Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator didn’t score again!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Thank you for calling attention to an instant classic. If only we had before and after pictures of his keyboard and monitor. The spittle must be incredible.

#175 is a shoe-in for rant/meltdown of the year. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
. . . and once again MasterDickMuncher has to add his Dim-witted two-cents without even reading or acknowledging the OP: which is --

Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator didn’t score again!

Gennifer Flowers: Bill Clinton Contacted Me In 2005, I Told Him To 'Leave Me Alone'

Gennifer Flowers, the model and actress who came forward in 1992 with allegations that she'd engaged in a longterm affair with then-Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton, recently made new claims that Clinton had reached out to her as recently as 2005.

Speaking with Susan Roesgen of New Orleans ABC affiliate WGNO, Flowers claimed that she received a phone call from Clinton at her house in Louisiana.

"He wanted to come by my house and talk to me," Flowers, now 62, told Roesgen. "He said, ‘I’ll put on a hoodie and I’ll jog up there.’ He used to do that."

Flowers said that she denied Clinton's request.

"And I said, ‘No, I want you to leave me alone.’ And that was that,” Flowers recalled. . . .
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-10-2012, 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by Old-T
Well, looks like IB has no desire to take his ranting off to a separate thread with me 1-on-1. Damn you’re stupid, Old-goaT. The OP about Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator is from the Huffington, yet you and your Kool Aid sotted brethren have been trying to deflect the topic since it was first posted. You’re the ones who are ranting and raving in protest! And indeed that is where most the comments about your inane post started: it is a 7 year old news story that only you (and other psycopathic Clinton haters) obses over. Didn't think he would, but I offered. Once again establishing that you are not in charge, Old-goaT.Where did I EVER claim I was in charge? Nope, not me. I'm just a spectator watching you melt down over and over. IBSlagheap, that would be appropriate.

And yes, post #175 is truly one of the most amazing things I have read in quite a while. It's hard to think of a word other than "amazing". Illogical falls far short. Libelous? No, IBH passed that mark a while ago. Hysterically stupid? Yes, that fits but it’s more than that. Your post is simply inane, Old-goaT. You keep trying to change the subject from Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, and when you have your ass handed to you, you go off on a different tangent. Your ramblings and pseudo-psychiatric evaluations mark you as a mental midget who is unable to deal with the subject, so you deflect with your personal attacks. Moron, I didn't start this thread, or the absurity that followed. I just reply to you, because the young folks of the world need someone to point out that your posts are hate filled and make no sense. I am just doing my civic duty.

I think I have to admit Ol’ IB has packed more vitriolic, feebleminded, stupid phrases than I thought anyone could be in a single post. “Feebleminded” aptly describes you, Old-goaT. Such a clever retort! You really do sound like a 2nd grader who is so frustreated that he can't make a coherent argument so he resorts to "That goes double for you!", and "Oh yea?"

What still gives me pause if COG. His views don’t really line up with IBBuffoon’s. I though he was far to literate to actually be snookered in by IB’s transparent “ignore the topic and hurl non sequitors filled with feces humor”. You’re a hypocrite, Old-goaT. You’re the one who has veritably ignored the topic – Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator – since your first post, Old-goaT. Nope. I pointed out (as did many others) that a news article from 2012 about something that happened in 2005 is still a 7 year old item that 99.9% or the world doesn't care about any more. You then went into your typical menlt down mode and took this post into fantasy land. I just followed because I am bored. You are the tour guide IBSlagheap.

Oh well, whatever his reason it’s lowered my opinion of him and other than that it doesn’t impact me one way or the other. Your opinion, Old-goaT, was never worth one red-cent to begin with. If my opinio isn't worth one red cent, then why does it upset you so much????? I’ll just continue to laugh at IB’s posts, laugh at IB, and wonder what blackmail photos IB has on COG. Meanwhile, Old-goat, everyone else will continue to laugh at you for your OTC experiences: “Off-The-Cock” and “On-The-Computer” giggling at your lame-ass posts on a SHMB. Old-goaT, you are so pathetic you don’t even know what to do with a prostitute!!!! You’ve admitted you employ them to read and giggle at your lame-ass posts on a SHMB, Old-goaT!!!! Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, Old-goaT. Keep on believing that. I have no problem with the ladies I spend time with, and they don't seem to either. DEoes that bother you? I assume it does because you only seem to have the company of your keyboard (and that blow-up doll from your old avatar). I am sorry you are so jealous. I'm sure some kind lady might take pitty on you (but then again....)

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

And I want to end this post with a direct quote from the Blithering Melt Down Man himself. What follows below is such a perfect example of the inner workings of IB's "brain" it stands without comment. I could not possibly find anything to follow a masterpiece of insight, literature, and refinement as these words of IB himself (COG, is this the kind of eloquence you are supporting when you look up to IB?)

