Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

  • oeb11
  • 01-13-2020, 09:51 AM
DPST's have the hypocrisy to cry about a fixed and unfair Senate procedure- after approving the proposed rules 100-0 in 1999, and their blatantly partisan, fixed, Impeachment planned since Nov 2016!
Jaxson66's Avatar
The country knows the Clinton impeachment had Witnesses, Documents, Testimony by Clinton himself by video and he actually gave blood for the GOP sperm test on the blue dress. The fat lying bastard wants Moscow Mitch to Whitewash his trial, big difference! Stop sniveling about the Clintons.
  • oeb11
  • 01-13-2020, 02:00 PM
Your gross hypocrisy knows no bounds, j666.

Stop being an apologist for the rigged house Impeachment procedure - and screaming the 1999 rules McConnell plans - passed 100-0 in the Senate at that time - are rigged and unfair - you cannot see any facts due to your fixation on DPST Narrative "Truth"!
so- what ya gonna do when - if Nazi Pelosi ever forwards the Articles - a trial is held and Trump is acquitted???
What you gonna post on when it all evaporates???
Ivanka envy - that might be a start!
The country knows the Clinton impeachment had Witnesses, Documents, Testimony by Clinton himself by video and he actually gave blood for the GOP sperm test on the blue dress. The fat lying bastard wants Moscow Mitch to Whitewash his trial, big difference! Stop sniveling about the Clintons. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The Country also knows the Clinton impeachment was based on lots of investigative evidence vetted through the House and included an actual crime of perjury under oath. The left had pinned their hopes on the Mueller Report being that equivalent and were massively let down by it. Then they rushed into this debacle.

And in regards to the "witnesses", all three of them with Lewinsky being the primary, were all called out in the House investigation, and then basically recalled for further deposition with only select video clips reviewed by the Senate.

Mighty Mitch has said he will treat this the same. He will review all the "evidence" as given by the House and conduct the trial in the same manner as Clinton.

The problem the left has is that the House did no diligence in this instance and now wants a re-do in the Senate. I really don't think Mitch is going to allow that.

You call it unfair, I call it the ineptitude of the House and their rush to "impeach".

Redhot1960's Avatar
Let's keep this thread alive till the morning after Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
Then we will, Let The Good Times Roll, again...
Jaxson66's Avatar
The Country also knows the Clinton impeachment was based on lots of investigative evidence vetted through the House and included an actual crime of perjury under oath. The left had pinned their hopes on the Mueller Report being that equivalent and were massively let down by it. Then they rushed into this debacle.

That investigation isn’t closed and won’t be for sometime.
And in regards to the "witnesses", all three of them with Lewinsky being the primary, were all called out in the House investigation, and then basically recalled for further deposition with only select video clips reviewed by the Senate.

Right, because Clinton didn’t pull executive privilege out of his ass. Like the fat lying bastard

Mighty Mitch has said he will treat this the same. He will review all the "evidence" as given by the House and conduct the trial in the same manner as Clinton.

Moscow Mitch will reap the dissent of public opinion after he Whitewash’s the fat lying bastards trial

The problem the left has is that the House did no diligence in this instance and now wants a re-do in the Senate. I really don't think Mitch is going to allow that.

You call it unfair, I call it the ineptitude of the House and their rush to "impeach".

No, I call it a Whitewash, better known as a cover up.
] Originally Posted by eccielover
  • oeb11
  • 01-13-2020, 04:42 PM
No j666 - Nazi Pelosi does not write the Senate rules.

too bad!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Russian spies hacked Ukrainian gas company at heart of Trump impeachment trial, company says

Russian military spies have hacked a Ukrainian gas company that is at the heart of an impeachment trial of President Trump, who sought last year to pressure Ukraine to investigate the company and its links to Joe Biden’s son, according to a cybersecurity firm.

Beginning in early November, the Russian spy agency known as the GRU launched a cyber “phishing” campaign against Burisma Holdings to trick unsuspecting employees into giving up their email credentials so the hackers could gain access to their email accounts — once again entangling Moscow in domestic U.S. politics, according to Area 1 Security, a Redwood City, Calif., company.

