Dummy Needs to Go Away

  • Tiny
  • 10-09-2020, 07:40 PM
Anyway, the OP is still waiting on an actual cogent response from the Trump lovers. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
"I would love for you Trump lovers to defend your idiot president with any rational thought more advanced than a 5 year old."

I'm not a Trump lover but I'll take your challenge,

1. What are we going to do for entertainment when he's gone? Trump is hands down the greatest entertainer we've had as president during the history of the republic. How about all those Trumpisms. Remember Edwin Edward's (corrupt governor of Louisiana) famous quote, "The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy." Well Trump one upped him, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" And this was just about true. Who else could be caught on film a few weeks before the election talking about pussy grabbing and fucking anybody he wants to and still win the support of most Evangelicals? And on that subject, most of us here on eccie like to grab pussy and bang married providers. Can you say that about Joe Biden? Hell no. Trump is one of us. He even banged a porn star and a Playboy Playmate. When he was in his 50's. Many of us aspire to that.

2. Trump's foreign policy could be inspired. Look at Kim Jong-Un. Trump was the first American president to talk to the guy. Give him a second term and maybe he'd bring a permanent solution to the Korean peninsula. Same with Russia. If Democrats hadn't been so obsessed with Trump's imaginary collusion with Putin, he might have brought USA/Russian relations back to where they were after Yeltsin came to power. Give him a second term, when he won't have to worry about re-election, and maybe we'd be getting along well with Russia.

3. What's Biden going to do if he's elected? First he'll undo some of the things that Trump did right. The Democrats will raise corporate taxes and start up again with burdensome regulations on businesses. Believe it or not (and you probably won't), this will be bad for the poor and the middle class:


4. You live in Texas. You know people who work in the energy industry. Well, if Biden does what he says he's going to do, some of them are going to lose their jobs real quick when he bans drilling on federal lands. And in the long term, if his proposed policies take and stay in effect, all of them will be axed, as the country reduces net carbon emissions to "0".

5. What happens if Biden dies in office? Who's probably going to be the Democratic candidate in 2024 regardless, if Biden wins? Kamala Harris, that's who. A full fledged creature of the left who sponsored Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's Green New Deal in the Senate. And taking away jobs from people who work in oil and gas is only a small part of the Green New Deal. Forget about cheap air travel. Maybe forget about flying period. Be prepared to suffer through blackouts and brownouts when the sun's not shining and the wind's not blowing. Ocasio Cortez's original draft actually called for eliminating cows, because they fart methane, a greenhouse gas. Not only that, the Green New Deal, which covers many issues unrelated to energy, calls for us to run up huge government debts. We don't have to worry about paying the money back because the principals of Modern Monetary Theory will bail us out. There will be no debt defaults. No hyperinflation, like Zimbabwe and Venezuela experienced. No scrambling to come up with carts full of money to pay off your creditors during the morning because by the afternoon you'll owe 50% more. Yeah, right.

Full disclosure, I won't be voting for Trump. But I won't be voting for Biden either.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Full disclosure, I won't be voting for Trump. But I won't be voting for Biden either. Originally Posted by Tiny
Same here because as much as the little amount of respect I have for Trump, it's pretty much the same amount as I have for Biden. I'd vote for my kid's goldfish before I'd vote for either one of them because at least I wouldn't have to ever listen to it. I'm pretty sure that little shit fish does not have a twitter account and doesn't speak.

If there is one vote for Goldie, it's from me. That's just a heads up and it was not meant for Goldie Hawn. It was for a fish that will be dead in 2-3 months.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't understand people who say ''I don't like either, so I'm not voting''. I get that most people, even registered voters, say that every 4 years. Which means 27% or so of Adults elect the President.

Contrast that with much of the World, where people wait 8-10 hours to vote, or would give ''anything'', if they had a right to vote... The choice is clear between Biden and Trump, surely the choice of one would motivate you enough to vote.

But Americans are jaded.

Funny that Republicans fight like Hell to limit voting, but a majority of Americans gladly sit out the contest.
winn dixie's Avatar
I don't understand people who say ''I don't like either, so I'm not voting''. I get that most people, even registered voters, say that every 4 years. Which means 27% or so of Adults elect the President.

Contrast that with much of the World, where people wait 8-10 hours to vote, or would give ''anything'', if they had a right to vote... The choice is clear between Biden and Trump, surely the choice of one would motivate you enough to vote.

But Americans are jaded.

Funny that Republicans fight like Hell to limit voting, but a majority of Americans gladly sit out the contest. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Wrong. The dims are trying every trick to steal the election! They know they have to stuff the ballot box and throw away Republican votes to win!
Here you go Lucas. A present for you. Post '200 in your thread
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Chung, I just can't in good conscious vote for either one of those old clowns. I would never vote for neither a 74 year old nor a 77 year old to run this country. They should be retired and playing golf and not be in charge of this great nation. To Trump's credit, he pretty much does both.

Jam, I appreciate your support for being #200 when I didn't expect to hit even 50. I assumed I would get at least 25 posts of insults from the Trump lovers and I'd have to come up with another 25 on my own. I have far exceeded my goal. I thank you and others for the support and I hope I have your vote on November 3rd. Why not vote for me? I pay taxes and I've never filed for bankruptcy. I'm already more qualified than Trump for a job I would suck at like he does. At least I'd just be honest about it after I am impeached in a week. I won't even be mad. I'd just laugh at the fuckers who were dumb enough to vote for me.
lustylad's Avatar
I would never vote for neither a 74 year old nor a 77 year old to run this country. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Double negative. That makes it positive, meaning you WOULD vote for one of them. Is this more proof of your 3 Ivy League degrees, Lucy? You can't even say what you mean!

