!VI! Pimp Update (If not interested DON'T READ)

sean rider's Avatar
Calling him a "pimp mastermind" is counterfactual. I never believed that. I recall folks putting that kind of sentiment in my mouth as a straw man tactic. I recall people *assuming* that's what I thought, just like they thought I had an agenda to protect !VI!.

But I've never made that claim. I've always thought he was a Wimp Pimp™, and not terribly bright on top of it. As for "evil", I think of him more as a sort of user and lazy criminal. True evil aspires to something more.

Regarding her claims that she was forced into prostitution my position has always been agnostic. I made a point early on of saying that pimps come in all kinds of forms, and sometimes they are even in totally consensual relationships. And there are many shades of grey between. But it's pimping nevertheless. It's promoting and living off of the income from someone else's sex work.

My best guess is that the Pimp is attracted to very young women who are in psychological crisis. He may even care for them. Some guys like crazy. Some guys like women they can easily out maneuver. This was his pattern with both !VI! and Eevee.
sean rider's Avatar
(Another unresolved issue is which, if any, of the posts supposedly made by her here were actually him. I'm leaning towards all or almost all. We know that from the beginning he was texting and posting for her, thereby setting up dates. Certainly the posts from the outing and on are all him. But post by post proof of authorship just isn't there.

Why she hasn't gone from site to site demanding various outing posts be taken down has puzzled me as well. I wonder if a lawyer or the authorities have told her not to so as to preserve evidence. Or maybe they want to monitor the accounts and see who logs in.)
TinMan's Avatar
She was both smarter and more in control of that relationship than him. If he wanted to be a big daddy pimp she fought that kind of control from the get-go. I'm sure he was just thrilled with her openly seeking BB from her clients. That stuff will drive a pimp crazy.

I've spent my allotted 5 minutes thinking about this old news. See you in July.
She was both smarter and more in control of that relationship than him. If he wanted to be a big daddy pimp she fought that kind of control from the get-go. I'm sure he was just thrilled with her openly seeking BB from her clients. That stuff will drive a pimp crazy.

I've spent my allotted 5 minutes thinking about this old news. See you in July. Originally Posted by TinMan
!VI! wasn't the one making the posts so how could she be the one seeking anything?

She was clearly being under control of someone else. I look forward to more updates from Sean on this situation.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
She was both smarter and more in control of that relationship than him. If he wanted to be a big daddy pimp she fought that kind of control from the get-go. I'm sure he was just thrilled with her openly seeking BB from her clients. That stuff will drive a pimp crazy.

I've spent my allotted 5 minutes thinking about this old news. See you in July. Originally Posted by TinMan
And you know his how?
chicagoboy's Avatar
!VI! wasn't the one making the posts so how could she be the one seeking anything?

She was clearly being 110% under control of someone else. I look forward to more updates from Sean on this situation. Originally Posted by SteveOTX
sean rider's Avatar
She was both smarter and more in control of that relationship than him. If he wanted to be a big daddy pimp she fought that kind of control from the get-go. I'm sure he was just thrilled with her openly seeking BB from her clients. That stuff will drive a pimp crazy. Originally Posted by TinMan
Given it was the Pimp who was making the posts claiming to be her, and given those fake posts made it clear bbfs was available, he apparently didn't care all that much.
sean rider's Avatar
(The topic here is clear. If you are not interested, please move on. Many others have said they want to hear this news.)

The Pimp had his sentencing hearing, and in a short session sentencing was suspended until a new hearing in August.

(dates redacted to protect identity)

"In accordance with the court’s instruction at the sentencing hearing on
<date>, the court hereby suspends the sentencing hearing until <date>. As
stated in open court, when the court resumes with the sentencing hearing
on <date>, it will make its ruling on the objections and pronounce sentence.
<bold> There shall be no further filings without leave of court. Filings that
are made without leave of court will be stricken from the record." </bold>

The rest of the following is opinion except for quotes from him on Facebook:

Reading between the lines it appears to me that the court is getting rather
tired of the Pimp's motions, objections, and bogus requests. He may have
succeeded in setting himself up for a harsh sentence. Or the Judge may
simply be doing his job and considering the objections. But his banning
further filings seems to point to annoyance.

In most of his filings the Pimp seems to be fighting the wrong war. He is
being sentenced for what he himself has admitted to: the illegal purchase of
guns, his use of the internet to promote and arrange prostitution, and his
use of the internet to out her and harass her family.

But the Pimp is acting as if he is being sentenced for forcing !VI! into
prostitution, using violence against her, and so on. Most, if not all, of his filed
objections and requests are about acts that are not before the court.

Meanwhile, on his Facebook account, the Pimp continues to con his
remaining supporters into being character witnesses. He further claims:

that he's "not a criminal"
that he's suffering from all manner of diseases
that his supposed "multiple personality disorder" is being controlled with Zoloft
that he needs donations sent to an online account for medical problems
(Example: "Funny story, my lungs age: is 71 ... that's almost 3 times my age lol.
They also have records of my Chimerism and my heart failures. XD
now funny part... they have no idea how to handle any of it now. >.<
The Doctor asked: How the hell are you still walking around with most of the ligaments in your knees torn.")

that prison psychologists have "finally found the source of all my issues."
(he announces life changing breakthroughs with regularity, and they never last.)

that he will be released soon and get some measure of revenge
that he still "loves" !VI! even though she was terribly cruel to him
that the reason he was the only one charged is racism
that he's probably on the verge of release
that Hollywood types have been making modeling offers

that "pre-trial detention should be presented to the Geneva Convention"

He makes ridiculous claims such as "I am going to PROVE everything I have
said with in the first 6 months of me getting out. Including, the fact that the
Government Agents lied to protect a criminal and made an imaginary case."
when he, in fact, has confessed to every single charge that is actually before
the court.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Just stop
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KittyLamour's Avatar
double post
KittyLamour's Avatar
KittyLamour's Avatar
How is he posting to FB from jail??

If you talk to !Vi! send her my best wishes and to stay strong...must be a horrible ordeal for her to have to deal with. What a little bitch, I mean the pimp not !Vi!.
Sean - you are real asshole for bumping a two month old thread, Nobody gives a flying fuck about this topic. Give it a rest!
TheEccie214's Avatar
Sean - you are real asshole for bumping a two month old thread, Nobody gives a flying fuck about this topic. Give it a rest! Originally Posted by Tapper69
Not only this but if the young girl was truly a victim let her story fade away and allow her to move on with her life.
IMN2U's Avatar
  • IMN2U
  • 07-11-2017, 02:34 PM
Sean, thank you for the update.
Justice is served......... Slowly....
Most people have no idea how long the justice system takes from crime to arrest to trial to sentencing.
C'mon August! This guy needs to be sentenced.

Does anybody on eccie like the sound of hand cuffs? I am sure you kinky guys and gals do...