rioseco's Avatar
Read my lips! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

"For I an a stupid fuck", said Assup Poster Child for Abortion !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
"For I an a stupid fuck", said Assup Poster Child for Abortion ! Originally Posted by rioseco
This is rich.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who is Rich?
flghtr65's Avatar
Gruber "told the truth" after the fact. Had Gruber been truthful while Obamacare was being crafted, it would have never passed.

And one of the promises of Obamacare was that premiums would decline for households in America - Obama promised $2,500 reduction.

The new reports say premiums will go by up by an average of 10% for 2015.

Obamacare was built on lies, upon lies. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Spin this. The cost of employer based health insurance has gone down since 2009. From the link.

Start with the basics. On average, the cost of employer-sponsored health insurance increased 26 percent from 2009 to 2014. But costs increased faster before the law was enacted: From 2004 to 2009, costs increased 34 percent. From 1999 to 2004, they went up 72 percent.
Those are averages; are premiums rising faster for small employers? Actually, the opposite is true. For companies with 200 workers or more, average 2014 premiums were $17,265, or 3.3 percent higher than in 2013. At companies with 3 to 199 workers, annual premiums in 2014 averaged $15,849 -- 1.7 percent more than in 2013, when average premiums were 2.2 percent higher than in 2012.

What good if you pay into something but can't use it, due to deductibles. Employee based deductibles have also risen but not soo much. ACA deductibles are fairly decent, with a $5000 deductible if you pay upwards of $700 a month, but if you pay below that deductibles are upward $15,000., (Now that is what I call affordable. NOT)
Obama care is not the care and feeding of Obama....Lewis black
lustylad's Avatar
Spin this. The cost of employer based health insurance has gone down since 2009. From the link. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You are a GRUBERING, lying piece of shit, flighty. Your link does NOT say the cost of employer health insurance has GONE DOWN. It says the cost is still going up year after year, just at a slower rate.

"The report shows that premiums for employer-sponsored plans have increased at a slower rate since the law was enacted in 2010."

Big difference, flighty. What you said isn't just spin. It is outright lying, you grubering POS. I might have take the time to read your link and respond intelligently, but why bother when you can't even be trusted not to lie about what it says?
flghtr65's Avatar
You are a GRUBERING, lying piece of shit, flighty. Your link does NOT say the cost of employer health insurance has GONE DOWN. It says the cost is still going up year after year, just at a slower rate.

"The report shows that premiums for employer-sponsored plans have increased at a slower rate since the law was enacted in 2010."

Big difference, flighty. What you said isn't just spin. It is outright lying, you grubering POS. I might have take the time to read your link and respond intelligently, but why bother when you can't even be trusted not to lie about what it says? Originally Posted by lustylad
One more time FROM THE LINK that was posted.

Start with the basics. On average, the cost of employer-sponsored health insurance increased 26 percent from 2009 to 2014. But costs increased faster before the law was enacted: From 2004 to 2009, costs increased 34 percent. From 1999 to 2004, they went up 72 percent.

Would you rather the cost of employer sponsored health insurance continue to go up by 72% like it did between 1999 and 2004?

You keep knocking the ACA. You complain that the bill was 2,000 pages. Do you have an alternative plan other than:

1. If you are uninsured "Just don't get sick" or

2. Marry someone from Canada.

The republicans in congress don't have an alternative plan. Some republicans have suggested keep the ACA, just get rid the individual mandate. The more healthy people you have in the risk pools the cheaper the premiums will be. THE PRICE OF YOUR PREMIUM IS DETERMINED BY HOW MUCH RISK THE HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY IS TAKING. THIS VARIES BY STATE AND COUNTY.
lustylad's Avatar
One more time - YOUR OWN WORDS FROM YOUR POST #199:

Spin this. The cost of employer based health insurance has gone down since 2009. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You tried to falsely spin your own link. You deliberately distorted by saying the cost HAS GONE DOWN since 2009, when in fact the cost of employer based health insurance IS NOW 26% HIGHER than it was in 2009. At this point you have 2 choices, flighty:

1. Admit you lied.
2. Pretend you don't know the difference between a decline in costs and a slowdown in the rate at which costs are increasing.

If you don't have enough intellectual integrity to admit to one or the other, then there really is no point in my discussing anything else with you regarding healthcare economics, is there flighty?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fluffy knows nothing of health care economics. You're wasting your time. He simply repeats White House talking points. Hell, even Senators Schumer and Harkin are agreeing the law is flawed and probably shouldn't have been passed. But Fluffy won't acknowledge that. Wait until next year when the law hits full force. Disaster! No plan was better than that plan.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
One more time - YOUR OWN WORDS FROM YOUR POST #199:

You tried to falsely spin your own link. You deliberately distorted by saying the cost HAS GONE DOWN since 2009, when in fact the cost of employer based health insurance IS NOW 26% HIGHER than it was in 2009. At this point you have 2 choices, flighty:

1. Admit you lied.
2. Pretend you don't know the difference between a decline in costs and a slowdown in the rate at which costs are increasing.

If you don't have enough intellectual integrity to admit to one or the other, then there really is no point in my discussing anything else with you regarding healthcare economics, is there flighty?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You've got three steps at this point, Junior, and cannot come to training camp in the bigs until you dutifully fulfill the following:

1) Please provide a link proving your point before you smear shit all over the forum, Junior.

2) Then provide something other the condescending blather to prove your knowledge of health care economics transcends the RWW cut and paste level.

3). Go fuck yourself with a broom handle.

If you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand how to follow these simple requirements, or choose to follow less than all three, then ONLY follow Number 3!

Does Obama have an ECCIE handle?

This statement is so far from the truth it is laughable.

... The cost of employer based health insurance has gone down since 2009.....

.... Originally Posted by flghtr65
lustylad's Avatar
You've got three steps at this point, Junior, and cannot come to training camp in the bigs until you dutifully fulfill the following:

1) Please provide a link proving your point...

If you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand...

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

No need for me to provide a link, asswipe. Flighty already hung himself with his own link! But then, you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand that, do you twinklebrain?

flghtr65's Avatar
One more time - YOUR OWN WORDS FROM YOUR POST #199:

You tried to falsely spin your own link. You deliberately distorted by saying the cost HAS GONE DOWN since 2009, when in fact the cost of employer based health insurance IS NOW 26% HIGHER than it was in 2009.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
The bottom line is Obamacare IS NOT DRIVING UP THE COST OF EMPLOYER BASED HEALTH INSURANCE in comparison to the time period before the law enacted. The author of link makes his case.

You being a typical repubtard would rather see health insurance continue to go up by 72%, like it was in the past.

You don't have to discuss anything with me. Vote for the repubtard of your choice in the next presidential election.

Thanks to the ACA people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied the opportunity to purchase health insurance in the Free Marktet. Children can stay on their parents plan up to age 26. Even people who do not like the law, like those two parts of the law.
flghtr65's Avatar
No plan was better than that plan. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The 8 million people who went to the exchanges to purchase health insurance disagree with you. Part D and the ACA are trillion dollar entitlement programs. One helps seniors purchase medications that can't afford and the other helps people purchase health insurance in the individual market.

Now go take your Alzheimers meds and then go FUCK YOURSELF.