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup’s spastic sphincter is dribbling-blather, spouting shit and foaming spatter!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup’s spastic sphincter is dribbling-blather, spouting shit and foaming spatter!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup’s spastic sphincter is dribbling-blather, spouting shit and foaming spatter!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup’s spastic sphincter is dribbling-blather, spouting shit and foaming spatter!

Originally Posted by bigtex
Another nonsubstantive, unintelligent post that is so typical of BigKoTex's response to facts.

Originally Posted by bigtex
Another nonsubstantive, unintelligent post that is so typical of BigKoTex's response to facts.

Originally Posted by bigtex
Another nonsubstantive, unintelligent post that is so typical of BigKoTex's response to facts.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-10-2012, 07:31 AM
By the way, to all those (including myself) who thought #175 was a slam dunk for "Most inane post of 2012", take a look at #194. We may have all undersetimated IBSlagheap's inate "tallent".
I B Hankering's Avatar

And indeed that is where most the comments about your inane post started: it is a 7 year old news story that only you (and other psycopathic Clinton haters) obses over. So now you are calling Huffy Post a "obses psycopathic" Clinton hater)?

Where did I EVER claim I was in charge? Nope, not me. I'm just a spectator watching you melt down over and over. IBSlagheap, that would be appropriate. No, despite your insinuations you are not in charge, Old-goaT. Furthermore, you’re not a fucking “spectator”. Buy a dictionary and look that word up, Old-goaT. You'll learn you are an ignorant and spiteful Kool Aid sotted Dim-wit and that you are not a “spectator”, you lying, hypocritical POS.

Moron, I didn't start this thread, or the absurity that followed. I just reply to you, because the young folks of the world need someone to point out that your posts are hate filled and make no sense. I am just doing my civic duty. Bull-fucking-shit, “you just replied”!!! Your venom was evident in your first post and in your every subsequent attack post after that, you lying, hypocritical POS.

Such a clever retort! You really do sound like a 2nd grader who is so frustreated that he can't make a coherent argument so he resorts to "That goes double for you!", and "Oh yea?" Whereas, you spell like a second grader, Old-goaT, and like your spelling, you are repeatedly and ignorantly wrong.

Nope. I pointed out (as did many others) that a news article from 2012 about something that happened in 2005 is still a 7 year old item that 99.9% or the world doesn't care about any more. You then went into your typical menlt down mode and took this post into fantasy land. I just followed because I am bored. You are the tour guide IBSlagheap. The news-worthy event occurred in 2005. The news article was published in 2012: millions of people read it and laughed at individuals like you and the other sotted, Kool Aid sucking Dimwits that still give obeisance to Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator.

If my opinio isn't worth one red cent, then why does it upset you so much????? Upset???? Who is upset??? Consider it a public service to expose you for the lying, hypocritical POS you are, Old-goaT.

Keep on believing that. I have no problem with the ladies I spend time with, and they don't seem to either. DEoes that bother you? I assume it does because you only seem to have the company of your keyboard (and that blow-up doll from your old avatar). I am sorry you are so jealous. I'm sure some kind lady might take pitty on you (but then again....) You’ve already admitted that for you "OTC" means “Off-The-Cock” and "On-The-Computer" giggling at your lame-ass posts on a SHMB. Deflect all you want, Old-goaT, nothing else you post can bring you absolution for outting your own stupid-ass on "OTC". You are so pathetic, Old-goaT, you don’t even know what to do with a prostitute!!!! Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, Old-goaT.

Originally Posted by Old-T
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WOW! Now who can argue with that. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish...
I B Hankering's Avatar
WOW! Assup’s spastic sphincter is dribbling-blather, spouting shit and foaming spatter! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

IB is the pivot man for his weekly circle jerk.He is very popular..
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB is the pivot man for his weekly circle jerk.He is very popular.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
. . . says Ekim the Inbred as he continuously and ignorantly keeps swallowing other's spunk:
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Methinks IBMeltingdown has a macro key for each of us, automatically posting his stock retort whenever someone questions his authoritah!

LMAO@Dipshit of the Year.

Note to self -- start charging BT royalties for the added impressions he's getting from our cartoon. Better yet, let him fuck with IBMeltingdown for a while! LMAO!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Methinks IBMeltingdown has a macro key for each of us, automatically posting his stock retort whenever someone questions his authoritah!

LMAO@Dipshit of the Year.

Note to self -- start charging BT royalties for the added impressions he's getting from our cartoon. Better yet, let him fuck with IBMeltingdown for a while! LMAO! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hey Assup! How's that "ignore button" bullshit working for you, you hypocritical liar? BTW, that's "BKT" (BigKoTex: the “pinkie in the stinky” “anal suppository” ), Assup.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
IB is playing you guys like a cheap violin! It's really funny!
. . . says Ekim the Inbred as he continuously and ignorantly keeps swallowing other's spunk: Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Poor IB living in the past.Still lusting after Bill's spunk.
IB is playing you guys like a cheap violin! It's really funny! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

OMG the crazy old goat is pimping for IB looser again.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-10-2012, 01:38 PM
I have to give IBSlagHeap credit, he is a slow learner....

