Roe to be overturned!!!!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
But then, this here OP of this here thread is about abortion.
So why are we even leveraging the Civil War to talk about abortion or illegal alien birthing rights anyway? (Ouch) Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Still waiting on your volley.

I thought that was pretty easy to figure out. Two words: State's Rights.

Because it ends an innocent Human life.

Because it's killing another person

If the child growing inside the mothers womb is not a human life, then WTF is it? Science says "LIFE" begins at conception.

In this world with the access to birth control being cheap and universal there is zero reason for the barbaric practice of abortion to be allowed. Originally Posted by texassapper

A fetus is not a person until independent of the carrier. You say it begins at conception, not science (Dr. Fauci).

With everyone carrying a camera in their pockets, there should be absolutely no reason the State should sanction the barbaric act of murder. But it still happens.

Mebbe Pro Choice folks should commit suicide. Your body, your choice. If you’re going to talk the talk…….

As the Golden Rules states;

Do unto others as you would do unto yourself. Originally Posted by bambino

What a mook.
bambino's Avatar
Still waiting on your volley.

I thought that was pretty easy to figure out. Two words: State's Rights.

A fetus is not a person until independent of the carrier. You say it begins at conception, not science (Dr. Fauci).

With everyone carrying a camera in their pockets, there should be absolutely no reason the State should sanction the barbaric act of murder. But it still happens.

What a mook. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Your conception is a pretty good argument for abortions. You’re one of several examples in this forum. But even a tool like you deserved a fair chance at life.
bambino's Avatar
For you pro choice folks. It’s 5 minutes long. Enjoy!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
But then, this here OP of this here thread is about abortion.
So why are we even leveraging the Civil War to talk about abortion or illegal alien birthing rights anyway? (Ouch)
Still waiting on your volley.

I thought that was pretty easy to figure out. Two words: State's Rights... Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Unfortunate typo on my part. Should have read: So why are you even leveraging the Civil War to talk about abortion or illegal alien birthing rights anyway? (Ouch)

I'll leave you on the Ignore list to play Dodge Ball by yourself. Won't lie, I had hopes for a bit there. Silly me. Fair chance over.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I don't agree that a heartbeat is THE objective measure of life... Originally Posted by Tiny
Doctors do. After trying to resuscitate someone for several minutes they eventually decide that the absence of a heart beats means you are door-nail dead and they bury you.
  • Tiny
  • 05-05-2022, 09:56 AM
Doctors do. After trying to resuscitate someone for several minutes they eventually decide that the absence of a heart beats means you are door-nail dead and they bury you. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Do you believe single and multi-celled organisms without a heart are living?

Do you believe doctors can resuscitate a 6 week old embryo that's aborted?
texassapper's Avatar
Do you believe single and multi-celled organisms without a heart are living? Originally Posted by Tiny
Absolutely... and we can measure those signs of life by the cellular activity. The same exact activity that the "lump of cells" are performing in the mothers womb prior to Leftists admitting that the child is viable.

Life is life...
HedonistForever's Avatar
Great discussion. Wish I was participating. Originally Posted by Mplay

Why aren't you?
bambino's Avatar
Do you believe single and multi-celled organisms without a heart are living?

Do you believe doctors can resuscitate a 6 week old embryo that's aborted? Originally Posted by Tiny
Impossible to resuscitate anything after it’s been suctioned to death. But then again, why would they try? Their objective is to kill it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-05-2022, 10:29 AM
Mebbe Pro Choice folks should commit suicide. Your body, your choice. If you’re going to talk the talk…….

As the Golden Rules states;

Do unto others as you would do unto yourself. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes now you're slowly getting it!

You so called conseratives should legalize assisted suicide.

The state should not be making these choices.

Either td in assisted suicide or first term abortion.
bambino's Avatar
Yes now you're slowly getting it!

You so called conseratives should legalize assisted suicide.

The state should not be making these choices.

Either td in assisted suicide or first term abortion. Originally Posted by WTF
I’m all for your suicide. If you need “assisted”, give me a call. I’m there for you Poofter.
bambino's Avatar
The Democrats are the party of abortion, racism, censorship, p********, transgenderism and medical tyranny.

Anybody who identifies with this type of evil is mentally ill.

bambino's Avatar

The Supreme Court Justices of the United States have been assigned 24-hour Military protection.

The guise is that the Justices need protection due to the Roe vs. Wade decision that is impending.

That is false.

The “leak” which occurred this past week, regarding the SCOTUS opinion to overturn Roe vs. Wade, was fake.

This was designed to distract the Left from the REAL decision that has been in front of the court:

The 2020 General Election.

Within the next several weeks, the SCOTUS will be overturning the 2020 General Election, due to massive fraud in every single state.