The operation’s launch coincided with a congressional impeachment inquiry into Trump and whether he abused his office by seeking to press Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into announcing a probe of Burisma and Hunter Biden — an action that conceivably would aid Trump’s reelection bid.
The GRU was active in the 2016 presidential campaign, hacking the servers of the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and releasing their emails that summer and fall. The disclosures disrupted the Democratic convention and undermined Clinton’s campaign in the critical final weeks, and the U.S. intelligence community concluded that with such actions Moscow aimed to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

Trump has publicly downplayed the intelligence agencies’ conclusions and has suggested that it was Ukraine, not Russia, that interfered in the 2016 election. He and his personal attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, have promoted an unfounded theory that Joe Biden, while vice president, tried to quash a corruption investigation of Burisma to protect his son. Hunter Biden is no longer on Burisma’s board.

The GRU succeeded in breaching the servers of Burisma Holdings and several subsidiaries and partners, said Oren Falkowitz, Area 1 Security’s chief executive.

Putin’s helping out his piss boy again and the fat lying bastard didn’t have to ask on nation wide tv.
LexusLover's Avatar
PissLousy will soon put an end to this stupid thread.
Who will be the impeachment managers Moe, Larry & Curly or Schitt and Gnadless?
  • oeb11
  • 01-14-2020, 06:03 AM
j666-Putin’s helping out his piss boy again and the fat lying bastard didn’t have to ask on nation wide tv.

Still cannot give up that ridiculous fallacy of 'Putin and Trump piss tape"

How pathetic!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Who will be the impeachment managers Moe, Larry & Curly or Schitt and Gnadless? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) is meeting behind closed doors Tuesday morning with fellow House Democrats as she prepares to transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate, setting the stage for a historic trial of President Trump.

The answer is on its way.

Btw...there are reports Moscow Mitch doesn’t have the votes to dismiss the impeachment of Putin’s punk.
Jaxson66's Avatar
j666-Putin’s helping out his piss boy again and the fat lying bastard didn’t have to ask on nation wide tv.

Still cannot give up that ridiculous fallacy of 'Putin and Trump piss tape"

How pathetic! Originally Posted by oeb11
Tape? I doubt there’s tape unless the piss video was taken in the eighties and I doubt the existence of a piss tape. So you’re a liar.

Once again, get your facts straight before you make personal attacks
Jaxson66's Avatar
PissLousy will soon put an end to this stupid thread. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, you weren’t capable of doing it ..
  • oeb11
  • 01-14-2020, 08:32 AM
Quote j666

Putin’s helping out his piss boy again and the fat lying bastard didn’t have to ask on nation wide tv.

oeb11-Still cannot give up that ridiculous fallacy of 'Putin and Trump piss tape"

How pathetic!

j666-Tape? I doubt there’s tape unless the piss video was taken in the eighties and I doubt the existence of a piss tape. So you’re a liar.

Once again, get your facts straight before you make personal attacks

oeb11 in response to j666-

You are the one posting the "piss Trump" lie as fact - ABOVE in this thread.
- You posted it ABOVE - Yourself - and call me a liar for bringing it to your attention. !!

Be careful who you call a liar - you are such a Hypocrite you fail to see your own Lies.
Perhaps , someday, would discourse with such as j666 will change my mind to favorable in certain cases regarding the benefits of eugenics for the human gene pool.
Realistically - NO - I believe in freedom of speech, the Constitution and Bill of Rights - which is under daily attack by the Fascist DPST's such as j666 and his ilk. Eugenics is a National Socialist idea the DPST Fascists will parade out again to remove their opponents.

Again - j666 - You Cannot give up the ridiculous idea of Putin pissing on Trump -

It never happened - no matter what the Fascist DPST narrative manual instructs !
No matter how much you whine and want it to be reality!
It never happened!

BTW - Trump has been Impeached by the hyperpartisan clown court in the House.

I hope you realize your life's ambition has been realized.

Now comes a Senate trial.

Ever gonna change the avatar????