Originally Posted by Old-T

And indeed that is where most the comments about your inane post started: it is a 7 year old news story that only you (and other psycopathic Clinton haters) obses over. So now you are calling Huffy Post a "obses psycopathic" Clinton hater)?

No, you illiterate moron, I didn't comment on them one way or the other. Only on your mental illness. But truth has never been your strong suit, has it? Since I never mentiond my views on HP, YOU feel free to create whatever imaginary reality you want, and then call me a liar. Well done! Every communist dictator would be proud of such a scheme! You taught them well, Comrad!

Where did I EVER claim I was in charge? Nope, not me. I'm just a spectator watching you melt down over and over. IBSlagheap, that would be appropriate. No, despite your insinuations you are not in charge, Old-goaT. Furthermore, you’re not a fucking “spectator”. Buy a dictionary and look that word up, Old-goaT. You'll learn you are an ignorant and spiteful Kool Aid sotted Dim-wit and that you are not a “spectator”, you lying, hypocritical POS. So nice of you to agree with me!I already said I am not in charge of anything here, and you concur. It really must have killed you to actually agree with me. Yep, I'm just a spectator. I can't possibly compete with your rants, tirades, lies, and meltdowns. In that regard I'm an amature. YOU are the grandmaster of illogic, lies, and hate. I don't challenge you on those.

Moron, I didn't start this thread, or the absurity that followed. I just reply to you, because the young folks of the world need someone to point out that your posts are hate filled and make no sense. I am just doing my civic duty. Bull-fucking-shit, “you just replied”!!! Your venom was evident in your first post and in your every subsequent attack post after that, you lying, hypocritical POS. Hold that thought for a moment (if your goldfish brain actually can).....

Such a clever retort! You really do sound like a 2nd grader who is so frustreated that he can't make a coherent argument so he resorts to "That goes double for you!", and "Oh yea?" Whereas, you spell like a second grader, Old-goaT, and like your spelling, you are repeatedly and ignorantly wrong. Oh yes! Another spelling catch! Good for you IB! That's three or four gold stars you've earned this week! BRAVO!!!!

Nope. I pointed out (as did many others) that a news article from 2012 about something that happened in 2005 is still a 7 year old item that 99.9% or the world doesn't care about any more. You then went into your typical menlt down mode and took this post into fantasy land. I just followed because I am bored. You are the tour guide IBSlagheap. The news-worthy event occurred in 2005. The news article was published in 2012: millions of people read it and laughed at individuals like you and the other sotted, Kool Aid sucking Dimwits that still give obeisance to Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator.

Stupid moron: How many times to we all have to AGREE with you before you bother to read: YES it was posted in 2012, but as you yourself said, it happened SEVEN YEARS AGO, and only sick people like you care any more. We've been through this very simply, but not simply enough for you: Clinton is NO LONGER president. You can't retroactively impeach and remove him. GET OVER IT STUBBORN HATEMONGER!

If my opinio isn't worth one red cent, then why does it upset you so much????? Upset???? Who is upset??? Consider it a public service to expose you for the lying, hypocritical POS you are, Old-goaT.
Sorry, I'm only holding up a miror to your filth. Any hypocracy is all yours SlagHeapBoy!By the way, remember that comment from above, "Bull-fucking-shit, “you just replied”!!! Your venom was evident in your first post and in your every subsequent attack post after that, you lying, hypocritical POS." Yes, that doesn't sound like you're upset or anything, does it? LMAO.

Keep on believing that. I have no problem with the ladies I spend time with, and they don't seem to either. DEoes that bother you? I assume it does because you only seem to have the company of your keyboard (and that blow-up doll from your old avatar). I am sorry you are so jealous. I'm sure some kind lady might take pitty on you (but then again....) You’ve already admitted that for you "OTC" means “Off-The-Cock” and "On-The-Computer" giggling at your lame-ass posts on a SHMB. Deflect all you want, Old-goaT, nothing else you post can bring you absolution for outting your own stupid-ass on "OTC". You are so pathetic, Old-goaT, you don’t even know what to do with a prostitute!!!! Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, Old-goaT.
Somehow if given the choice between a pretty young lady and a blow-up doll, I'm glad I choose the lady--whatever we happen to be doing at the time. Of course I don't begrudge your choice of the doll at all. I bet you even slip it into the XXX theater with you, don't you. I'm sure the two of you draw more than a few strange looks, but it's good to know you support the local small business owners.

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I B Hankering's Avatar
OMG the crazy old goat is pimping for IB looser again. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You're the loser, Ekim the Inbred, and your every post proves it. Further proof is @:

Poor IB living in the past.Still lusting after Bill's spunk. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
. . . says Ekim the Inbred as he continuously and ignorantly keeps swallowing other's spunk: