Russia is interfering AGAIN in 2020 election to help Donald Trump get a second term, intelligence officials secretly told Congress

gfejunkie's Avatar
j666 and WaPo - where would he/she be without their mis-direction. Originally Posted by oeb11
Prime example of doubling down on stupid.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Prime example of doubling down on stupid. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You want a example of stupid, go to the cartoon thread, or you could try to explain what the fat racist pig fucker squatting in the Oval Office meant when he said “ That Coronavirus Will ‘Miraculously’ Go Away by April”.

That’s a double decker shit sandwich, don’t choke swallowing.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Richard Grenell’s paid consulting included work for U.S. nonprofit funded mostly by Hungary

Two years before President Trump nominated him to become ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell wrote an op-ed about Nigeria’s highly charged 2015 presidential race, a move that drew notice from Nigerian media. A year later, Grenell defended the government of Moldova against corruption allegations from a whistleblower who, Grenell argued, was a Russian operative bent on destabilizing an Eastern European country trying to move toward the West.

And Grenell’s public relations firm was paid to do work for a U.S. nonprofit funded almost entirely by the Hungarian government led by far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

That fat lying bastard only picks the best racist pig fuckers for his regime.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Prime example of doubling down on stupid. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
  • oeb11
  • 02-25-2020, 07:05 AM
+1 - well done, gfejunkie!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Yep. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
If your only defense of the fat lying bastard is personal attacks and ignorant memes, you need to get your facts straight.

First, I haven’t stopped accusing that lying bastard of colluding with Putin and his hand picked Oligarchs since the first day I posted on this forum. That was May of 2019 shortly after reading the Mueller report. I know you heard of the report but I doubt you attempted to read it. So what the fuck would you know about only know what the fat lying bastard tells you to believe.

Second, I don’t belong to a party. I voted independent by entire life. So if you want to continue your ignorant personal attacks get your facts straight.
Jaxson66's Avatar
+1 - well done, gfejunkie! Originally Posted by oeb11
You two should team up as a tag team wrestlers. I suggest you call yourselves the Lying Liars.
  • oeb11
  • 02-25-2020, 07:26 AM
j666- your "facts' are the ridiculous Fascist DPST narrative - example the hoax presented by Schiff, nadler, and Pelosi.

Marxist DPST's are not able to deal with "Facts" and Reality!
You have only your own Narrative.
  • oeb11
  • 02-25-2020, 07:27 AM
j666- the post stings, does it not!!
laughter is the best medicine for Marxism!
Jaxson66's Avatar
j666- the post stings, does it not!!
laughter is the best medicine for Marxism! Originally Posted by oeb11
Will which is it? Am I Communist, Socialist or Marxist?

You don’t know me, all you know is I intend to resist your Fuhrer’s will, and by doing so I’m your enemy. So be it.

Now grab a couple of shit sandwiches from the Cult cooler to munch on while you strategize your next attack.
rexdutchman's Avatar
All you need to know about Bernniee is his hero is Fidel Castro think of that fact when he talks about RIGHTS for women or anybody
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hitler attacked the legitimacy of democracy itself, purging the voting rolls, challenging the integrity of the electoral process, and questioning the ability of democratic government to solve Germany’s problems,” Neuborne notes.

“Trump has also attacked the democratic process, declining to agree to be bound by the outcome of the 2016 elections when he thought he might lose, supporting the massive purge of the voting rolls allegedly designed to avoid (nonexistent) fraud, championing measures that make it harder to vote, tolerating—if not fomenting—massive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, encouraging mob violence at rallies, darkly hinting at violence if Democrats hold power, and constantly casting doubt on the legitimacy of elections unless he wins.”

Both attack the judiciary and rule of law. “Hitler politicized and eventually destroyed the vaunted German justice system. Trump also seeks to turn the American justice system into his personal playground,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump threatens the judicially enforced rule of law, bitterly attacking American judges who rule against him, slyly praising Andrew Jackson for defying the Supreme Court, and abusing the pardon power by pardoning an Arizona sheriff found guilty of criminal contempt of court for disobeying federal court orders to cease violating the Constitution.”

Like Hitler, Trump glorifies the military, staffing his administration with layers of retired generals (who eventually were fired or resigned), relaxing control over the use of lethal force by the military and the police, and demanding a massive increase in military spending,” Neuborne writes. Just as Hitler “imposed an oath of personal loyalty on all German judges” and demanded courts defer to him, “Trump’s already gotten enough deference from five Republican [Supreme Court] justices to uphold a largely Muslim travel ban that is the epitome of racial and religious bigotry.”

Trump has also demanded loyalty oaths. “He fired James Comey, a Republican appointed in 2013 as FBI director by President Obama, for refusing to swear an oath of personal loyalty to the president; excoriated and then sacked Jeff Sessions, his handpicked attorney general, for failing to suppress the criminal investigation into… Trump’s possible collusion with Russia in influencing the 2016 elections; repeatedly threatened to dismiss Robert Mueller, the special counsel carrying out the investigation; and called again and again for the jailing of Hillary Clinton, his 2016 opponent, leading crowds in chants of ‘lock her up.’” A new chant, “send her back,” has since emerged at Trump rallies directed at non-white Democratic congresswomen.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Bullshit! Hitler did it much in the same manner that the dim-retards in Florida, Arizona, Georgia, California, Maryland, etc., do it. He cheated!

Step 1) just before an election, Hitler had most of those who he knew would be voting against him rounded=up and put in prison. (Admittedly, the dem-retards skip this step and move to step 2.)

Step 2) the dim-retard vote counters collect all of the ballots, just like Hitler's people did, and then make the vote count come out the way they want it to.
If your only defense of the fat lying bastard is personal attacks and ignorant memes, you need to get your facts straight.

First, I haven’t stopped accusing that lying bastard of colluding with Putin and his hand picked Oligarchs since the first day I posted on this forum. That was May of 2019 shortly after reading the Mueller report. I know you heard of the report but I doubt you attempted to read it. So what the fuck would you know about only know what the fat lying bastard tells you to believe.

Second, I don’t belong to a party. I voted independent by entire life. So if you want to continue your ignorant personal attacks get your facts straight. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The Conservatives of this Country do have the facts right. It's you stupid Liberals we are trying to educate. You jackasses haven't been right about anything yet.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Bullshit! Hitler did it much in the same manner that the dim-retards in Florida, Arizona, Georgia, California, Maryland, etc., do it. He cheated!

Step 1) just before an election, Hitler had most of those who he knew would be voting against him rounded=up and put in prison. (Admittedly, the dem-retards skip this step and move to step 2.)

Step 2) the dim-retard vote counters collect all of the ballots, just like Hitler's people did, and then make the vote count come out the way they want it to.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

eccieuser9500's Avatar
The Conservatives of this Country do have the facts right. It's you stupid Liberals we are trying to educate. You jackasses haven't been right about anything yet. Originally Posted by Levianon17