Hooker Church

I can read latin, there's no need to incorrectly transcribe it for me fuckwit.

I never held myself above anyone else in this thread and actually pointedly wrote that the women here are as guilty as the men...you saw what you wanted to see because simple equality in this arena makes you nervous.

You have a point though, I guess I'm wasting my time here and if I didn't know better I'd think I was some sort of emotional masochist.

I just find it deliciously self-unaware for someone to post this:

...at a bunch of strangers whose real names you don't even know. Do as you say, not as you do? Originally Posted by Centaur
Centaur's Avatar
I guess I'm wasting my time here and if I didn't know better I'd think I was some sort of emotional masochist. Originally Posted by Ms.Mandy
And yet you're still here being a complete asshole. That cross must be getting heavy.

The internet is full of people like you who saunter in, tell everyone off for being ignorant fools, and then act as if you were simply being a paragon of calm reason while you continue to condescend to whoever tries to engage with you, with a side of persecution complex. It doesn't make you seem wise; it makes you seem insecure.

I have no idea if you're a man or a woman and I don't care. I'm quite certain you're acting like a jerk either way. And rest assured, I fully recognized that you look down on everyone here, irrespective of chromosomes.
... there's nothing to win and no need of a counterattack.... Originally Posted by Ms.Mandy
Bob McV's Avatar
Of course humans are motivated by more than two factors, I never claimed otherwise. I simply pointed out the two factors relevant to the discussion.

It's adorable that you are making veiled attempts to counter my very simple point but a bit asshat-ish that you are chopping up my argument into bite sized parts (presumably in the hope that my overarching point will be lost). Your debate style focuses on "winning" when there's nothing to win and no need of a counterattack at every turn. We aren't fencing, calm your bitchtits. You kind of remind of Rand'AlThor(?) in that respect. No substance of your own so forced to pick apart the thoughts of others? Originally Posted by Ms.Mandy
Thank you I am in fact quite adorable. Throngs of approving fans tell me this weekly. I apologize for coming across asshat-ish-ly In my limited experience a plank by plank examination of a statement is the most efficient way to reply. (to the contrary in hopes to define and examine your point(s))

I would say that my "debate style" focuses on being influential but ultimately in hopes that a common understanding or mutual growth can be achieved,. However, if I were in an actual debate, yes I would focus on winning. I would examine, and rebut with the preponderance of information and pull as many drops as I could. However, this exchange is far from that arena.

Again I apologize if my rebuttal to your directed comments is seen as an attack counter or otherwise. In fact it's intent was to try to break down your comments and address then and request more information where my understanding was lacking.

I do not get the reference google tells me this is a character from a fantasy novel series. you'll need to expand and explain if you want me to understand the comparison.

While possibly lacking in substance the previous post was meant more to query for more information than posit an opinion of my own.

If you wish to continue this meta-topic discussion on my debate style, counterattacks and lack of substance I implore you to contact me privately.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-08-2014, 08:53 PM
Whats up with all the angry fake personas all over the board lately? Some of them are entertaining, in a "hey watch the monkeys throw their poop" kind of way. But others seem in about the 80 IQ range and start fights they have no hope of even competing in.

Keeps board boredom from setting in though I suppose.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 10-08-2014, 09:42 PM
It looks like this one has finally run its course...