Why not vote for me? I pay taxes and I've never filed for bankruptcy. I'm already more qualified than Trump for a job I would suck at like he does. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Good point. And you're a better liar too. Tell us again about your 3 Ivy League degrees, asshole.
texassapper's Avatar
Funny that Republicans fight like Hell to limit voting, but a majority of Americans gladly sit out the contest. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Why the lie, Tran? Republicans fight to limit FRAUDULENT voting. Democrats want as much as possible because they've already decided that's how they roll. If people had scruples and personal dignity, there wouldn't be any Democrat voters.
sportfisherman's Avatar
1. I don't want entertainment from the president.
2.Trump's purported foreign policy is a joke regarding Russia and North Korea.
3.I don't ascribe to that "trickle down" economic bullshit.Let things trickle up for awhile.
4.Biden will do good and if ever needed Kamala Harris would make a much more credible president than Reality TV Joke Trump.

As to some of these other guys ; All they do is try to disparage The Rifleman and CT.

And for someone who calls Democrats "dimwits" ; The candidate,Trump,who is Down 10 points is the one who is trying to steal the election,stuff the ballot box and throw away Democrat votes.

And any Republican who abides Trump can certainly not have the nerve to talk about "scruples and dignity". That is beyond a fucking joke !!

Don't mess with The Rifleman or CT now.Y'all are just jealous cause they are smart and make some good points that don't jive with your Trump bullshit rap.
1. I don't want entertainment from the president.
2.Trump's purported foreign policy is a joke regarding Russia and North Korea.
3.I don't ascribe to that "trickle down" economic bullshit.Let things trickle up for awhile.
4.Biden will do good and if ever needed Kamala Harris would make a much more credible president than Reality TV Joke Trump.

As to some of these other guys ; All they do is try to disparage The Rifleman and CT.

And for someone who calls Democrats "dimwits" ; The candidate,Trump,who is Down 10 points is the one who is trying to steal the election,stuff the ballot box and throw away Democrat votes.

And any Republican who abides Trump can certainly not have the nerve to talk about "scruples and dignity". That is beyond a fucking joke !!

Don't mess with The Rifleman or CT now.Y'all are just jealous cause they are smart and make some good points that don't jive with your Trump bullshit rap. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
That will earn you a lot of fans from the " the color of the sky is fake tan orange" crowd.

Not that you care of course. Nor should you.

+1 on everything you said.
texassapper's Avatar
1. I don't want entertainment from the president. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Well just because you don't enjoy seeing liberals get taken to the woodshed doesn't mean others don't.

2.Trump's purported foreign policy is a joke regarding Russia and North Korea. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
How so? Specifics please not generic statements blah blah blah.. What has he done that you think is in error?

3.I don't ascribe to that "trickle down" economic bullshit.Let things trickle up for awhile. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
How is that supposed to work? You know the skills that help one run and maintain a business are developed by working to build the capital to start said business. You think if we just give cash to poor people they'll start business with it? lol..

4.Biden will do good and if ever needed Kamala Harris would make a much more credible president than Reality TV Joke Trump. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Wow. I thought the Republicans were the party of Faith. So you believe the above based on what? I mean Biden was in office for 47 years... his greatest accomplishment was the 3 strikes crime bill that Harris is now calling racist. So why do you think he's capable of doing anything? And Kamala..I mean she got into politics on her knees... literally. If Biden needs a blowy I'm sure she'll step in..but otherwise?

As to some of these other guys ; All they do is try to disparage The Rifleman and CT. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Those who espouse ridiculous statements should be judged by them, no?

[QUOTE=sportfisherman;106222745 2]And for someone who calls Democrats "dimwits" ; The candidate,Trump,who is Down 10 points is the one who is trying to steal the election,stuff the ballot box and throw away Democrat votes.[/quotes] Ah still have faith in those polls don't you, kiddo?

And any Republican who abides Trump can certainly not have the nerve to talk about "scruples and dignity". That is beyond a fucking joke !! Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Well explain to me how thats a joke then.. again specifics are nice....

Don't mess with The Rifleman or CT now.Y'all are just jealous cause they are smart and make some good points that don't jive with your Trump bullshit rap. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Look if you guys want to share a warm shower together or something, that's your business. I personally have nothing against either.. how could I? I've never met them... but I don't have to know you personally to think you're wrong. And wrong in such a way that you're closer to delusional than just wrong. If they made a valid argument I'm more than willing to hear it and even change my mind.

But I still haven't seen any reason to vote for the party of Pantifa and BLM.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
As to some of these other guys ; All they do is try to disparage The Rifleman and CT. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
I can't speak for Chung, but I get a kick out of the insults. You can't insult a man who does not take offense to anything on a whore board. I don't even know why some of these people even bother trying with me. As I've said before, if they are clever and make me laugh, I'm just going to like their post... the funny thing is that they can try to dish it out, but a lot of these old pussies hit the RTM button on me when I give it back.
I can kinda speak for both Chung n Lucas. Damn it's fun to fk with the always posting shit ignorant racist clueless rednecks on here. If you don't believe me just watch