States to President Obama........We Will Not Take Refugees

lustylad's Avatar
st4488, you'll soon find out that LL offers up no solutions...all he does is bitch about what others have the balls to do. Originally Posted by WTF
Huh? You're babbling about "solutions" and "balls"? Really? Have you completely lost sight of how all of this unfolded over the past 4 years? When it comes to Syria, Odumbo has never had a strategy or a solution. And he has never had "the balls to do" what his own military advisors have suggested all along - such as impose a no-fly zone to protect the refugees so they don't have to flee to the EU or the US in the first place.

And now you have the CHUTZPAH to say Odumbo's critics are the ones with no solutions and no balls??? Give me a fucking break! If that fucking wimp in the Oval Office had addressed the problem 3 years ago instead of wringing his hands and destroying our credibility with imaginary "red lines" we wouldn't be in this goddamn predicament!

Fucking libtard assholes. Fiddle and blame your critics while Rome burns!

How many of the 85k folks from Iraq that were vetted are terrorist? irrational fear. Spread by you...not any different than the fear mongers of gay marriage Originally Posted by WTF
You can call it irrational til you are blue in the face. Saying it doesn't make it so.

The number one predictor of terrorist activity in a country is the proportion of its population that is Muslim. Amnesty International says so. The UN says so, and a mountain of statistics says so. Which makes it mind numbingly stupid for us to go out of our way to import more and more Muslims.

More than 5 years ago, I said in political forums, that European countries, especially Germany, France, and Sweden, were rapidly approaching the tipping point in the ratio of Muslims in their populations to make terrorist attacks in their country a regular occurrence. I gave it 10 years back then. Then along comes the Syrian refugee crisis that sparked a flood of Muslims entering these countries.

For those of us who have been paying close attention for many years, those of us who have studied the history of Islam, and have taken the time to learn about the religion beyond bumper sticker wisdom, what we are seeing right now is no surprise at all. The terror attacks in France were not a surprise, nor an anomaly. They were an inevitability, and you can count on seeing more of them in the future. Pardon me for wanting to prevent what Europe is about to go through from happening here.
LexusLover's Avatar
I said you do not have 9k cash to bring.... Originally Posted by WTF
You did? You mean not only do you know what I'm thinking, but you also know how much money I have in the bank or in a liquid stock account for discretionary spending?

Did you post whether you were bringing 18K with you IN CASH?
Oh and PS. WTF - answer my question.

Where are the women? Would you care to even theorize about why the flood of refugees is so overwhelmingly made up of males? Don't you think that is a question worth exploring?
LexusLover's Avatar
You can call it irrational til you are blue in the face. Saying it doesn't make it so. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
It does to him! And that's how he "wins" .... declares himself the "winner"!!!

He probably not only can't pick out the women and ________ (I hope you don't get dinked for showing pics of _____________(unmentionables)) ... but he CANNOT PICK OUT THOSE WHO ARE "RADICALIZED" and HAVE THE PROPENSITY TO RANDOMLY KILL PEOPLE GATHERED FOR CONCERTS AND SPORTING EVENTS ... NOT TO MENTION EATING OUT ..... ON FRIDAY NIGHT?
its not dog shit in a yard, its people killing innocent people. . . possibly the worst analogy ever attempted.

My point is clearly that we should not have an overreaction and irrational fear of all Syrian refugees, just like we shouldn't have an irrational fear of white Christians. Its rational to want thorough vetting of potential refugees, but to say we must have a 100% guarantee is stupid, these so called leaders should have balls, be honest and say they don't want them hear cause they aint white and cause they aint Christian. In defense of Ted Cruz, he pretty much said that, the plus side is hes honest, the down side is hes a bigot and a hypocrite. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Hey I have an idea.

How about we give exactly as much of a shit about the Syrian refugee crisis as Saudi Arabia does. Or as much as the UAE does. Or Iran. Or Kuwait.

How about we do a 1 for 1 swap. For every refugee any of these countries take in, we take one too.

Arabs love to talk about how it is them against the West. The notion of "Arab citizenship" is a popular one. Yet as usual, in this crisis as in all others, all you see is one Arab turning his back on another. Meanwhile, shaking his fist at the West if the West doesn't move fast enough to help out their poor, downtrodden brother.

I don't even know why I bother with you simpletons. As soon as I referred to Arab citizenship, I went right over your heads.
You can call it irrational til you are blue in the face. Saying it doesn't make it so.

The number one predictor of terrorist activity in a country is the proportion of its population that is Muslim. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
even without their own direct involvement in attacks

its galling still that a seeming majority of muslims praise the attacks and proclaim them justified

perhaps you can put it off to personal fear, which only makes it worse, but in the belgian muslim ghetto of 600,000, a true no go zone based on reports ive heard, people were of the mind that the paris attacks were justified.

a moment of silence to remember the murdered at a turkish/Greece soccer game was met with boos and chants of allah Akbar or whatever the praise allah thing is

time and again, through out the muslim world, when the west is attacked, or some tragedy befalls us, muslims cheer...

so we import them? where do their sympathies lie?
LexusLover's Avatar
Huh? You're babbling about "solutions" and "balls"? Really? Originally Posted by lustylad
I wouldn't distract him too much .... He should be trying to raise 18K.

I'm checking out a place to meet for lunch ... awaiting on an approval.

Hopefully WTF likes FISH! And they have a lovely street side section.
lustylad's Avatar
.... these so called leaders should have balls, be honest and say they don't want them hear cause they aint white and cause they aint Christian. In defense of Ted Cruz, he pretty much said that, the plus side is hes honest, the down side is hes a bigot and a hypocrite. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Ok suckclown, I'll give you two compelling reasons why we should give preference to Christians. The reasons have nothing to do with being a "bigot":

1. The Christians are the ones being raped and slaughtered and driven from their homes by fanatical Muslims, not vice versa.

2. No Christians are bombing airliners out of the skies or shooting up concert halls.

Those are facts, suckclown. Deal with them - if you know how to be honest with yourself. Maybe Ted Cruz can help you with that.

By the way, suckclown, do you think the US should have taken in more Jewish refugees who fled Hitler's gas chambers in WW2 - or would that have been tantamount to imposing a "religious test" on immigrants?

I wouldn't distract him too much .... He should be trying to raise 18K.

I'm checking out a place to meet for lunch ... awaiting on an approval.

Hopefully WTF likes FISH! And they have a lovely street side section. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think WTF hangs in the Montrose area..he wont stray from there
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2015, 03:31 PM
You are in the minority in this country right now on "vetting" .. and additionally Obaminable and his limited number of "supporters" on the issue must comply the Act of 1980 before he slips in some more shit. Let's see what Congress puts on his desk to sign? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You do realize than another option is veto ... funny you bring up the you think these governors have legal standing?
ok suckclown, I'll give you two compelling reasons why we should give preference to Christians. The reasons have nothing to do with being a "bigot":

1. The Christians are the ones being raped and slaughtered by fanatical Muslims, not vice versa.

2. The Christians are not bombing airliners or shooting up concert halls.

Those are facts, suckclown. Deal with them if you know how to be honest with yourself. Maybe Ted Cruz can help you with that.

By the way, suckclown, do you think the US should have taken in more Jewish refugees who fled Hitler's gas chambers in WW2 - or would that have been tantamount to imposing a "religious test" on immigrants?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
another reason would be assimilation and acceptance of our form of government

another is that in our laws we are to take religion into account, for religious persecution is one proof of acceptance of refugee status..the middle east Christians are being actively destroyed, not merely refugees from any fighting..but sought out for religious persecution

given that we will only accept a certain number of refugees, not all will ever get in here, and accepting the administrations statement that it will take up to several years to vet and bring in the immigrants and since there are more than enough Christian refugees

it would seem to me that we should preferably accept those we as a country will have less problems with, and muslim countries should accept the refugees that are muslim...

the same number of people will be accepted ...with far less issues, including long standing welfare issues
LexusLover's Avatar
You do realize than another option is veto ... funny you bring up the you think these governors have legal standing? Originally Posted by WTF
I know governor's have legal standing. State's do as well.

Have you read the Act of 1980?

Oh, wait. I forgot. You're not qualified to do that and understand it!
LexusLover's Avatar
I think WTF hangs in the Montrose area..he wont stray from there. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
He would have to spruce up his passport then, and then he'll have to figure out how to get his 18k through the gauntlet. He'll have a better understanding of "vetting"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2015, 03:42 PM
Hey I have an idea.

How about we give exactly as much of a shit about the Syrian refugee crisis as Saudi Arabia does. Or as much as the UAE does. Or Iran. Or Kuwait.
Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
You are free to move to Saudi Arabia if you like their immigration policy so damn much!

Meanwhile...try to hold LexusLover in your arms...he is scared shitless to take in a concert and dinner!