Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
. Washington Post: “At least four national security officials were so alarmed by the Trump administration’s attempts to pressure Ukraine for political purposes that they raised concerns with a White House lawyer both before and immediately after President Trump’s July 25 call with that country’s president

Tomorrow is brand new day of leaks

Via La Whistleblowers
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
. Washington Post: “At least four national security officials were so alarmed by the Trump administration’s attempts to pressure Ukraine for political purposes that they raised concerns with a White House lawyer both before and immediately after President Trump’s July 25 call with that country’s president

Tomorrow is brand new day of leaks

Via La Whistleblowers Originally Posted by Jaxson66
so if we include you does that make 5 people concerned?
rexdutchman's Avatar
AP today --- Ukraine president Volo Zeiensky " NO BLACK MAIL IN CALL"
. Washington Post: “At least four national security officials were so alarmed by the Trump administration’s attempts to pressure Ukraine for political purposes that they raised concerns with a White House lawyer both before and immediately after President Trump’s July 25 call with that country’s president

Tomorrow is brand new day of leaks

Via La Whistleblowers Originally Posted by Jaxson66
All you Liberals need to check your diapers that's where the leaks are coming from, lol.
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  • 10-11-2019, 11:01 AM
so if we include you does that make 5 people concerned? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Fox News says there are more than 5 people concerned.
Trump lashes out over Fox News poll that shows majority support his impeachment

  • Tiny
  • 10-11-2019, 12:24 PM
Very enlightening article. What a fucking cesspool. These two businessmen, Fruman and Parnas, are the same people described in my link above. They're Giuliani's clients and also his point men in the Ukraine in his attempt to get the Ukrainian government to dig up or fabricate dirt on Joe Biden. These fuckers are trying to replace the head of the Ukrainian national oil and gas company with someone they think they can control and Rick Perry is helping them along. Their plan is to then sell LNG to the Ukraine. This sounds like fucking Africa, meaning out-in-the-open, extreme corruption. Instead of buying LNG from companies like Chevron and Exxon, Ukraine's going to buy it through a couple of shady Ukrainian/American businessmen.

Apparently Giuliani, Parnas and Fruman are also the main reason our Ukrainian ambassador was replaced - they couldn't have someone in that position who was fighting corruption. Trump said the reason he was on the call with the Ukrainian president Zelensky was because of Rick Perry. Well, it sounds like what Perry (and Giuliani) wanted him to do on the call was potentially worse than what the Democrats believe actually happened. Trump didn't take the bait. He needs to fire Giuliani, stop the Biden obsession and get on with running the country and campaigning for re-election. Giuliani's main interest in the Ukraine likely isn't "helping" Trump, but rather making money, for himself and/or his clients. Originally Posted by Tiny
There have been new developments in this fascinating story. Parnas and Fruman were arrested day before yesterday for campaign finance violations. Among other things they were channeling donations from a Ukrainian national to U.S. politicians and disguising them as having come from Americans. They contributed to Pete Sessions' campaign for U.S. Congress and in return Sessions tried to get the U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, removed. Their motivation certainly was not to remove an ambassador unfriendly to Trump. It was to pave the way to install directors in the Ukrainian national oil company who they could corrupt.

Yovanovitch is testifying on capitol hill in a closed door session today. Her opening statement was leaked, and she says the White House and the president were trying to remove her from office since the Summer of 2018 and were finally successful.

Meanwhile more information is coming out about Dmytro Firtash, the Ukrainian oligarch who figures prominently in conspiracy theories, and his relationship to Parnas and others. Firtash is holed up in Vienna, while the USA tries to extradite him.

What's ironic, Firtash was prominent in a conspiracy theory proposed by some Trump supporters, even though Paul Manafort worked for him. Firtash was represented by Lanny Davis, a prominent Clinton lawyer. Now he's hired Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing, who are close to Trump. Parnas is helping out Firtash's new attorneys by translating. It appears that Firtash may be working with Giuliani, Parnas and Fruman to generate dirt on the Bidens, presumably in return for help with his extradition case in the U.S. When Fruman and Parnas were arrested, they were on the way to Vienna, and there's speculation it was to meet with Firtash.

With friends like Fruman, Parnas and Giuliani, who needs enemies.
Jaxson66's Avatar
.17 former Watergate prosecutors say Trump should be impeached

Viva La Whistleblowers
Jaxson66's Avatar
All you Liberals need to check your diapers that's where the leaks are coming from, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Check my diaper? Watching the fat lying bastards rally last night it’s clear to me who’s wearing diapers. The majority of the sycophants there were at least sixty and appeared unable to carry a case of water up a flight of stairs without shitting themselves.

Viva la Whistleblowers
Yovanovitch is testifying on capitol hill in a closed door session today. Her opening statement was leaked, and she says the White House and the president were trying to remove her from office since the Summer of 2018 and were finally successful. Originally Posted by Tiny
Don't ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the President? Wasn't she an Obama holdover? Where's the issue in the POTUS replacing her? Was she just not coming back to the US as she knew she would be replaced at the "will" of the POTUS.

This whole removing her from office is just another thing being played as somehow sinister by Trump, while it happens all the damn time from POTUS to POTUS.
  • Tiny
  • 10-11-2019, 06:20 PM
Don't ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the President? Wasn't she an Obama holdover? Where's the issue in the POTUS replacing her? Was she just not coming back to the US as she knew she would be replaced at the "will" of the POTUS.

This whole removing her from office is just another thing being played as somehow sinister by Trump, while it happens all the damn time from POTUS to POTUS. Originally Posted by eccielover
I'm just repeating what she said. This is not something "somehow sinister by Trump." It's Trump getting played.

The three stooges, Giuliani, Parnas and Fruman, misled Trump. They wanted him to fire her because they believed she was a barrier to corrupting Naftogaz, the Ukrainian national oil company.
I'm just repeating what she said. This is not something "somehow sinister by Trump." It's Trump getting played.

The three stooges, Giuliani, Parnas and Fruman, misled Trump. They wanted him to fire her because they believed she was a barrier to corrupting Naftogaz, the Ukrainian national oil company. Originally Posted by Tiny
She was an Obama/Biden carryover, that in and of itself is enough reason for fire her.

And it is entirely the POTUS's decision.
  • Tiny
  • 10-11-2019, 08:00 PM
She was an Obama/Biden carryover, that in and of itself is enough reason for fire her.

And it is entirely the POTUS's decision. Originally Posted by eccielover
One clarification, she was a career employee of the foreign service, not a political appointee.

Of course it was the POTUS's prerogative to fire her. Just as it was his prerogative to send Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine without paying him, so that Giuliani could use the power and influence of the presidency to help his crooked clients, the ones who were paying him. And his prerogative to believe in stupid conspiracy theories. And his prerogative to shoot his mouth off on national television and ask foreign countries for help investigating political opponents.

It's looking more and more like the exercise of his prerogatives will result in Elizabeth Warren becoming our next president. Right now about half of America wants to impeach Trump, even though the economy is humming along, albeit with some pressure from his trade policies. He won't be impeached and removed from office. However this is not a good omen for 2020.
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  • 10-11-2019, 08:12 PM
I'm just repeating what she said. This is not something "somehow sinister by Trump." It's Trump getting played.

The three stooges, Giuliani, Parnas and Fruman, misled Trump. They wanted him to fire her because they believed she was a barrier to corrupting Naftogaz, the Ukrainian national oil company. Originally Posted by Tiny
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm just repeating what she said. This is not something "somehow sinister by Trump." It's Trump getting played.

The three stooges, Giuliani, Parnas and Fruman, misled Trump. They wanted him to fire her because they believed she was a barrier to corrupting Naftogaz, the Ukrainian national oil company. Originally Posted by Tiny

if so, should Trump be impeached for being misled?
Jaxson66's Avatar
.Federal prosecutors investigating Giuliani: report

It’s looking like the fat lying bastard is going to need a new fall guy. Rudy may become Cohens roomie.

Viva La Whistleblowers