Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
The House Impeachment is indeed a travesty. The Senate should show there is respect in at least one chamber of Congress for the Constitution. Time to hear the House case and with respect for the gravity of the Constitution and process - examine it closely and Vote.

And if the Senate desires further witnesses after the House presentation - so be it.

Let the Senate not respond to a travesty of an Impeachment with disregard - and thus creating another travesty.

The American people are owed that.

IMHO Originally Posted by oeb11
We sure are, and a fair trial. A trial that stays in the boundaries of what is relevant to the withholding of funds by the defendant. The court of public opinion wants a trial not a fucking circus.
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2020, 03:09 PM
House members vote to send articles of impeachment against Trump to Senate, approve seven members to serve as prosecutors in trial

The House voted Wednesday to send articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate and approved seven Democrats to serve as prosecutors in the third trial of a U.S. president.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) named a team of managers led by two trusted lieutenants, Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.). Later Wednesday, the managers plan to walk the articles across the Capitol and present them to the chamber led by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who has repeatedly characterized the House case as weak.

The crux of the case is the allegation that Trump tried to leverage a White House meeting and military aid, sought by Ukraine to combat Russian military aggression, to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an investigation of former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, as well as a probe of an unfounded theory that Kyiv conspired with Democrats to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

First thing I want find out is who were those 9 chicken shit Reps who didn’t vote, everyone of those chicken shits should lose their office. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

J666 is welcome to register to vote DPST ini all those districts .

Think your vote will make a difference???
Your avatar is way out of date, btw!
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2020, 03:11 PM
We sure are, and a fair trial. A trial that stays in the boundaries of what is relevant to the withholding of funds by the defendant. The court of public opinion wants a trial not a fucking circus. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Schiff , Nadler, and Pelosi produced exactly that - a clown show in th House impeachment proceedings.

With Schiff and nadler - pathologic liars - leading the prosecution - what else than a circus should be expected????
Enquiring minds want to know.
HedonistForever's Avatar
We sure are, and a fair trial. A trial that stays in the boundaries of what is relevant to the withholding of funds by the defendant. The court of public opinion wants a trial not a fucking circus. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

You are aware that the idea of a "fair trial" leans in favor of the defendant? You know, innocent until proven guilty? A fair trial allows the defendant to call anybody they want without the judge or prosecutors prejudging whose testimony is relevant.

What could be more relevant as to why the defendant would with hold funds which is not illegal by the way, than whether there was corruption involving the Biden's? Everybody and I mean everybody said there was the appearance of impropriety in Joe Biden being the administrations point man on Ukraine while his son was working for a corrupt company in Ukraine.

If the Democrats want witnesses, then the Republicans can with 51 votes call anybody they want including the whistleblower who has to be investigated and questioned because he made the first claim of this so called abuse of power. Was it legal for Lt. Colonel Vindman to leak the contents of the phone call to the whistleblower?

Schiff has to be called since there is the appearance of impropriety in that he may have had contact with the whistleblower and he lied about it. Pelosi will have to be called and explain why she decided to open an impeachment inquiry without the vote of the full House and why do it two days before the transcript of the phone call was even released? That's calling for an inquiry without the evidence in hand. Why?

One thing is for sure, if Hunter and Joe are called as witnesses, it will be bad news for the Biden campaign. It will raise doubt in Joe Biden becoming the nominee of the Democratic party.
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2020, 03:20 PM
And would force the fascist DPST's to nominate bernie or lizzie - radical Communists and ensure they lose the election Nov 2020!
Jaxson66's Avatar
You are aware that the idea of a "fair trial" leans in favor of the defendant? You know, innocent until proven guilty? A fair trial allows the defendant to call anybody they want without the judge or prosecutors prejudging whose testimony is relevant.

What could be more relevant as to why the defendant would with hold funds which is not illegal by the way, than whether there was corruption involving the Biden's? Everybody and I mean everybody said there was the appearance of impropriety in Joe Biden being the administrations point man on Ukraine while his son was working for a corrupt company in Ukraine.

If the Democrats want witnesses, then the Republicans can with 51 votes call anybody they want including the whistleblower who has to be investigated and questioned because he made the first claim of this so called abuse of power. Was it legal for Lt. Colonel Vindman to leak the contents of the phone call to the whistleblower?

Schiff has to be called since there is the appearance of impropriety in that he may have had contact with the whistleblower and he lied about it. Pelosi will have to be called and explain why she decided to open an impeachment inquiry without the vote of the full House and why do it two days before the transcript of the phone call was even released? That's calling for an inquiry without the evidence in hand. Why?

One thing is for sure, if Hunter and Joe are called as witnesses, it will be bad news for the Biden campaign. It will raise doubt in Joe Biden becoming the nominee of the Democratic party. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I suppose some of your points are accurate in a court of law, but the trial wasn’t initiated by the DOJ. As a matter of fact the DOJ is refusing to cooperate with the committees. The House accomplished a legal constitutional impeachment and the public wants to hear witnesses.

Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and Duffy works for me, at the moment.

You call Joe & Hunter Biden, Rudy and the fat lying bastard himself. We’ll let the chips fall where they may.
lustylad's Avatar
One thing is for sure, if Hunter and Joe are called as witnesses, it will be bad news for the Biden campaign. It will raise doubt in Joe Biden becoming the nominee of the Democratic party. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Hey, the dim-retards are stupid enough to nominate him anyway! Look at how they nominated hildebeest in 2016 even though she was under investigation by the fricking FBI! They're dumb enough to do it again in 2020! I'm rooting for Quid Pro Joe! The dim-retards will make it easy for trumpy by rolling out another tainted candidate!

Can't wait for the debates! Trump will crack me up by asking "Where's Hunter?" every 5 minutes... and Quid Pro Joe will keep stuttering and forgetting all his pre-rehearsed lines!
eccieuser9500's Avatar

So Biden did demand a quid pro quo and we are just suppose to "get over it". Funny how that works huh? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Joe Biden was part of a global coalition to rid the Ukrainian government of corruption. Why is that so hard to remember? The POTUS was operating on his own to a self interested end.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
You are aware that the idea of a "fair trial" leans in favor of the defendant? You know, innocent until proven guilty? A fair trial allows the defendant to call anybody they want without the judge or prosecutors prejudging whose testimony is relevant.

What could be more relevant as to why the defendant would with hold funds which is not illegal by the way, than whether there was corruption involving the Biden's? Everybody and I mean everybody said there was the appearance of impropriety in Joe Biden being the administrations point man on Ukraine while his son was working for a corrupt company in Ukraine.

If the Democrats want witnesses, then the Republicans can with 51 votes call anybody they want including the whistleblower who has to be investigated and questioned because he made the first claim of this so called abuse of power. Was it legal for Lt. Colonel Vindman to leak the contents of the phone call to the whistleblower?

Schiff has to be called since there is the appearance of impropriety in that he may have had contact with the whistleblower and he lied about it. Pelosi will have to be called and explain why she decided to open an impeachment inquiry without the vote of the full House and why do it two days before the transcript of the phone call was even released? That's calling for an inquiry without the evidence in hand. Why?

One thing is for sure, if Hunter and Joe are called as witnesses, it will be bad news for the Biden campaign. It will raise doubt in Joe Biden becoming the nominee of the Democratic party. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
If you want a circus, then the Senate should call Fareed Zakaria as a witness.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Hey, the dim-retards are stupid enough to nominate him anyway! Look at how they nominated hildebeest in 2016 even though she was under investigation by the fricking FBI! They're dumb enough to do it again in 2020! I'm rooting for Quid Pro Joe! The dim-retards will make it easy for trumpy by rolling out another tainted candidate!

Can't wait for the debates! Trump will crack me up by asking "Where's Hunter?" every 5 minutes... and Quid Pro Joe will keep stuttering and forgetting all his pre-rehearsed lines! Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey, the trumptards are stupid enough to defend their nominee even though his campaign associates are doing time, his cabinet is a revolving door, the ME is a bigger cluster fuck than it was and the Russian military is once again attacking the democracy of the US to re-elect the fat lying bastard.

And then there’s that pesky impeachment, I’d say the trumptards are the stupid ones and that’s been proven over the last three years.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I suppose some of your points are accurate in a court of law, but the trial wasn’t initiated by the DOJ. As a matter of fact the DOJ is refusing to cooperate with the committees. The House accomplished a legal constitutional impeachment and the public wants to hear witnesses.

Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and Duffy works for me, at the moment.

You call Joe & Hunter Biden, Rudy and the fat lying bastard himself. We’ll let the chips fall where they may. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

yet another disingenuous and deflecting post by a biased racist unabashed Trump hater. you hate Trump because he exists and breathes air. after all the obstruction by your Democrats during the inquiry your openness to testimony now is false. you know the Democrats can't and won't allow the Biden's, Schiff, icig Atkinson and the whistler himself Ciaramella to testify. it kills their case and proves collusion by the Democrats.

keep ranting and melting down. it's funny to watch ...

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Rand Paul threatens fellow Republicans with explosive witness votes

It’s easy to see how the witness debate could get out of control for vulnerable senators in both parties. In addition to Paul’s plans, Democrats would also be sure to offer difficult votes for Republicans facing reelection like Collins, Cory Gardner of Colorado and Martha McSally of Arizona. And Democrats have a pair of incumbent senators up for reelection in November in states Trump won in 2016, as well: Doug Jones of Alabama and Gary Peters of Michigan.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Maddow to interview Parnas tonight 9PM Eastern. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Schiff needs to get this guy on video with his testimony before he has a grave accident. If the allegations are indeed true it’s stunning and the House should demand immediate security.

He alleges Pence, Barr, Rudy and Nunes were involved in the scheme to shakedown Ukraine. I’m still going to give Pence benefit of doubt but I believe Barr, Rudy and Nunes are neck deep.

As Scobby Do once uttered...Rut row!
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^Right rut-row even the LSM is saying whole lota nothing gonna happen ,,,,
HoeHummer's Avatar
So the question stills remains — if Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he and his government fighting so hard to suppress evidence?

If the call was “perfect,” then why is he blocking testimony?

Sounds like your Senators want to hear the evidence in the case. That case is about the Ukraine extortion attempts, right? So what would Hunter Biden have to do with it?

Even if he was somehow guilty of wrongdoing, allegedlys, why would that justify Trump extorting a foreign ally? That’s the crime, right? Why would that make Schiff out of line in investigating it?

Seems like none of yous are willing to admit that This whole fucking thing stinks worse than oeb’s a pantry drawer.

Giggling nervously doesn’t change anything, eh?