You have been watching a movie.

I hope you enjoyed the most important time of human history.

It’s coming to an end ��

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Do you believe single and multi-celled organisms without a heart are living? Yup and it don't even have a beating heart.

Do you believe doctors can resuscitate a 6 week old embryo that's aborted? You mean killed? No, once it's dead, it's dead for the rest of it's life ;-) Originally Posted by Tiny
Not known you to have a nonsequiter fetish in the past. Sounds fun-ish. Do you believe it's called abortion or women's health because the marketing posters for murder and/or infanticide is just too challenging? Do you call women 'bodies with vaginas'? Why not? Can a man about his pregnancy? Can a man about abort her pregnancy?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Excellent post Hedonist. My counter argument might be something like if you left it up to the citizens of Rome to decide whether to throw the Christians to the lions, the Christians would get eaten.

My counter argument would be, relative to the age we live in, if Rome had a Constitution and a Supreme Court, they might say that the majority does not always get to decide because minority rights are protected. If States get the right to vote, could they vote to return to slavery? No they could not. Could they vote to deny women the right to vote? No they could not because the Constitution through it's amendment process, protects the rights of minorities to a point. So I imagine if Rome had our Constitution and our SC, they would say that even though the majority wanted to throw Christians to the lions, they can not. The simple beauty of our Constitution.

A woman should be able to do as she chooses, in the first trimester anyway.

Good, then vote that way when you get the chance to exercise your right in a democracy or Representative Republic for the sticklers.

But admittedly the pro-lifers could use that same argument, if you equate embryos with Christians.

If you are going to leave it up to the people to decide, I'd argue, as in my reply to Why_Yes_I_Do, that it should be left to counties. Admittedly, there's no constitutional basis for that.

Tiny, if there is no Constitutional basis for "that", you are arguing for finding a Constitutional basis for deciding that abortion is protected or not in the Constitution and it couldn't be more clear that it is not. Thanks for acknowledging that there is no Constitutional basis for counties or towns to decide such matters. Again, just go to the Constitution, read the words that say very clearly that all these rights will be decided by, if not the federal govt. and those rights are enumerated, then States not counties, not towns, get those rights. Merely trying to make the point that every question on this topic can be answered by the Constitution.

As to your questions, yes, some Democrats as well as some Republicans seem to have problems with free speech.

I'm not aware of any Republican that has openly questioned the right to free speech. Could you enlighten me?

What should a person be able to do to her body? Sell sex, sell her organs, be the 50th wife to man, consume substances we can't discuss in this forum? I'd lean towards answering yes,

I would too, so let's vote by State on that too. We've already de-facto done that as 1bm1 said on the issue of a certain drug that we can't talk about although my understanding is that we can't "encourage the use of drugs" but we sure as hell should be able to discuss whether it should be legal or not but hey, ain't my board and I don't make the rules simply try to follow them.

she should be able to, with some restrictions, especially as to your last point, consumption of illicit substances. And I think 6 weeks is too early -- a lot of women don't know they're pregnant by then. Originally Posted by Tiny

And wouldn't it be great if you had the chance to express what you think by a vote? The founding fathers were wise enough to put in writing the limits of the federal government and acknowledge the right of citizens to decide in all matters not expressly given to the federal government and abortion was never given to the feds to decide and that is what 7 justices said all those many years ago, that the feds can decide this and not the people. It's long past time that the people are given that right given to them by the Constitution.

Isn't it ironic how Democrats want the popular vote to determine the Presidency but are afraid of the popular vote on this issue. If the vast majority of people believe that Roe should be the law in their State, they will vote as such and "the people" will be free to move to a state or merely travel to a State with perhaps the assistance of those who feel strongly about this which so happens to be a great many wealthy people looking to protect the women who need this service. And I have no doubt that if a State passed a law to punish any American from traveling to another State which has an abortion law, the SC would find that to be an un-Constitutional law that restricts free travel and commerce.

When does life begin, viability, the definition of "health", should all be left up to the people to decide and again, if a State passes a law that does not meet Constitutional muster, the SC can say so as long as they can point to the right in the Constitution.

But alas, I'd say most Americans are simply not capable of understanding this discussion of the Constitution. They want what they want and don't give a damn about the rules, the reasons and the logic that goes into such matters. But they damn well seem to understand that on an issue they believe in, that the popular vote should win. While I understand the reasoning behind the whole Electoral College debate, that too can be changed by the people by an amendment to the Constitution. What a great fucking country we live in.!!!

And wouldn't you agree that it would be interesting as hell to see whether States that would outright ban abortion could survive economically from the backlash surely that would come their way and how long might the people who live in such a State, hold to their beliefs over their bank accounts.