 witnesses.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Pelosi signals House will transmit articles of impeachment against Trump to Senate as soon as next week

Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday that the House will consider a resolution next week to appoint impeachment managers and transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate, setting the stage for a historic trial of President Trump.

The fat lying bastard and Moscow Mitch are loosing the court of public opinion about a dismissal vote, the country might get to hear Bolton. If not, the trump party will pay at the polls.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Trump says he will invoke executive privilege over Bolton testifying. Can he do that? He doesn’t work there anymore?

And what happened to the search for the whistleblower?
Jaxson66's Avatar
The fat lying bastard has obstructed investigations for three years. I’m sure he will claim privilege. What happens then i don’t know, there is different opinions on his so called privilege.

My personal opinion is, if theSenate votes to include witnesses in the trial and subpoenas all witnesses they should show and testify.

Was it a drug deal or not?
  • oeb11
  • 01-11-2020, 04:52 PM
J666 - My , My - crying out for "fairness" after the biased, slanted, hyper-partisan Schiff/Nadler show you DPST's put on in the House -

But- You know not the concept of hypocrisy or shame.
Pelosi signals House will transmit articles of impeachment against Trump to Senate as soon as next week

Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday that the House will consider a resolution next week to appoint impeachment managers and transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate, setting the stage for a historic trial of President Trump.

The fat lying bastard and Moscow Mitch are loosing the court of public opinion about a dismissal vote, the country might get to hear Bolton. If not, the trump party will pay at the polls. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
LOL...Sheer unadulterated liberal projection yet again.

While public opinion is not on the side of a simple dismissal vote, Pelosi has been far more on the losing side of public opinion, as well as a recent batch of Dem Congress Critters speaking out for her to forward the articles to the Senate, which as expected she is buckling too as you note above.
Jaxson66's Avatar
J666 - My , My - crying out for "fairness" after the biased, slanted, hyper-partisan Schiff/Nadler show you DPST's put on in the House -

But- You know not the concept of hypocrisy or shame. Originally Posted by oeb11
J666 screams Hail Satan
  • oeb11
  • 01-11-2020, 05:07 PM
Well put - have to respect your worship - In kalifornia diversity matters!
Not in Texas - so sorry!
Jaxson66's Avatar

While public opinion is not on the side of a simple dismissal vote, Pelosi has been far more on the losing side of public opinion, as well as a recent batch of Dem Congress Critters speaking out for her to forward the articles to the Senate, which as expected she is buckling too as you note above. Originally Posted by eccielover
If I made a perfect call and Bolton and Mulvaney could verify that fact . I would want them on National tv claiming my innocence.

Me, like the 70% of the voters following the impeachment procedures knows, the fat lying bastard doesn’t want the truth out because he’s lying. Again!
  • oeb11
  • 01-11-2020, 07:04 PM
70% - a fabrication from your own mind to speak for the voting preferences of others.

Maybe referring to the illegal non-citizens kalifornia gives the vote to???
I am sure you think that is q wonderful idea -give the vote to any illegal who can jump the fence.

Just an Iranian terrorist apologist who cares care less about the American troops at risk defending DPST's who hate our troops.

Thanks - j666